Who posted the GEDCOM file for Diego Bergara?
I have Bergara's in my line from around 1754 to 1789....(Maria Olaya Bergara born in 1789 to Salvador Bergara and Maria Salvadora Godoy)....
I have Bergara's in my line from around 1754 to 1789....(Maria Olaya Bergara born in 1789 to Salvador Bergara and Maria Salvadora Godoy)....
For the past 20 years my hobby has been making and designing jewelry in all phases. Recently checking a few web sites such as www.heraldaria.com and www.myhistories.com/searchpage.htm I have been able to locate the coat of arms for many of my friends and my own last name and have personally created rings, pendants, tie tack and cuff links all with the family crest.
If your Ana de Haro died in 1716 she cannot be the same Ana de Haro that I have nor can she be the daughter of Juan de Miramonte since he was born circa 1550 and all of his children appeared marrie by 1629 so your Ana de Haro would have to have been over 100 years old when she died to be Juan de Miramonte's daughter. She is probably a granddaughter or great-granddaughter of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, not their daughter.
Hello Esther, Any help locating inforamtion on Onates or Santelices from Aguascalientes or Zacatecas would be appreciated. Thanks, ABB
I saw this in your gedcom. Please do tell me that we are cousins and
that this person is in your direct line of decendancy? Are you, could
you shall we start celebrating that we as long lost cousins have found
sorry, i'm so new to this, but i was wondering how and where i can order films? i'm a little confused, sorry... any tips on how to start my research? thank you!
I thought some of you California members might be interested in this
Begin forwarded message:
> 4. Notice of DNA Meeting July 29, 2006 at SCGS Library in Burbank,CA
> Posted by: "Doug Miller" djmill@earthlink.net dnadoug
It appears that Enrique Legaspi Frias and Florentino (Tino) Corbera share common ancestry, via Diego Delgadillo married to Petrona de Isla. This is the same line that linked with Maria Cortes, another NuestrosRanchos member. Tino's line continues from Diego and Petrona via their daughter Mariana Delgadilo bapt. 23 March 1655, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Mexico, and married to Francisco Flores de Medrano.
I'm afraid there is no match.... my direct ancestor comes through their daughter Leonarda, who's daughter, Perfecta Castanon who married Severiano Perez who's parent's Victoriano Perez and Felipa Zamora are my direct ancestors. I've tried to find Perfecta's father Pedro Castanon connection to my line of Castanon's but haven't so far... so our kinship makes us kissing cousins I'm afraid..
I have become very frustrated lately, I have spent hours and hours online
searching various web sites in search of some sort of links to my family. with
no luck. about the microfilms can anyone tell me, do you order them through
I want to share some of the letter from Gary Felix at our findings of Haplogroup-N for my Gutierrez ancestor.. Ernie, you're looking for genetic proof of lineage so I thought this was a interesting fact Gary Felix shared, the fact that Moctezuma's lineage shares Haplogroup N3, a offshoot of Haplogroup-N.. just food for thought...
My family is very large, my father is the youngest of 11 siblings. his father was born in zacatecas mexico, his name was benjamin. he had a brother named ramerio. I am researching our family but no one seems to know what my grandfathers, fathers name was.
As I understand the article we are all the children of Moctezuma in the broadest possible interpretation of the term because he has living descendants. Because he is a link in the human chain.
He was descendent from the sole human survivor, as well. It is not necessarily a direct linear descent, but an interconnected relatedness in which every living person on earth shares DNA with each other, and with persons such as Moctezuma, Cortez, the Hapsburgs...
It is hard to find. I located a library in Texas with a copy. but they were not willing to let it out of their state on an inter library loan.
But they were kind enough to copy the ten pages of chapter 58, capitulo 58.
I discovered the El Paso library was set to open this July, but
it's mid-July and nothing yet. Can't seem to contact anyone
either. Will keep you informed.
Connie Dominguez
El Paso, TX, USA
Never heard of them. Who are they?
My Alderete ancestry is very iffy. My paternal lineage that I uploaded traces back through my gggrandmother Silvestra Romo in Coahuila back to Aguascalientes. Through my father's maternal side.
I am researching in Sonora and searching for the elusive TISNADO who
migrated to Sonora from someplace in the seventeenth century.
These websites have been most useful to me and my be of use to someone
Hi Rose,
I am researching in Sonora and searching for the elusive TISNADO who
migrated to Sonora from someplace in the seventeenth century.
Try these websites:
Dear Joseph, I don't know if you recall that I had requested to be removed
from the email list. I have limited access to a computer because of where
I live (in the boonies) so when I can check msgs, the mailbox is loaded.
Perhps, if you transcribe the Inquisiton document in Spanish here, someone could translate it to English.
Regarding Italians in Mexico, I live in Monterey Park. My city, as well as the adjoining cities of San Gabriel, Rosemead, Commerce, East Los Angeles.... were all granted by the King of Spain to an Italian gentleman.
I recieved an e-mail from Gary Felix about my Y-DNA findings of Haplogroup N for my Gutierrez line. I was not correct on the information on the Haplogroup N report for my Gutierrez line. 80% of Chinese are Haplogroup O, a offshoot of Haplogroup N so the odds of our line being Chinese are very slim.. Gary said that the odds are my Gutierrez line are Native American originally from Siberia and Russia by way of China.. They would have immigrated abt 15,000 years ago so any trace's of the Asian features would not really apply to us.. So, I guess we got our slanted eyes from our Indio ancestor's after all... (I kinda liked being Chinese)... oh well, back to the drawing board..
Has anyone heard or seen this book? Has anyone used such publications for genealogical research?
Author: Otte, Enrique
Title: Cartas Privadas de Emigrantes a Indias, 1540-1616
Linda and I have uploaded her genealogy into the searchable GEDCOM database. Her information is also available in her Members' Genealogy folder.
You can view her information by clicking on "GEDCOM" from the main menu and then selecting "Surnames" for a surname listing and selecting her tree "Romero, Linda Ancestors" from the pull down menu labeled "Tree".
Here is the reply I got from my Family History Center manager:
> ps: is that 800 number to the LDS church in SLC available to the
> public? Can I hand it out to the genealogy group i have so they can
I received the following second message from SLC FHC - It still doesn't
explain why this IGI had only the batch number. I continue to agree with
Rose, that while additions or corrections are in the process of being made,