In the 1803 census for Paso del Norte, Chihuahua, I found the abbreviations listed below used in that census.
Port Orchard, WA
Abbreviations used:
C.C. = Confession and Communion
C.C.C. = Confession, Communion, Confirmation
Casdo = Casado/Married
Va. = Viuda/Widow
Va C. C. = Widow who has completed both Confession and Communion
P. = Parvulo/child
S/Soltro = Soltero/bachelor - single, Soltera/maiden - single
id. = ditto (surname)
Esclava/Esclavo = slave
Where abbreviations have been used for names, they have been spelled out, e.g. Anto = Antonio; Franco = Francisco, etc.
Claudia Reynoso
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Muchas gracias, Emilie.