Thank you for your interest in joining Nuestros Ranchos.
We are a small but dedicated group of serious researchers. Our group is for persons who are actively searching for their Mexican roots in the region of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes. We expect for all of our members to do their own research and to be willing to share their research with other members. The intention, though never a strict rule is to remain focused on the communities, particularly smaller rural communities or "ranchos", of Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes. If you are a serious researcher or want to be one, this group is for you.
In order to join the group, you must accept and comply with our TWO simple requirements:
- 1) You must send an email confirming that you have done, or are willing to do, your own research. There are people who like to take advantage of others’ hard work, and in turn do not contribute anything. If you feel that you can’t or won’t meet this requirement, then I suggest a multitude of message boards available at Rootsweb.
2) You must submit "a representative" genealogical line in a standard genealogical report (Anhentafel, Pedigree or Register forma at: /instructions) showing your connection to our target area of research so we can add it to the “non-public” area of the group.
Note: your genealogy tree must show the specific area in Jalisco, Zacatecas, and/or Aguascalientes from which your ancestors come. The location is very important and keep it in mind that if you are just beginning your research it is okay to compile your genealogical tree from "oral history." Please DO NOT include individuals that are currently living in your tree!
Read the above group requirements over carefully. If you are willing to comply with these two requirements, you will need to send an email affirming that you will comply with the first requirement and that contains the information detailed in the second requirement. You can send this email to:
Your account will not be activated until you comply with these requirements and will be deleted if you do not comply within 30 days of your registration.
However, if you have any reservations about the requirements to join this group, take some time and think about it carefully. In the meantime, please look at the group’s home page and read the messages which are open to the public.