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I had found a public family tree under the name De la Garza. I found a Felix Villagrana in this tree. If anyone here thinks they might me connected to these people here, let me know!
Dear Nuestros Ranchos Members,
I just had to share this feel good story with those who would understand.
This morning after coming back from the Gym, I was making breakfast and the phone rang.
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Mode. If someone just clicks "reply" and writes a bit of information and
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I need help. The library where i go to get films will be unavalible for a couple of weeks I think they are remodeling not sure.
Does anyone have Film # 0634015, Baptisms, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, Teocaltiche, Jalisco?
I sent a request to the main FHC in Salt Lake for a copy of the image of the baptism for:
My name is Ken Tejeda - listed in Topic Number 4 below - We are stuck on on Juan Tejeda, who was the father of Toribio Tejeda - see below. We have no clear data or date of birth on Juan Tejeda.
Hi, I had a question...Is it possible for Mexican couples such as in the 1800's, to have gotten married as early as 10 and 13 yrs old? If so, I think I've finally stumbled onto something...
Is it also possible for couples as young as 10-13 yrs old to have given birth to a child as well as gotten married?
What about jose sanchez de mendoza married to maria orosco? Who are their parents? Is jose also a son of juan becerra and ana sanchez de mendoza?
There is this wonderful TV program that features the foremost experts in
Mexican History. Each episode features a panel of experts with the
discussion led by a Moderator.
Hola ,I have a Nicolas Dias and Juana Ysasi parents of Fabiana Dias de Tiscareno(my ancestor and married to Luis Padilla). Is Nicolas Dias a Tiscareno and if so how ?
The Lastname Escatel is Not a very Common Lastname, I Know That this Lastname Is From the town of Chimaltitan, jalisco, I am related to the Quirino Escatel Who Was Married Bonifacia Lujan Lopes...
To: Rick Rodriguez
This is the information that I have, I hope it helps to answer your question about the Gonzalez de Hermosillo and the Gonzalez Rubio.
Hola a todos: Deseo tambien saber si alguien tiene algo de informacion de la familia VITELA del Estado de Zacatecas, especialmente de Jalpa, Miguel Auza ( Mezquital del Oro) o areas cercanas a Jerez.
Amigos del foro, tengo este problema.El papa de mi abuela se caso con una hermana de mi abuelo o sea su cunada, tiene medios hermanos que son a la vez sobrinos de mi abuelo, es algo confuso y no se
Usually all posts from this website are safe and free of Spam, however, as I went to open this attachment from Vicente De San Miguel, it takes you to a drug company selling Cialis and Viagra.
Can anyone help me find an out of print family history book " Arbol Genealogico de la Familia Martin del Campo 1870-1970" by Enrique Martin del Campo Macias published by Compprime Impresiones Laser J.
I want to say thank you to all members here in this website.
That is such a touching story! I have been asked numerous times why I was so interested in genealogy.
Espero que hables espanol. bueno creo que si , me encanto tu historia y como alguien te dijo , tambien a mi me conmovio tu historia .
Hola, Juan Ramon,
pues gracias , yo escribo de Utah , y tu?
Does anyone know what is going on with the Family Search web site, i.e. IGI? It seems that this problem began yesterday evening. Isn't maintenance of this sort normally performed later in the day.
Does anyone have any genealogical information on Leobardo Reynoso Estrada? He was the governor of Zacatecas between 1944-1950.
The Family History library catalog does not list church records for Juchipila, Zacatecas prior to 1814. I'm looking for the record of Ygnacio Ocampo baptized in Moyahua or Contitlan abt.