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Updated Nuestros Ranchos User Guide

(Espanol sigue abajo)

I have updated the English version of the Nuestros Ranchos User Guide. It is still not complete but I have updated previously written sections which were outdated and written up what I think are some very important features such as using the Films Database and Searching the GEDCOM database. I have also added an appendix which shows three standard genealogy reports: Ahnentafel, Pedigree Chart and Register so that members can have examples of what genealogy reports should look like. Ideally the reports in your genealogy folder should be in one of these formats for easy sharing with other members.

I strongly suggest that any new members download the guide and print it out to have as a guide of what resources are available on the site and how to make the best use of it. I am hoping to get the changes translated soon.


Call for old photos and documents

As part of the remake of the Nuestros Ranchos site that I would like to do over the next few months, I would like to redo the "main image" of the site to include names of places that we cover written in very old documents, i.e. parrish records or wills. I have plenty of scans from my area around Colotlan and Tlaltenango but would like to include some from Los Altos, Aguascalientes and northern Zacatecas. If anybody has any old photos of towns in these areas or scans of documents where the names of towns are written out, can you please email them to me or upload them to the Albums section?

I'm Confused

Hi Bill, I have a Pablo Vasquez on IGI who married Martina Esparsa on 18 Feb 1835 and my 4th grt grandmother should be Matiana Esparsa but then I found a child who I do recall named Petra Vasquez Esparsa on IGI born Feb 1845 in Calvillo.

Thank you !

Hello joseph,

I would like to take this opportunity to say thanx as well to you and to Kitty , Alicia John and Enriquie . Sometimes you forget just how much work is involved in maintaining a smooth operation , kinda like the duck theory , you see the duck on the surface of the lake gliding ever so smoothly but, what you don't see are his feet underneath paddling away .

best sites for reasearch

agustin mota wrote: hello evryone i find myself stuck in my familt reasearch. can somene help? what i need is information for my mota line. i am up to 1862 with agustin mota.next would be vicente mota apr,1840 and francisca herrera husband and wife from totatiche jalisco. i am looking for guidence.the famiy reaseach facility in my area for some reason is closed. thank you for youre support. agustin