Searching mg banns

I learned the following when consulting with a volunteer at my local FHC and am posting it in the hopes that it may be of use to others. If the Catholic marriage was of two people of different parishes, the banns would need to be posted in each church where each was then living. The banns wouldn't necessarily indicate in which church the marriage took place, and, of course, it could be in a parish where neither actually resided, but it was most likely in the woman's. The banns do indicate the parished involved. While this means ordering of even more films, maybe by hunting through both mg records and mg information records I can find some elusive marriages that are not in the IGI and not where the kids are born. I also learned that, if uncontested, the mg usually took place 3 weeks after the last bann.

this may explain why sometimes I find the same record in tepa and jalos
If I find a record in tepa I always still look for it in jalos just in case they posted at both cities. I do this because Jalostotitlan would almost always include the grandparents and that is not always so in tepatitlan records. the trick is that when they have been posted somewhere else first the second posting is sometimes at the end of the other film and not where you would normally look.


From: on behalf of RaquelRuiz
Sent: Wed 3/18/2009 7:23 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Searching mg banns

I learned the following when consulting with a volunteer at my local FHC and am posting it in the hopes that it may be of use to others. If the Catholic marriage was of two people of different parishes, the banns would need to be posted in each church where each was then living. The banns wouldn't necessarily indicate in which church the marriage took place, and, of course, it could be in a parish where neither actually resided, but it was most likely in the woman's. The banns do indicate the parished involved. While this means ordering of even more films, maybe by hunting through both mg records and mg information records I can find some elusive marriages that are not in the IGI and not where the kids are born. I also learned that, if uncontested, the mg usually took place 3 weeks after the last bann.