Regional meetings

I am aware that the Northern California (NorCal) group had a meeting in March, but don't remember seeing a follow-up report - did I miss it? where would I find it?
Are there any other regional meetings being planned this year ... just in case I might be in your area at the same time as a planned meeting - I'd like to join in, if possible. Just trying to plan ahead ; - )

Fw: [Nuestros Ranchos Genealogy of Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Mexico] added comments to your folder

My name is Paula Wakefield and I am searching for maternal ancestors---any help will be appreciated. Thank You
Octaviano Castorena and Refugio Macias are my GGgrandparents. ( Maternal --moms' dads line) I have no info on them other than the following children.

petroglyphs - Joseph

Hi Joseph ,

Glad you liked them and I'm sure the members will like them as well . I will try and get fotos of the petroglyphs , they show a lot of creativity .

> > Sorry it took so long Welester, but I have finally uploaded the pictures > I was suppose to upload back in early May.> > these pictures are fabulous and everyone should see what our ancestors > were up to many many hundreds of years ago:> >> > joseph>

Another Newbie

Being new to this group, I am somewhat hesistant to post anything and, thereby, annoy the membership! However, it doesn't make any sense to join and then sit back and wait...Anyway, I can find no more info on my great-grandparents and thought someone here might have some suggestions on how to find something when the information is so sparse. So, here goes...

Age of Eighteen Hundred brides

I have just uncovered an ancestor who was married prior to her 12th birthday in the early eighteen hundreds. My genealogy software keeps giving a warning on this record. It seems many women were married around 15 or 16 years old during this time. This is the first one that was so young, but I know that it happened in Appalacian Mountains even up to the 1900's. I have not ordered the films yet to check for the accuracy and whether this is the right family, but has anyone else run across marriages where the bride was so young?

Family search

My name is Paula and I am searching maternal grandparents and back two generations. I am looking for --Castorena/Macias-----Hernandez/ Castorena and Hernandez/Guerra.. The records I have ( all from Mormon Family History site ) show these families in Aguacalientes, Zacatecas and Jalisco. Do these names sound familiar to anyone ?

avila, euron, gonzalez, robles, elizondo, padilla

perdon , pero estoy investigando mi arbol genealogico y gran parte de mi familia segun lo que he investigado esta en jalisco y zacatecas pero me atore, si alguien tiene datos que me pudieran ayudar acerca de las siguientes personas se los agradeceria:

Ordorica Surname

Does anyone know this surname, as far as I have seen its not very commen in Aguascalientes but there are A LOT in Jalisco and Michoacan Area. I have never heard the surname de Ordorica before until know. I think My Ordorica line migrated to Aguas in the mid 1740's. Here is my Ordorica line.