BANUELOS Family Tree

Thanks to Salvador Cabral Valdes and his friend and source Leonardo de la Torre y Berumen, I've been able to extend/update my BANUELOS Family Tree 2 more generations further back! You can view it in my FILE under

Leon, Joseph de (Jerez, Zacatecas, Huejucar, Jalisco)

Gracias a Salvador Cabral Valdes y a su amigo que dio la informacion Leonardo de la Torre y Berumen, he podido extender mi Arbo BANUELOS 2 generaciones mas para atras. Pueden ver el arbol en mi FILE

Leon, Joseph de (Jerez, Zacatecas, Huejucar, Jalisco)

PETRA BAÑUELOS POSADAS, de quien es hija? nace 30 abril 1792 en Guadalcazar SLP.
se casa 26 de junio 1816,en Guadalcazar, con: JOSE EDUARDO ELIZALDE GARCIA.

Out of curiousity have you come across the name Juana Banuelos B:(abt)1840 D:(abt)1890 in your research . She is the great grandmother of my father . Her parents were Simon Banuelos B:(abt)1810 and Agapita Garcia B:(1810). Another name in talk was a woman named Seferina Banuelos . Appreciate your time .

Not in my Banuelos. You should ask Erlinda Castenon-Long because she is an authority on the Banuelos lineage. Good luck!

Jose Carlos de Leon

what part of Mexico are your Banuelos family from?  Who was Juana Banuelos married to?
What is your name so I can look up your information, yanksfan doesn't help find you..
Hope I can be of help to you.. and me..
Linda in Marietta

From: ""
Sent: Sun, January 24, 2010 6:50:41 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Juana Banuelos

Out of curiousity have you come across the name Juana Banuelos B:(abt)1840 D:(abt)1890 in your research . She is the great garndmother of my father . Her parents were Simon Banuelos B:(abt)1810 and Agapita Garcia B:(1810). Another name in talk was a woman named Seferina Banuelos . Appreciate your time . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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this is the civil registration link for Magdalena, Jalisco…

and this is the church link…

the civil registry is where I found Juana and Ceferina/Zeferina and their parents.

Erlinda Castanon-Long

this family can be found in the civil records in Magdalena, Jalisco

Event Type Death Registration
Name Zeferina Bañuelos Garcia
Sex Female
Age 65
Event Date 10 Jul 1906
Event Place Magdalena, Jalisco, México
Death Place Magdalena, México
Birth Year (Estimated) 1841
Father's Name Simón Bañuelos
Mother's Name Agapita Garcia
Page 15

Son dos apellidos diferentes,
BAÑUELOS JUAN, de la jurisdicción del Monte de Escobedo, hijo legítimo de Dionisio Bañuelos y de Catalina de Lamas, difuntos. Casado por el Bachiller don Bartolomé Cervantes Negrete en Jimulco el 15 de noviembre de 1716 y velado el día 16 con Inés Muñoz, española, vecina de la jurisdicción de Jerez, hija legítima de Marcos Muñoz, difunto y de doña María de Olague. Padrinos: Juan de Miranda y Luisa Carrillo. Testigos: el Bachiller don Juan Antonio Rangel Presbítero, Clemente de Acula y Juan de Olague. Fojas: 69 vuelta –70.


Gracias, Señor. Esta información me ayuda mucho.


Edward Serros

p.s. Juan Bañuelos murió Sept 20, 1765 en Mezquitic, Jalisco (Mormons, Defunciones Mezquitic, Jalisco, 1712-1770 - VAULT INTL Film 1222504 Item 5)

Re: <>

My last known Banuelos ancestor is Juan Banuelos, who was married to Maria Ignez Muñoz. Both date back to the late 1600's and early 1700's. According to your data, Juan's father was Dionisio Banuelos, whose name comes up repeatedly in my review of the church records from Mezquitic (Mesquitic) Jalisco. I suspect these are the same people. In reviewing the data from Mezquitic, it is clear that the Banuelos families had a huge number of offspring, so it is no wonder that there are a largne number of people who may be related to the Banuelos mentioned above.

I do have a couple of questions however. Can you give me further data on your information? That is, can you tell me where to look that would verify what Mr. Valdes and Mr. de la Torre have told you about Dionisio Banuelos, the last known Banuelos? I am familiar with Mr. de la Torre as a genealogist but would like a primary source, rather than a secondary oral one.

The second question, if not the more interesting one, is one relates to the wife of Dionisio Banuelos, i.e. Catalina de Lamas. Is the latter person's apellido Lamas or Llamas. In reviewing the above mentioned Salvador Cabral Valdes has made mention of the Llamas, not Lamas, of Jerez Zacatecas, see…. Again, are the Lamas the same as the Llamas?

I am not trying to be difficult but only trying to obtain more information and verify old.

Thank you,

Ed Serros

Jose Carlos de Leon

15 Nov 1716
Notes: BAÑUELOS LAMAS JUAN, de la jurisdicción del Monte de Escobedo, hijo legítimo de Dionisio Bañuelos y de Catalina de Lamas, difuntos. Casado por el Bachiller don Bartolomé Cervantes Negrete en Jimulco el 15 de noviembre de 1716 y velado el día 16 con Inés Muñoz, española, vecina de la jurisdicción de Jerez, hija legítima de Marcos Muñoz, difunto y de doña María de Olague. Padrinos: Juan de Miranda y Luisa Carrillo. Testigos: el Bachiller don Juan Antonio Rangel Presbítero, Clemente de Acula y Juan de Olague. Fojas: 69 vuelta –70.

Jose Carlos de Leon
These are all my ancestors regarding Banuelos Family Tree Thanks to Salvador Cabral Valdes

, español, originario y vecino de la jurisdicción de Jerez, hijo legítimo de José Román, difunto y de Josefa Cid. Casado en el puesto de Jimulco el 15 de noviembre de 1716 y velado el día 16 con Juana María Muñoz, española, originaria y vecina de la jurisdicción de Jerez, hija legítima de Marcos Muñoz, difunto y de Doña María de Olague. Padrinos: Juan de Miranda y Luisa Carrillo. Testigos: el Bachiller don Juan Antonio Rangel, José Román y Juan de Olague. Foja: 69 vuelta.

MUÑOZ OLAGUE LUIS, hijo legítimo de Marcos Muñoz y de María de Olague. Casado y velado por el Bachiller don José Osorio Melgarejo en Jerez el 28 de febrero de 1718 con Teresa Román, hija legítima de José Román, difunto y de Josefa Cid. Todos españoles, originarios y vecinos de la jurisdicción de Jerez. Padrinos: Clemente de Acuña e Isabel Cid. Testigos: Juan de la Torre Muñoz y Juan Valdés. Fojas: 86.

CARRILLO RODARTE español, originario de Jimulco, jurisdicción de Jerez, hijo legítimo de Juan Dionicio Carrillo y de Francisca Rodarte. Casado y velado por el Bachiller don José Barragán en Jerez el 23 de enero de 1742 con Juana de los Santos Muñoz, española, originaria del puesto de Jimulco, jurisdicción de la villa de Jerez, hija natural de Marcos Muñoz. Padrinos: Alejandro Román y María Román. Testigos: José Castro y Mateo Arteaga. Foja: 138.

MUÑOZ Domingo, español, soltero, de 21 años de edad, originario de la jurisdicción de Jerez, e hijo legítimo de Marcos Muñoz, ya difunto y de María de Olague, residente en la jurisdicción de Jerez. No firmó. Pretende contraer matrimonio eclesiástico en Jerez con Brígida de Miranda, española, doncella, de 18 años de edad, originaria de la jurisdicción de Jerez, hija legítima del Capitán Juan de Miranda y de Luisa Carrillo, residentes en la jurisdicción de Jerez. No firmó. Testigos: 1.- Gregorio Cordero, español, de 44 años de edad, vecino de la villa de Jerez. Firmó. 2.- Nicolás Carrillo, español, de 30 años de edad, originario de la villa de Jerez. No firmó. 3.- Mateo de Arteaga, español, de 40 años de edad, vecino ha 21 años en la jurisdicción de Jerez. Firmó. Información matrimonial. Jerez, Zac. 8 de enero de 1713. Fojas: 16 – 18 vuelta.

MUÑOZ Marcos , español, de 22 años de edad, originario del Real del Fresnillo y vecino de la ciudad de Zacatecas, hijo legítimo de Francisco Muñoz, español, difunto y de María de Molina, española, viuda. Firmó. Pretende contraer matrimonio en la ciudad de Zacatecas con María de Olague, vecina de Jerez[2]. Información matrimonial. Zacatecas, Zac. 23 de diciembre de 1688.

hola, quienes son los últimos ancestros que tienes investigados, porque estoy trabajando en la zona, no me pude meter en tu file..saludos Leticia Reynoso

> To:
> From:
> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 05:19:07 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] BANUELOS Family Tree
> Thanks to Salvador Cabral Valdes and his friend and source Leonardo de la Torre y Berumen, I've been able to extend/update my BANUELOS Family Tree 2 more generations further back! You can view it in my FILE under
> Leon, Joseph de (Jerez, Zacatecas, Huejucar, Jalisco)
> Gracias a Salvador Cabral Valdes y a su amigo que dio la informacion Leonardo de la Torre y Berumen, he podido extender mi Arbo BANUELOS 2 generaciones mas para atras. Pueden ver el arbol en mi FILE
> Leon, Joseph de (Jerez, Zacatecas, Huejucar, Jalisco)

Jacinto DionisioBanuelos y Maria Bartola Cipriana de la Torre son mis 4th great grandparents

Outline Descendant Report for Dionisio Banuelos
..... 1 Dionisio Banuelos (1675 - 1716) b: Abt. 1675, d: Bef. 1716
..... + Catalina de Lamas (1675 - 1716) b: Abt. 1675, d: Bef. 1716
........... 2 Juan Banuelos (1696 - 1766) b: Abt. 1696, d: Bef. 1766
........... + Inez Munoz (1696 - ) b: Abt. 1696, m: 15 Nov 1716 in Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas, Mexico
................. 3 Jacinto Dionisio Banuelos (1741 - ) b: 1741 in Muertos, Zacatecas, Mexico
................. + Ma. Bartola Cipriana De La Torre (1746 - ) b: 04 Oct 1746 in Muertos, Zacatecas, Mexico,
m: 26 Sep 1766 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico
....................... 4 Jose Antonio Banuelos (1781 - ) b: Abt. 1781 in Maybe Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico
....................... + Ma. Antonia Sanchez (1782 - ) b: Abt. 1782 in Possibly Jerez Zacatecas
....................... 4 Felipe Banuelos (1784 - ) b: Abt. 1784
....................... 4 Jose Matias Banuelos (1774 - ) b: Abt. 1774
....................... + Maria Estefana Sanchez (1774 - ) b: Abt. 1774
....................... 4 Rafael Banuelos (1780 - ) b: Abt. 1780
....................... + Ma. Ignacia Felis (1780 - ) b: Abt. 1780
....................... 4 Ma. Figenia Martina Banuelos (1779 - ) b: Dec 1779 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas, Mexico

Outline Descendant Report for Francisco Muñoz
..... 1 Francisco Muñoz (1640 - 1688) b: Abt. 1640, d: Bef. 1688
..... + María de Molina (1640 - ) b: Abt. 1640
........... 2 Marcos Munoz (1666 - 1716) b: 1666, d: Bef. 1716
........... + María Josefa de Olague (1668 - ) b: Abt. 1668, m: 23 Dec 1688 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas,
Zacatecas, Mexico
................. 3 Inez Munoz (1696 - ) b: Abt. 1696
................. + Juan Banuelos (1696 - 1766) b: Abt. 1696, m: 15 Nov 1716 in Monte Escobedo,
Zacatecas, Mexico, d: Bef. 1766
....................... 4 Jacinto Dionisio Banuelos (1741 - ) b: 1741 in Muertos, Zacatecas, Mexico
....................... + Ma. Bartola Cipriana De La Torre (1746 - ) b: 04 Oct 1746 in Muertos, Zacatecas,
Mexico, m: 26 Sep 1766 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico
............................. 5 Jose Antonio Banuelos (1781 - ) b: Abt. 1781 in Maybe Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico
............................. + Ma. Antonia Sanchez (1782 - ) b: Abt. 1782 in Possibly Jerez Zacatecas
............................. 5 Felipe Banuelos (1784 - ) b: Abt. 1784
............................. 5 Jose Matias Banuelos (1774 - ) b: Abt. 1774
............................. + Maria Estefana Sanchez (1774 - ) b: Abt. 1774
............................. 5 Rafael Banuelos (1780 - ) b: Abt. 1780
............................. + Ma. Ignacia Felis (1780 - ) b: Abt. 1780
............................. 5 Ma. Figenia Martina Banuelos (1779 - ) b: Dec 1779 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas,
................. 3 Luis Munoz (1698 - ) b: Abt. 1698
................. + Teresa Román (1698 - ) b: Abt. 1698, m: 28 Feb 1718 in Jerez Zacatecas Mexico
................. 3 Domingo Munoz (1691 - ) b: 1691
................. + Brígida de Miranda (1693 - ) b: 1693, m: 08 Jan 1713 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas,
Zacatecas, Mexico
................. 3 Juana Maria Munoz (1696 - ) b: Abt. 1696
................. + Cristóbal Román (1696 - ) b: Abt. 1696, m: 15 Nov 1716 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas,
Zacatecas, Mexico
................. 3 Juana de los Santos Muñoz (1710 - ) b: Abt. 1710
................. + Carrillo m: 23 Jan 1742 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jose Carlos de Leon

Join me

> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 11:59:44 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] BANUELOS Family Tree
> hola, quienes son los últimos ancestros que tienes investigados, porque estoy trabajando en la zona, no me pude meter en tu file..saludos Leticia Reynoso

Victor M Gomez
Preguntarte si Felipe Bañuelos es es mismo que caso en segundas nupcias con Maria Ygnacia de los Santos Gonzalez Camargo, viuda de Manuel Ledesma.

That's all the info I have the Felipe Banuelos I have in my Tree.
Perhaps you could be more precise with the DATES and LOCALITIES of the Felipe Banuelos in your own Tree so that we can all benefit from your info?

> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 23:12:51 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] BANUELOS Family Tree

Victor Gomez



It has been awhile since I followed up on this Banuelos line. Given the previous discussions, there appears to be quite a number of Banuelos descendants from the Jerez/Monte Escobedo/Rio Atoloque who are on this board. The last major discussion was this link

I believe I might have been able to extend the Banuelos tree described in the link above back to Diego Temino de Banuelos and Baltasar Temino de Banuelos. See my Banuelos_092019 pdf in my genealogy files. I believe the first three generations are fairly solid and the subsequent generations starting with Dionicio Banuelos and Catalina de Lamas are solid, as discussed in the above link. The major question is whether the DIego Banuelos and Maria Benavides y Delgado line is correct. It is literally the missing link.

I put this out not as Gospel but simply as a source of discussion/debate. I am hesitant to unequivocally state this Banuelos line (which is my line too) goes back to Baltasar de Banuelos, one of the four founders of Zacatecas. However, you can also review a limpieza de sangre document in my genealogy files which comments on don Juan Banuelos and Dona Ygnes Munoz line, "que estos descendian de los conquistadores de la Ciudad Real Y minas de Zacatecas."

I am asking for help/comments. I know there are Benavides on the is board. My major hesitation is that the missing link suggested above may be another cousin or similar relative. It seems that many Banuelos generations loved the first name Dionicio and Diego.

I have a few links I saved from years back. I did not see Diego Banuelos in the "Outline Descendant Report for Dionisio Banuelos" from one of the original posts. Some of the links below show Diego Banuelos' parents as Dionisio Banuelos and Catalina Llamas. Diego Banuelos Defuncion clearly states "quintas nupcias" which has him married five times. It was very challenging to research this line given the many Banuelos' last name. Anyway, I attached the marriage links I believe to belong to Diego Banuelos. If you read the marriage record, some give clues of the previous marriage which helps.………………

Hope these links shed some light.
Ruben R

actually dionisio had two sons named diego, with one of them being a son of catalina lamas and another who is a son of a woman named ana de la cruz. the son of ana de la cruz is the one who married 5 times, the other only married 3 times at the most

I descend from Diego de Banuelos and Maria de Benavides y Delgado through their daughter Maria (cc. Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos) and I THINK their son Pedro (cc. Bartola Flores - an illegitimate child of one of the Hernan Flores de la Torres)

I've spent a lot of time with the Teul baptism film and I can say that Diego and Maria's daughter Leonor (cc. Miguel de Rivera) calls herself "Banuelos y de los Reyes" a lot.

It looks to me like Diego Banuelos may have remarried to an Isabel Gonzalez/Delgado after Maria Benavides' death. I don't have all my links in front of me, but they start having children in the early 1660s - a little too young to be Diego Banuelos y Benavides (Diego and Maria's son b. 1648 I believe)

Diego and Isabel have a son Antonio who marries in Tlatlenango in 1686

There was also a Baltazar Banuelos who married Josefa Beruman in Tlaltenango 1685. He says he's from the City of Zacatecas and the natural son of a Diego Banuelos, deceased, and an Isabel de Salazar

The interesting thing about this Baltazar is that he later calls himself Baltazar Onate y Banuelos…

I have seen a couple of trees that have these two Diegos as the same person and a son of Diego Temino de Banuelos and Catalina de Onate y Rivadeneira. But if Diego Banuelos and Maria Benavides are the parents of Dionicio and Leonor Banuelos then Diego being a son of Dionicio Banuelos and Leonor del Castillo makes more sense.

I found another child of theirs.
My 9th great grandmother is María Bañuelos Benavides bap. 11/11/1652 in Teul.

She married Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos bal. 9/20/1643 in Tlaltenango, son of Tomasina de Haro cc Juan Sánchez Castellano.

With all the Diego’s and Bañuelos, Sadly i cannot find proof of who the parents of Diego Bañuelos cc María Benavides are. I think Dionisio makes sense but there are a few possibilities.

I'm thinking leonicio banuelos and leonor reyes are seperate people/couple than dionisio banuelos/leonor castillo. the main reason why i believe this is because diego was born in 1630's which makes the latter couple too old to be his parents. i'm thinking leonciio/dionisio who married leonor reyes is either a son of nephew of the one who married leonor castillo

Hi Andrea,
I have in my tree Barthola Flores de la Torre and Pedro Bañuelos too, according to their marriage dispense she was the daughter of an indigenous woman named Maria Magdalena and of Hernan Flores de la Torre... I cannot find any other document to confirm which Hernan Flores de la Torre is... or who are her grandparents... I think she was from Mezquituta but I have not been able to find any information ...
Do you have any information regarding this or idea where I could find it?

Thank you!