For Felipe and anyone else researching the very tangled web of the much intermarried MICHEL family, here are two more children of Don Pio MICHEL Avila and his wife doña Gabriela:
Rafael MICHEL born about 1855, I haven't found his baptism.
From #655614, Marriage Information, Autlan:
Rafael MICHEL, hijo legitimo de Don Pio MICHEL y Da. Gabriela BECERRA,
con Da. Josefa GONZALEZ, hl de Don Vicente GONZALEZ y Da. Juana MICHEL, ella difunta. In the IGI marriage for Rafael her name is written CONZALEZ.
Also - Maria MICHEL, born about 1861.
From #211994, Civil Marriages, Autlan, 14 May 1876
Zacarias SANTOS, no indigena, 18, soltero, labrador de Ahuacapan; hl de Jose SANTOS y Mauricia VIDRIO, ya finados. Con Da. María MICHEL, no indígena, 15, soltera, hl de Don Pio MICHEL y Gabriela BECERRA que viven.
TESTIGOS: Leocadio RAMIREZ, 39, talabartero [saddler or harness maker]
Ascención RUELAS, 25, zapatero
Porfirio MICHEL, 28, propietario
Felix LISOLA, 35, Jornalero
In 1873 Don Pio MICHEL's occupation was labrador. He was a witness to the second marriage of his cousin Ramon Mariano MICHEL Corona, 70, to Da. Leandra LOPEZ Gutierres, 71. Ramon Mariano's first wife was Da. Jesus ARIAS.
Hope this helps.
Gloria Delgado
Of course it helps ¡¡
I am realizing that genealogical research is both a piece-meal and a team
venture. Little by little...
Muchas Gracias ¡¡
Felipe Michel Olmo
>From: Gloria
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] MICHEL: Pio MICHEL, more information
>Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:07:25 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>For Felipe and anyone else researching the very tangled web of the much
>intermarried MICHEL family, here are two more children of Don Pio MICHEL
>Avila and his wife doña Gabriela:
>Rafael MICHEL born about 1855, I haven't found his baptism.
>From #655614, Marriage Information, Autlan:
>Rafael MICHEL, hijo legitimo de Don Pio MICHEL y Da. Gabriela BECERRA,
>con Da. Josefa GONZALEZ, hl de Don Vicente GONZALEZ y Da. Juana MICHEL,
>ella difunta. In the IGI marriage for Rafael her name is written CONZALEZ.
>Also - Maria MICHEL, born about 1861.
>From #211994, Civil Marriages, Autlan, 14 May 1876
>Zacarias SANTOS, no indigena, 18, soltero, labrador de Ahuacapan; hl de
>Jose SANTOS y Mauricia VIDRIO, ya finados. Con Da. MarÃa MICHEL, no
>indÃgena, 15, soltera, hl de Don Pio MICHEL y Gabriela BECERRA que viven.
>TESTIGOS: Leocadio RAMIREZ, 39, talabartero [saddler or harness maker]
>Ascención RUELAS, 25, zapatero
>Porfirio MICHEL, 28, propietario
>Felix LISOLA, 35, Jornalero
>In 1873 Don Pio MICHEL's occupation was labrador. He was a witness to the
>second marriage of his cousin Ramon Mariano MICHEL Corona, 70, to Da.
>Leandra LOPEZ Gutierres, 71. Ramon Mariano's first wife was Da. Jesus
>Hope this helps.
>Gloria Delgado
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First grado of consanguinidad are brothers/sisters.
Second " " " " first cousins.
Third " " " " second cousins.
In Mexico, we don't have any of the "second cousin twice removed" stuff. In the matrix below, if you start off with the premise that Manuel is uncle to Martha and Ruben is uncle to Amelia, the same generational process continues. Amelia is aunt to David and Martha is aunt to Carlos. Amelia cannot cross down to David or Alex and call them cousins. They are diluted forms of nephews.
Manuel brothers Ruben
Amelia 1st cousins Martha
Carlos 2nd cousins David
Ruben 3rd cousins Alex
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Sylvia Corona
> I always have trouble figuring out the relationship when there is a
> marriage "consanguinidad"
> how do you figure out the "grados de consanguinidad"
> how do you interpret "Civil VI, Canon 3" por instance
> also: in English we have the terms "second cousin once removed" in Spanish
> we refer in popular terms as relationship like "sobrino o tio"
> Can some one help me to understand all of these, I been doing genealogy for
> a long time and here is where I get stuck
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MICHEL: Pio MICHEL, more information