Nuestros Ranchos films
Just wondering why there are so many films forsaken by the borrowers and have never been finalized so that we members could access them?
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Just wondering why there are so many films forsaken by the borrowers and have never been finalized so that we members could access them?
Does anyone have the ancestry of Cristobal de Medina?
Buen día a todos,
Estoy buscando la geneologia de la Familia Colores, mi bisabuelo fue Mariano Colores se que residió en Zacatecas Ojo Caliente entre los años 1,900 a 1,910, agradecería mucho su apoyo en aportar información sobre este apellido.
Muchas Gracias!!
I would truly appreciate any help in finding Benito Torres and Felipa Rodarte marriage certificate. Benito Torres (1864) and Felipa Rodarte (1861).
For my fellow genealogists:
Maria de Islas y Sotomayor indicated in her will dated 8 Feb1713 that she and her late husband Agustin Lopez de la Cerda had five children(Felix Juan el mayor, Juan el meno
Wondering if any one has taken a look at this dispensa. It's for Francisco's daughters Maria Jauregui, and Cathalina Chaves. It's very long
Hola Members , I am researching a Maria Fermina Munoz -daughter of Herculano Munoz and Tiburcia Jimenez.
Maria Fermina Munoz born 08 of July 1908 in Aguascalientes ,Aguascalientes .
Estimados miembros de NR,
Investigando mis antepasados Hernandez en Coahuila, el ultimo registro que tengo es el del siguiente matrimonio con fecha del 25/Sep/1818 en Parras, Coahuila:
since i've been in the mod for indexing these lately, i've decided to share some i found that aren't listed on my index blog yet.
Dear friends and members of the Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society,
I have been busy the last few days updating our website.
I am reading in the PARS website about the viaje to Mexico en 1712 by Juan Olivan De Rebolledo. I was interested in this word "Admirante" which then later found out it means "Admiral"
I find a FamilySearch reference to a marriage in 1654 in Aguascalientes. Here is the link:
The line I am researching is documented through Ana Francisca Gabadí (marriage of her daughter Lorensa in 1623 and birth of her son Bernabé in 1618) or Gabay (from her burial record in 1652).
Thanks for the information. Bernardo Ruiz de Esparza, alias Bernardo Salado, was indeed a legitimate son of Lope Ruiz de Esparza. I have lots of documentation to prove that. Attached you will find excerpts of his final will and testament, which reads as follows:
does anyone have any information on Cocolan last name anything will help thanks
My name is Olga Torres Placencia and I live in El Paso, Texas. I have recently taken to look up my descendants in honor of my mother life.
Old photographs year 1864 (during the time Mexican/French War)
Scroll to bottom and you will see a number of old photographs of Zacatecas and Aguascalientes:
Hello, my name is Rayna Babette Allen. My great-grandmother, Pascuala Aceves, was born in Sayula, Jalisco in 1854 and moved to California when she was about 16 years old.
i’ve made an ordenes and capellenias categories.
Hi Katy,
I don't descend from this family, but, from everything I've read, Maria Cid is always described as either a sister or a half-sister.…
I also found this link that has old books of Mexico:
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