
Much apologies for the delay in forwarding this to the group. Here is
some information sent to me by Susana Leniski. The attachments she is
referring to have been uploaded to the website (Files) -->(Reference

Cristero War/ Mathematics of Maps/ Hispanic Society of America

Listen to some new podcasts that the Nuestra Familia Unida podcast
project has received permission to link to:

http://nuestrafamiliaunida.com/podcast/history.html#cris (Cristero War)
http://nuestrafamiliaunida.com/podcast/misc.html (Maps & Hispanic

Films for Teocaltiche

Joseph and Arturo,

While entering films for Teocaltiche, I made an incomplete entry and in trying to go back to correct it I created a new entry for the same film rather than correcting the original entry. The entry is for Baptisms, Batch # C024197, years 1640-1786. This batch does not have a film # associated with it, don't know if this is because it was a compilation of films or loose pages or other. In any case I wanted to notify you so you would know who created the error. Maybe you can remove the first one I created that was incomplete.

Hispanics and the Congressional Medal of Honor.

We pay our respects to all the fallen heroes. Perhaps the most profound tribute of all was made on the first national memorial observance in May, 1868, by then - General James A. Garfield when he said: "They summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and virtue."

Building Up Our Site

We now have three members who have contributed to the GEDCOM database. We have a few other people who asked for accounts to be set up but have not yet uploaded data.

If there is anybody who would like to put their genealogy data (even if it is just a fraction of what you have) in this searchable database, please let me know and I will be happy to help you get it online. I think that building the database, particularly ancestors from the earlier centuries (those that we might share with other members) would be incredibly helpful for the group.

Viva Aguascalientes

Many thanks to all who have contributed to my project on Chihuahua.

I intend to follow up my study on Chihuahua with one on Aguascalientes along the same broad outlines.

So if you have any books you can part with on Aguascalientes, or old family photos to share, please let me know.

Viva Chihuahua!

I'm writing an English language guide to the genealogy and history of Chihuahua that I think will be of use to everyone tracing their roots to Chihuahua.

I need additional source material. In particular books on Chihuahua's history and genealogy as well as family narratives. There must be several hundred books on the subject, virtualy 99% in Spanish, most out of print, most had small print runs in the first place, many were printed by small concerns in out of the way towns and pueblos.

Fiestas de Mexico

Gracias to all member that responded favorable.
My project has taken me from prehispanic time to the present(1968-71). I have tried to incorporate several short stories "cuentos" and novels that has a "Fiesta" or celebration of somewhere within the drama/dialog. Some have a political overtone, but I feel strongly that the message must continue and that more mexicanos/hispanics/chicanos must be aware. I hope I don't offend or shock anyone. Thanks, Francisco.

Joseph's Gedcom: How To Delete Living Individuals from a Gedcom FTM on Family Tree Maker

Okay I finally got around to stripping the living people out of my
gedcom and uploading it to the Gedcom section of the group: have a look
at it when you have some time.

Here is how I was told by a member of the Family Tree Maker lysis group

compartir trabajo

Estimados miembros de nuestros ranchos:
Recientemente he terminado un trabajo sobre las fiestas mexicanas y la ideosincrasia de los mexicanos. Me gustaria compartir con el grupo y de esta manera tal vez inquietarles a que otros compartieran algo de sus trabajos, memorias, anecdotas, etc... claro si ustedes estan de acuerdo.