Was Leonor Cortez Moctezuma married first with CONQUISTADOR CRISTOBAL DE VALDERRAMA and then with TOLOSA?


I'm tracing the line of Leonor Cortez Moctezuma, the daughter that was never recognized by his mother Isabel Moctezuma. I have found some records about she was married with Juan de Tolosa, but in others mention that she was married first with Cristóbal de Valderrama, infact the line that goes to Petronila de Moctezuma comes from this one.

Juan de Altamirano (his descendants become the counts of Santiago Calimaya) took care of Leonor Cortez.

I'd like to know if this Leonor Cortez married with Cristóbal de Valderrama is the same that later married with Tolosa. You can check this link:


Please don't forget that there was a Leonor Moctezuma (half sister of Isabel).

Does anyone has records about this subject? I mean, records that could prove that the investigation is 100% accurate?

Thank you

From "The Encomederos of New Spain 1521 - 1555" by Robert Himmerich y Valencia p.196:

In 1527 Cortes assigned dona Leonor, dona Isabel's yoouger sister, the perpetual encomienda of Ecatepec [12 miles north of Mexico City; including cabeceras Coatitlan and Acalhuacan, formerly under Tlatclolco, plus 10 or 12 esstancia] as her patrimony. She married Juan Paz in the 1520s and then the poblador Cristobal de Valderrama, after Paz died. Dona Leonor succeeded Valderrama ca. 1537 and transferred the tribute to her daughter, dona Leonor de Valderrama y Moctezuma, who was married to Diego Arias de Sotelo. When Arias was exiled in 1568, the ecomienda went to their son, Don Fernando Sotelo de Moctezuma. In 1593, Fernando transferred a third of the tribute to his youger brother, don Cristobal de Sotelo Valderrama. Don Cristobal's share was reassigned when he died in 1607, and don Fernando's sons soldtheremaining two third shares.

{Gerhard, 266. Schloes and Adams , 27]

From "The Encomederos of New Spain 1521 - 1555" by Robert Himmerich y Valencia p. 195:

Dona Isabel married first Aztec Emperor Cuauhtemoc, first conqueror Alonso Grado [died ca. 1527], poblador Pedro Gallego [died ca. 1531], and Juan Cano. Her inheritance her father included Chapulguacan - also called Macuilsuchil --[125 miles south of Mexico City; nine estancias and 54 lesser settlements], Ocoyoaca [recovered ca. 1540 from Antonio Villagomez, 20 miles southwest of Mexico City],
Tepecxoyuca [28 miles southwest of Mexico City], Cuapanoaya [ near Tepexoyuca, southweest of Mexico City], and Tacuba [50 or more estancias and pueblos in 1593). Tributes were granted in perputity to her heirs. Dona Isabel died ca 1551. Chapulguacan went to Don Pedro Cano, her son Juan Cano. Tacuba was dived between Juan Cano, his sons Pedro and Gonzalo, and dona Isabel's son, don Juan de Andrade [Gallego] Moctezuma by Pedro Gallego. The grants southwest of Mexico Citey were dibided in like manner. Dona Isabel also had a daughter by Cotes, named dona Lenor Cortes Moctezuma who married the metchant Juan de Tolosa.

[Gehard, 184, 186, 247ff. and 271; Schloes and Adams, 29; Liss, 130, Diaz and Castillo, II, 437.]

Juan Cano p, 135:

Cano did not become an encomendero until his 1536 marriage to Isabel Moctezuma [he was her fourth husband]. He was assigned Macuilsuchil [85 miles north of Mexico City, 120 dependecies in 1537]. The pair had four sons and two daughters. Cano renounced his claims to the tribute from this ecomenderia in favor of their son Pedro, in 1560, ten years after dona Isabel died. Pedro was succeed by his daughters in 1570s. Tributes were paid to the Cano family at least until 1631.

[Gerhard, 185 adn 186; Schloes and Adams , 17; Icaza, I, 31; Boyd -Bowman, I , no. 909, 32]

I am in the process of reading, "Conquest Montezuma, Cortés, and the Fall of Old Mexico by Hugh Thomas.

What I have so far is that Leonor Cortes-Moctézuma married Juan de Tolsa/Tolosa and had 1 male child a vicario (priest?) en Zacatecas, a daughter Isabel who married Juan Oñate Gobernador de Nuevo Mexico, another daughter named Leonor who was married to Cristóbal de Zaldívar (Zaldivar's of Nuevo Mexico ).

This book has an Index with sources and 5 Genealogical tables after page 622.

This book says that Isabel had an illegitimate daughter of Cortes, baptised as Doña Leonor Cortes-Moctezuma who was seperated by her mom and taken care of by licenciado Juan Altamirano. This Juan Altamirano was a primo politico (Cousin by marriage) of Cortés. This book also say's that Juan de Tolosa who married Leonor Cortes-Moctezuma was 20 years her senior and he discovered the silver mines in Zacatecas, Mexico.

Maria Elena Gutierrez-Uhlenburg

alfonsogonzalezg wrote:


I'm tracing the line of Leonor Cortez Moctezuma, the daughter that was never recognized by his mother Isabel Moctezuma. I have found some records about she was married with Juan de Tolosa, but in others mention that she was married first with Cristóbal de Valderrama, infact the line that goes to Petronila de Moctezuma comes from this one.

Juan de Altamirano (his descendants become the counts of Santiago Calimaya) took care of Leonor Cortez.

I'd like to know if this Leonor Cortez married with Cristóbal de Valderrama is the same that later married with Tolosa. You can check this link:


Please don't forget that there was a Leonor Moctezuma (half sister of Isabel).

Does anyone has records about this subject? I mean, records that could prove that the investigation is 100% accurate?

Thank you

I've just tried to upload an article about Isabel de Moctezuma's Will. I guess it's very interesting, but it doesn't appear now in the Files Section. Did I do something wrong?

In the article mentions that Juan de Altamirano took care of Leonor Cortez Moctezuma and some other interesting facts.

Alfonso González

You need to put in the Albums area of the group. Put it in the album
called: "Misc. Records and Other"

then after it is uploaded give the group the specific URL for the document


ps: after you upload the document then delete the one you tried to put
in the Files section.

alfonsogonzalezg wrote:

>I've just tried to upload an article about Isabel de Moctezuma's Will. I guess it's very interesting, but it doesn't appear now in the Files Section. Did I do something wrong?
>In the article mentions that Juan de Altamirano took care of Leonor Cortez Moctezuma and some other interesting facts.
>Alfonso González

In the history of Coacalco mentions that Leonor Moctezuma (half sister of Isabel) married with Cristóbal de Valderrama. Then there is a contradiction between the genealogical tree that is accessed by the link I just posted in my first comments.

If we go by the Coacalco information, then Petronila de Moctezuma would be descendant of Leonor Moctezuma, but not from Isabel and Hernán Cortez. Does anyone has a record that could prove one theory or the other one?

You can read the Coacalco info in the following link:

Alfonso González

Hi Alfonso:

You are not alone, I am also confused about Leonor Moctezuma. Here's what I
have found in the book "Moctezuma's Children, Aztec Royalty Under Spanish
Rule, 1520-1700" by Donald E. Chipman.

1. on page 60. Chart shows: Moctezuma II (Xocoyotzin) + Teotlalco. Their
daughter, Isabel Moctezuma married to: Atlixcatzín, Cuitlahuac, Cuauhtemoc,
Alonzo de Grado, Pedro Gallego de Andrade, Juan Cano de Saavedra and
Fernando Cortéz (natural daughter).

2.On page 106. Chart shows: Moctezuma II + Teotlalco. Their daughter
Isabel Moctezuma--Fernando Cortéz (no marriage). Their daughter, Leonor
Cortéz de Moctezuma + Juan de Tolosa. Their offspring: Leonor de Tolosa
Cortéz Moctezuma, Isabel de Tolosa Cortéz Moctezuma, and Juan de Tolosa
Cortéz Moctezuma.

3.On page 77. Chart shows: Moctezuma II + Acatlan. Their daughter
Mariana/Leonor Moctezuma + Juan Paez (1st marriage) and Cristobal de
Valderrama (2nd marriage). Their daughter Leonor de Valderrama y Moctezuma +
Diego Arias Sotelo. Their children: Fernando Sotelo de Moctezuma, Ana Sotelo
de Moctezuma (nun), Cristobal de Sotelo Valderrama married to Juana de
Heredia Patiño. This chart does not show Petronila de Moctezuma.

I hope this information will be of some help.

John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.

----- Original Message -----
From: "alfonsogonzalezg"
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:43 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] See the article about Coacalco

> In the history of Coacalco mentions that Leonor Moctezuma (half sister of
> Isabel) married with Cristóbal de Valderrama. Then there is a
> contradiction between the genealogical tree that is accessed by the link I
> just posted in my first comments.
> If we go by the Coacalco information, then Petronila de Moctezuma would be
> descendant of Leonor Moctezuma, but not from Isabel and Hernán Cortez.
> Does anyone has a record that could prove one theory or the other one?

Hi John González and María Cortez,

Thank you for the information. I guess it would be very interesting to discover the truth about the Moctezuma line in Jalisco and Zacatecas (Nochistlán).

I got interested in this matter because a cousin says that when he was younger (he is much older than me), he asked my grandmother about her ancestry and she gave him some data. But he says that she also mentioned to him that in her ancestors was an Indian Princess and a Count and they were from Aguascalientes. I really don't know if my cousin just was kidding me. My grandmother never mentioned anything to his kids about. Her ancestors were from Teocaltiche, Jalostotitlán, Encarnación de Díaz and San Miguel el Alto basically. So I'm interested in investigation if it's true or not. I've found in the www.familysearch.org website two records of people with the Gabay last name in Teocaltiche. It would be interesting to prove with films (records) if what the books tell us is correct.

Alfonso González

In reply to by alfonsogonzalezg (not verified)

alfonsogonzalezg wrote:

>So I'm interested in investigation if it's true or not. I've found in the www.familysearch.org website two records of people with the Gabay last name in Teocaltiche. It would be interesting to prove with films (records) if what the books tell us is correct.
Alfonso this is a great attitude to have. There is a lot of speculation
about the authenticity of claiming descendancy from Moctezuma. . .I'm
glad you are willing to consider both sides and only accept the claims
based on the solid facts that can be reproduced by good genealogical
research. When you see the evidence in the records themselves then its
time to celebrate with your whole heart. You are to be commended for
such an attitude.


ps: it might take more than just researching the information that can be
easily found on LDS films


Alfonso esto es una gran actitud a tener. Hay mucho especulación sobre
la autenticidad del descendancy que demanda de Moctezuma.. estoy Alegre
usted está dispuesto a considerar ambos lados y a aceptar solamente las
demandas basadas en los hechos sólidos que se pueden reproducir por la
buena investigación genealógica. Cuando usted ve la evidencia en los
expedientes ellos mismos entonces su hora de celebrar con su corazón
entero. Usted debe ser elogiado para tal actitud.


picosegundo: puede ser que tome más que apenas investigar la información
que se puede encontrar fácilmente en los microfilmes de LDS

>Alfonso González