What would you change about the Nuestros Ranchos Website? Que cambiaria del sitio Nuestros Ranchos?

As I start planning the makeover of the Nuestros Ranchos website, I am hoping that in addition to updating some of the code and the aesthetics of the site, we will be able to improve the functionality of the site. If there is something particular that you would like improved upon, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that the change will be made but we will endeavor to take into account any and all suggestions.

Como estamos planificando una reconstruccion del sitio Nuestros Ranchos, espero que ademas de actualizar el codigo y la estetica del sitio, podamos mejorar el funcionamiento del sitio. Si hay algo en particular que cree que podriamos mejorar, por favor diganos. No podemos garantizar que hagamos el cambio que sugiere pero intentaremos tomar en cuenta todas las sugerencias que recibamos.

I'd like for our site to be unavailable to the public on the internet
except at our site. I don't want just ANYBODY looking at my private
information.:( This might be selfish of me but there are some very
scary people out there AND some very dishonest ones as well. Marge:)

On Feb 12, 2007, at 6:13 PM, arturoramos wrote:

> As I start planning the makeover of the Nuestros Ranchos website, I am
> hoping that in addition to updating some of the code and the
> aesthetics of the site, we will be able to improve the functionality
> of the site. If there is something particular that you would like
> improved upon, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that the
> change will be made but we will endeavor to take into account any and
> all suggestions.
> Como estamos planificando una reconstruccion del sitio Nuestros
> Ranchos, espero que ademas de actualizar el codigo y la estetica del
> sitio, podamos mejorar el funcionamiento del sitio. Si hay algo en
> particular que cree que podriamos mejorar, por favor diganos. No
> podemos garantizar que hagamos el cambio que sugiere pero intentaremos
> tomar en cuenta todas las sugerencias que recibamos.

the only thing to my knowledge that is public are the message archives.
Thus my regular reminders not to post anything private: phone numbers,
addresses or genealogies.

the folders and members email addresses are not available to the public
unless they are included "inside" an email in the public archives.

Arturo. . .can you chime in on this and tell me if i mis-stated anything.



Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)

M. Vallazza wrote:
> I'd like for our site to be unavailable to the public on the internet
> except at our site. I don't want just ANYBODY looking at my private
> information.:( This might be selfish of me but there are some very
> scary people out there AND some very dishonest ones as well. Marge:)
> On Feb 12, 2007, at 6:13 PM, arturoramos wrote:
>> As I start planning the makeover of the Nuestros Ranchos website, I am
>> hoping that in addition to updating some of the code and the
>> aesthetics of the site, we will be able to improve the functionality
>> of the site. If there is something particular that you would like
>> improved upon, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that the
>> change will be made but we will endeavor to take into account any and
>> all suggestions.
>> Como estamos planificando una reconstruccion del sitio Nuestros
>> Ranchos, espero que ademas de actualizar el codigo y la estetica del
>> sitio, podamos mejorar el funcionamiento del sitio. Si hay algo en
>> particular que cree que podriamos mejorar, por favor diganos. No
>> podemos garantizar que hagamos el cambio que sugiere pero intentaremos
>> tomar en cuenta todas las sugerencias que recibamos.


Joseph is correct about only the emails/forum postings being available to the public. Any of the photos that you put in the albums and certainly all of your genealogy information in your folder as well as all of your profile information is only available to registered members.

Google and other search engines do include our site because their "robots" scan the internet and index pages. Because our site has so much new content every day, it makes it pretty high up on the search results. However, those Google robots can only access the site the same as anybody else who is not an approve member, i.e. only the email/forum postings, the links and the Maps folder in the Albums section.

Marge, all of your private information is safe... as long as you don't put it out on an email... thus everyone should heed Joseph's warning and not put any phone numbers, birthdates, addresses, etc. in emails to the lists or in postings. If you need to communicate such information to another member, please do it privately through their contact form.

I would like to know the best/easiest way to search for another member who might be searching for the same surnames or places that I am searching - i.e., a cross-referenced surname list/place-name list. I haven't been able to figure out how to do it on the Nuestros Ranchos site (it was easy on the Yahoo site). I am sure I am over-looking some simple means to do so, but I just haven't been able to figure it out. Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

PS - stay off the icy sidewalks in DC (the local FHC in Annandale had to close early today - Tues. 02/13 - because of the impending snow/ice storm).


I am at home and am not going out tonight anymore... tomorrow will be another story with the ice...

As far as finding other members who are researching the same surname or in the same location, you can do this through the search function.

1. Click on the search button (leave search field blank)

2. Click on the user tab when the search page comes up.

3a. Type in the surname or place name in the search field and click search...


3b. Click on the "Advanced search" option and enter the surname or place name in the appropriate field. You can also use this feature to search for people by the state or country where they are located, by their username, etc.