The next step for Nuestros Ranchos - El próximo paso para Nuestros Ranchos

Joseph Puentes and I had dinner tonight with and he presented me with a large number of letters from Nuestros Ranchos members expressing their gratitude for my work on the site, many of which included monetary contributions. I am extremely moved and grateful at members' generosity and throughtfulness. I discussed with Joseph that I could not accept the money, but that I would be willing to take the money and use it as the seed money to incorporate Nuestros Ranchos as a nonprofit so as to take it to the next level.

I have been on the Boards of a number of nonprofits and understand the work involved, but I think this group has been blessed with many volunteers and as long as we continue to have such involvement and keep our goals modest, we will inevitably succeed.

Please let me know if you would like to take part in this process. I am thinking it would be best to incorporate in Texas or California where we have the largest membership as having a resident in the state of incorporation is a requirement.…


Joseph Puentes y yo cenamos junto esta noche y al fin de la cena me presentó un gran número de cartas de miembros de Nuestros Ranchos expresando su agradecimiento por mi trabajo en el sitio, y muchas de las cartas incluían aportaciones dinerarias. Estoy muy conmovido y agradecido a los miembros por su generosidad y consideración. Le dije a Joseph que no podía aceptar el dinero, pero que yo estaría dispuesto a tomar el dinero y utilizarlo como el capital inicial para incorporar Nuestros Ranchos como una organización sin fines de lucro a fin de llevar a la orgnización al próximo nivel.

He sido parte de las mesas directivas de un número de organizaciones sin fines de lucro y entiendo el trabajo que supone mi propuesta, pero creo que este grupo ha sido bendecido con muchos voluntarios y mientras sigamos teniendo esa participación y mantengamos nuestros objetivos modestos, inevitablemente tendremos éxito.

Por favor, hágamelo saber si le gustaría tomar parte en este proceso. Pienso que lo mejor sería incorporar en Texas o California, donde tenemos los números más grandes de miembros ya que un requisito es tener un agente residente en el estado de incorporación.…


The primary benefit of incorporating as a 501(c)(3) would be the ability of the group to take donations and have those donations be tax deductible. I have often thought it would be great to be able to sponsor members (or others researching our area of interest) in a variety of different ways, such as:
1. Financial assistance in publishing genealogical research
2. Sponsorships of speakers at genealogical conferences
3. Scholarships for members to attend genealogical conferences

Also, Joseph has been bearing the financial cost of hosting this website out of his own pocket for some time now. I think we should have it be self-sustaining and that is one of the reasons for the addition of ads to the site. They will hopefully cover those costs. As a corporation, Nuestros Ranchos as a corporation will be able to maintain its own finances. These are just my thoughts but I would be open to any other suggestions members might have.

As far as help, we are going to need:

1. A volunteer or two in Texas or California willing to put their name down as the corporate agent... basically to receive official communication from the Secretary of State on the incorporation process.
2. Volunteers to serve on a Board, consisting of at least three people, though I think five is more of an ideal number.
3. Draft bylaws, which can be fairly generic, but we will have to draft a statement of purpose that will pass muster in terms of having the Internal Revenue Service give us tax exempt status.

Joseph and Arturo,
If the group decides to incorporate, I would be willing to assist with the documentation as my contribution for all the benefit I have received by being a member.
Eloise Reyes

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 8:20 am
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Incorporating: Benefits and Help Needed

The primary benefit of incorporating as a 501(c)(3) would be the ability of the group to take donations and have those donations be tax deductible. I have often thought it would be great to be able to sponsor members (or others researching our area of interest) in a variety of different ways, such as:?
?1. Financial assistance in publishing genealogical research?
?2. Sponsorships of speakers at genealogical conferences?
?3. Scholarships for members to attend genealogical conferences?
Also, Joseph has been bearing the financial cost of hosting this website out of his own pocket for some time now. I think we should have it be self-sustaining and that is one of the reasons for the addition of ads to the site. They will hopefully cover those costs. As a corporation, Nuestros Ranchos as a corporation will be able to maintain its own finances. These are just my thoughts but I would be open to any other suggestions members might have.?
As far as help, we are going to need:?
1. A volunteer or two in Texas or California willing to put their name down as the corporate agent... basically to receive official communication from the Secretary of State on the incorporation process.?
2. Volunteers to serve on a Board, consisting of at least three people, though I think five is more of an ideal number.?
3. Draft bylaws, which can be fairly generic, but we will have to draft a statement of purpose that will pass muster in terms of having the Internal Revenue Service give us tax exempt status.?

Para todos los compañeros.

Una sugerencia, habemos muchos que no hablamos el ingles, para nosotros porque no traducen al español su mensaje o comentario como ya lo hacen varios compañeros, asi todos participamos y nos enteramos de lo que aqui se comenta.

Saludos corfiales

Antonio Santillan

> To:;
> Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 14:37:14 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Incorporating: Benefits and Help Needed
> Joseph and Arturo,
> If the group decides to incorporate, I would be willing to assist with the documentation as my contribution for all the benefit I have received by being a member.
> Eloise Reyes
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 8:20 am
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Incorporating: Benefits and Help Needed
> Raquel:?
> ?
> The primary benefit of incorporating as a 501(c)(3) would be the ability of the group to take donations and have those donations be tax deductible. I have often thought it would be great to be able to sponsor members (or others researching our area of interest) in a variety of different ways, such as:?
> ?1. Financial assistance in publishing genealogical research?
> ?2. Sponsorships of speakers at genealogical conferences?
> ?3. Scholarships for members to attend genealogical conferences?
> ?
> Also, Joseph has been bearing the financial cost of hosting this website out of his own pocket for some time now. I think we should have it be self-sustaining and that is one of the reasons for the addition of ads to the site. They will hopefully cover those costs. As a corporation, Nuestros Ranchos as a corporation will be able to maintain its own finances. These are just my thoughts but I would be open to any other suggestions members might have.?
> ?
> As far as help, we are going to need:?
> ?
> 1. A volunteer or two in Texas or California willing to put their name down as the corporate agent... basically to receive official communication from the Secretary of State on the incorporation process.?
> 2. Volunteers to serve on a Board, consisting of at least three people, though I think five is more of an ideal number.?
> 3. Draft bylaws, which can be fairly generic, but we will have to draft a statement of purpose that will pass muster in terms of having the Internal Revenue Service give us tax exempt status.?