Matrimonio de Rafael Muñoz y Maria de Jesus Muñoz

Alguien sabe sobre los padres de estos 2 personas, casaron aproximadamente 1780 en jalos o san miguel, agredeceria si alguien sabe algo de ellos mil gracias

Es posible que tu maria de jesus se tambien nombraba como ana maria munoz?
Yo tengo a un rafael munoz padilla casado con ana maria munoz gutierrez en 1801 en Jalos.
------Original Message------
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Matrimonio de Rafael Muñoz y Maria de Jesus Muñoz
Sent: Mar 22, 2010 1:56 PM

Alguien sabe sobre los padres de estos 2 personas, casaron aproximadamente 1780 en jalos o san miguel, agredeceria si alguien sabe algo de ellos mil gracias


Yo tambien tengo a Rafael Munoz Padilla casado con Ana Maria Munoz Gutierrez
en 1801 en Jalos

Por casualidad tienes los nombres de los hijos - yo nomas tengo a Trinidad
casado con Maria Pabla Marquez Munoz en San Miguel el Alto en 1833 - no he
encontrado fecha de nacimiento. Segun el partido de matrimonio el tenia 28
anos al casarse.


I also have Rafael Munoz Padilla married to Ana Maria Munoz Gutierrez in
1801 in Jalos. By any chance do you have the names of their children? All I
have is my direct ancestor Trinidad who married Maria Pabla Marquez Munoz in
San Miguel el Alto in 1833. I have not been able to find a birth date -
according to the marriage record he was 28 at the time of the marriage but
have not been able to find a baptismal record that matches.


This is close but it might not be him. Depending on when Trinidad was
married, the individual below might have been 29 but not 28.
Esto esta cerca pero puede que no sea el. Dependiendo de cuando se caso
Trinidad, el individuo abajo pudo aver tenido 29 pero no 28 años.
Jose Bernardo De La Trinidad Munoz
Munoz 750, 550, 'yes', 'yes');>
[image: Four Stars] 28 August 1803
San Miguel El Alto,Jalisco,Mexico

Rafael Munos
Ana Maria Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0279423, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0279423, Batch number: J603292, Serial number: 01264, Place: San
Miguel El Alto, Jal County, Mexico, Time period: 1794-1805, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH
*Below are possible siblings: Abajo son posibles hermanos/hermanas:*
Jose Quirino Munos
Munos 750, 550, 'yes', 'yes');>
[image: Four Stars] 11 January 1802
San Miguel El Alto,Jalisco,Mexico

Rafael Munos
Ana Maria Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0279423, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0279423, Batch number: J603292, Serial number: 01020, Place: San
Miguel El Alto, Jal County, Mexico, Time period: 1794-1805, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Jose Franco. Munos
Munos 750, 550, 'yes', 'yes');>
[image: Five Stars] 10 November 1806
San Juan De Los Lagos,Jalisco,Mexico

Rafael Munos
Maria Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0220650, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0220650, Batch number: C603389, Serial number: 02807, Place: San
Juan De Los Lagos, Jal County, Mexico, Time period: 1801-1809, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Guadalupe Munos
Munos 750, 550, 'yes', 'yes');>
[image: Four Stars] 6 May 1811
San Juan De Los Lagos,Jalisco,Mexico

Rafael Munos
Ana Maria Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0220651, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0220651, Batch number: C603391, Serial number: 00967, Place: San
Juan De Los Lagos, Jal County, Mexico, Time period: 1809-1816, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

This is a possible marriage of another of their children: Este es un
posible matrimonio de otro de sus hijos:
Visente Munos 750, 550, 'yes', 'yes');>
[image: Four Stars]
San Juan
Rosalia Gomes

Rafael Munos
Ana Maria Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0279304, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0279304, Batch number: M603234, Serial number: 00438, Place: Nuestra
Senora De La Asuncion, Jalostotitlan, Jal County, Mexico, Time period:
1850-1861, Contributor: EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Good Luck, Buena Suerte!

Saludos desde Lago Salado, (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Eduardo H Seoane


Thank you - I had seen the Jose Bernardo De La Trinidad Munoz record and had
dismissed it but .... you are right there is a slim chance that it is him.
Also, thanks for the listing on the possible siblings - looks like I'll be
ordering some records :)


Here is another possible sibling: Aqui hay otro posible hermana/hermano
Jose Maria Francisca Munos Munos
[image: Two Stars] 17 October 1805
San Juan De Los Lagos,Jalisco,Mexico

Rafael Munos
Ana Munos
Source type: Other, Media type: Microfilm, Repository name: Family History
Library, Repository address: 35 N West Temple Street, Repository city: Salt
Lake City, Repository state: UT, Repository country: USA, Repository postal
code: 84150, Call number: 0220650, Event date: , Sheet number: 00, Reference
number: 0220650, Batch number: C603389, Serial number: 02380, Place: San
Juan De Los Lagos, Jal County, Mexico, Time period: 1801-1809, Contributor:
EXTRACTION, Contributor of repository: FCH

Saludos desde Lago Salado, (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Eduardo H Seoane

Solo se que tenian a lo menos dos hijos Juan Francisco Munoz de Nava y Nepomucena Munoz de Nava. No se cuando se casaronRafael Munoz de Nava y Maria de Jesus Munoz de Nava,

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> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 13:56:11 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Matrimonio de Rafael Muñoz y Maria de Jesus Muñoz
> Alguien sabe sobre los padres de estos 2 personas, casaron aproximadamente 1780 en jalos o san miguel, agredeceria si alguien sabe algo de ellos mil gracias