Wednesday, Dec 24, 2008
Dear Group--
Many years ago when I was an active part of SHHAR in Orange, California, I was given a poster which was about Don Martin Casillas--
Architect/ Alarife of the cathedrals Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico City and Guadalajara. Listed as his some of his descendants were the following seven SHHAR members; Tony Campos and his wife Clarisa Vega, Ramon Godinez, George Herrera, Ophelia Marquez, Mary Lou Montagna, and Lillian Wold.
There were pictures of two cathedrals and various people. In the center was a large picture of Don Martin Casillas. We were told later that the picture was actually that of Miguel de Cervantes, the writer of Don Quixote. Ha-ha-ha, what a laugh we got from that.
Here is more from the poster which was given to me by Lillian RAMOS Wold:
Don Martin CASILLAS was born in Almendralejo, Extremadura, Spain about 1556. He arrived in Puebla de Los Angeles, Nueva Espana around 1578 with the new viceroy, don Lorenzo de Suarez y Mendoza, Count of Coruna. Don Martin was commissioned to work on the construction of the cathedral in Puebla. In 1583, when Viceroy Lorenzo de Suarez y Mendoza died, don Martin Cassillas was sent to work on the Mexico City Cathedral. He took his wife Mencia Gonzalez Cabrera, daughter of Francisco Jimenez and Mencia Gonzalez Cabrera, with him to Mexico City and their two children, Maria and Martin (born respectively 1580 and 1582.) His third Child, Francisco was born in Mexico City in 1584 (an architect like his father.) After approximately two years, he was assigned to the Cathedral at Guadalajara. There were four more children born in Guadalajara; Rodrigo Bernardo, Mariana, Domingo and Ines.
Don Martin Casillas was paid in land to supplement the payment for the work he did on the Cathedral of Guadalajara. There were only two cathedrals that were larger than the one in Guadalajara and they were the one at Puebla and the one in Mexico City. He was buried in Mexico City and years later, his body was exhumed and interned in the family vault in the cathedral of Guadalajara. Years later, his wife and some of his children and grandchildren were also buried in the family vault in the cathedral of Guadalajara.
The best to each and everyone of you from the home of Ramon GODINEZ and Patricia Diane LONGHURST (AKA Patricia Burton) in San Diego, Ca.
--- On Sun, 12/21/08, actapatio2007
> From: actapatio2007
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Pintura
> To:
> Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 10:28 AM
> Que tal yo tengo una copia de la pintura de Martin
> Casillas...
> Si gustan una copia por favor mandemen un mensaje...
> Hello, I have a copy of the painting of Martin Casillas
> If you like one, please send me a message
I have been disappointed so far in my search for Martin Casillas's parents but there is information concerning his relatives. In my research I found that he was said to be related to the viceroy Lorenzo Suarez de Mendoza, through the Suarez de Mendoza line.
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The father of Martín Casillas was :Pedro Casillas, acording to the book , *La Epopeya de la raza extremeña en indias* by Vicente Navarro Del Castillo.
I wrote a book about him and my family tree.
El padre de Martin Casillas Fue: Pedroi Casillas, de acuerdo al libro: La epopeya de la raza extremeña en indias, escrito por Vicente Navarro del Castillo. escribi un libro aserca de el y mi arbol genealogico, soy descendiente directo de el , soy la 12 TH generación.
Ruben Casillas M.
--- El jue 12-feb-09, R.A.Ricci
> De:: R.A.Ricci
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] el alarife Marin Casillas
> A:
> Fecha: jueves, 12 febrero, 2009, 11:50 am
> R.A.Ricci
> I have been disappointed so far in my search for Martin
> Casillas's parents but there is information concerning
> his relatives. In my research I found that he was said to be
> related to the viceroy Lorenzo Suarez de Mendoza, through
> the Suarez de Mendoza line.
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Where can I buy the book? Where can I buy your book also?
I descend from Martin Casillas many times over and so does my wife. My wife is from the casilllas that branched out to san miguel el alto. She is a niece of gregorio casal and mario casillas the actors.
Do you have any other information regarding his ancestry? Was his name pedrio Casillas or was it a typograhical error?
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The name was Pedro. and Im from San Miguel El Alto , and IM related to Gregorio Casals,(I know Lalo very well) the book that I wrote is my family tree back to 1557, i have also have my DNA history.
I have the information of must of the Casillas from San Miguel, and Im writing a second book that includs Gregorio´s information, have brith and marriage certificates back to 1550.and I have pictures of old houses where they lived.
write me , my EMAIL is:
I hope you understand my english,my first lenguage i spanish.
Ruben Casillas M.
--- El jue 12-feb-09, R.A.Ricci
> De:: R.A.Ricci
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Martin Casillas' father
> A:
> Fecha: jueves, 12 febrero, 2009, 3:53 pm
> R.A.Ricci
> Where can I buy the book? Where can I buy your book also?
> I descend from Martin Casillas many times over and so does
> my wife. My wife is from the casilllas that branched out to
> san miguel el alto. She is a niece of gregorio casal and
> mario casillas the actors.
> Do you have any other information regarding his ancestry?
> Was his name pedrio Casillas or was it a typograhical error?
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Then you are related to my wife. Is your book published and if so can I buy it. I have met Lalo but not his brothers. My father in law who recently passed away is his 2nd cousin. I sent Lalo a small family tree through my father in laws sister Lourdes T. G. but I don't know if he ever rec'd it. Just last week I stated working on his tree again. I have a lot (many generations)of his mother's side of the family (both sides had casillas) but just recently started work on his father's side. Were the paternal grandparents Asencion Casillas andJuliana Lozano and the maternal grandparents Tiburcio Lozano and Maria Martin.
My wife descends from camilo del carmen casillas brother to Bacilia Casillas
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Hola Ruben, I think I know Rricci, If his name is Rick, live in Los Angeles County. He is related to my cousins on my father's side. We met a couple of times until my Tia Lola passed away.
----- Original Message -----
From: ruben casillas moreno
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Martin Casillas' father
The name was Pedro. and Im from San Miguel El Alto , and IM related to Gregorio Casals,(I know Lalo very well) the book that I wrote is my family tree back to 1557, i have also have my DNA history.
I have the information of must of the Casillas from San Miguel, and Im writing a second book that includs Gregorio´s information, have brith and marriage certificates back to 1550.and I have pictures of old houses where they lived.
write me , my EMAIL is:
I hope you understand my english,my first lenguage i spanish.
Ruben Casillas M.
--- El jue 12-feb-09, R.A.Ricci
> De:: R.A.Ricci
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Martin Casillas' father
> A:
> Fecha: jueves, 12 febrero, 2009, 3:53 pm
> R.A.Ricci
> Where can I buy the book? Where can I buy your book also?
> I descend from Martin Casillas many times over and so does
> my wife. My wife is from the casilllas that branched out to
> san miguel el alto. She is a niece of gregorio casal and
> mario casillas the actors.
> Do you have any other information regarding his ancestry?
> Was his name pedrio Casillas or was it a typograhical error?
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Diana & Ramon
Merry Christmas
Carlos & Nancy Yturralde
---- patricia burton
> Wednesday, Dec 24, 2008
> Dear Group--
> Many years ago when I was an active part of SHHAR in Orange, California, I was given a poster which was about Don Martin Casillas--
> Architect/ Alarife of the cathedrals Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico City and Guadalajara. Listed as his some of his descendants were the following seven SHHAR members; Tony Campos and his wife Clarisa Vega, Ramon Godinez, George Herrera, Ophelia Marquez, Mary Lou Montagna, and Lillian Wold.
> There were pictures of two cathedrals and various people. In the center was a large picture of Don Martin Casillas. We were told later that the picture was actually that of Miguel de Cervantes, the writer of Don Quixote. Ha-ha-ha, what a laugh we got from that.
> Here is more from the poster which was given to me by Lillian RAMOS Wold:
> Don Martin CASILLAS was born in Almendralejo, Extremadura, Spain about 1556. He arrived in Puebla de Los Angeles, Nueva Espana around 1578 with the new viceroy, don Lorenzo de Suarez y Mendoza, Count of Coruna. Don Martin was commissioned to work on the construction of the cathedral in Puebla. In 1583, when Viceroy Lorenzo de Suarez y Mendoza died, don Martin Cassillas was sent to work on the Mexico City Cathedral. He took his wife Mencia Gonzalez Cabrera, daughter of Francisco Jimenez and Mencia Gonzalez Cabrera, with him to Mexico City and their two children, Maria and Martin (born respectively 1580 and 1582.) His third Child, Francisco was born in Mexico City in 1584 (an architect like his father.) After approximately two years, he was assigned to the Cathedral at Guadalajara. There were four more children born in Guadalajara; Rodrigo Bernardo, Mariana, Domingo and Ines.
> Don Martin Casillas was paid in land to supplement the payment for the work he did on the Cathedral of Guadalajara. There were only two cathedrals that were larger than the one in Guadalajara and they were the one at Puebla and the one in Mexico City. He was buried in Mexico City and years later, his body was exhumed and interned in the family vault in the cathedral of Guadalajara. Years later, his wife and some of his children and grandchildren were also buried in the family vault in the cathedral of Guadalajara.
> The best to each and everyone of you from the home of Ramon GODINEZ and Patricia Diane LONGHURST (AKA Patricia Burton) in San Diego, Ca.
> --- On Sun, 12/21/08, actapatio2007
> > From: actapatio2007
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Pintura
> > To:
> > Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 10:28 AM
> > Que tal yo tengo una copia de la pintura de Martin
> > Casillas...
> >
> > Si gustan una copia por favor mandemen un mensaje...
> >
> > Hello, I have a copy of the painting of Martin Casillas
> > If you like one, please send me a message
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > general(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> >
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el alarife Marin Casillas