I found 3 baptismal/christening records on microfilm. I know enough Spanish to figure out the dates and the names of the child, parents & grandparents... but I don't know what the rest of it says. Is there someone who would be willing to translate for me?
I put the 3 records (4 files since 1 record spans 2 pages) in a folder (the only one). I don't know how to tell you where to look to see them.
Thanks for all your help,
This is where the files are located. (thanks Joseph)
- Evelyn
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Here is a transcription of María Gutiérrez Calvillo's baptismal record:
Viscayno En la Yglesia parroquial de Union de San Antonio, a trece
María de Noviembre de mil novecientos tres, el Presbítero D. Fr.
Rafael Hernández, cura coadjutor de esta parroquia, bau-
cé solemnemente poniendo el Santo Oleo y Sagrado Cris-
m. ma, a una niña nacida en el Viscaino el día diez del
corriente a las diez de la noche, a la que puse por nombre
MARIA, hija legítima de Lorenzo Gutiérrez y Emilia
Calvillo. Abuelos paternos: Benedicto Gutiérrez y Felícitas Hur-
tado. Abuelos maternos: Ygnacio Calvillo y Felipa Gutiérrez.
Padrinos: los abuelos maternos; a quienes advertí su obligación
Sr. Cura y parentesco espiritual. Para que conste firmé
F. Rafael Hernández
Freelance Translation:
At the parochial church of Union de San Antonio on 13 November 1903, the priest Fr. Rafael Hernandez, assistant priest of this parish, solemnly baptized placing Holy Oil and the Sacred Chrism, a girl born in Viscaino on the tenth of this month at 10:00 pm, whom I named MARIA, legitimate daughter of Lorenzo Gutierrez and Emilia Calvillo. Paternal grandparents: Benedicto Gutierrez and Felicitas Hurtado. Maternal grandparents: Ygnacio Calvillo and Felipa Gutierrez. Godparents: the maternal grandparents, whom I advised of their obligation and spiritual cognation. Signed as evidence [signature] Fr. Rafael Hernandez
Sorry I don't have time to transcribe the other two.
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