Dear Group,
While researching my father's side---
Josse de Jesus Esteban Garza Cantu 01/04/1798, his parents were named as: Josse Francisco Garza Falcon y Tixerina, and the mother as: Ana Maria Cantu Rio y Serda y Almandos.
I don't know how to decipher who are the grandparents, etc.
This is the longest name I've come across and any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much, Alice
Hi Alice,
In this issue of Somos Primos they have an article named "The Descendents of Don Pedro de Almandos" where they show:
ANA-MARIA CANTU-DEL-RIO-Y-DE-LA-CERDA, b. 25 Feb 1772, Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
.. as the daughter of JOSEPH-JOAQUIN CANTU-DEL-RIO-Y-DE-LA-CERDA and MARIA-MANUELA DE ALMANDOZ, so her name would match the one you found.
You can use this information as a good template and try to confirm all the connections with actual documents.
I would take these long surnames found in so many genealogies with a grain of salt. Certainly in Mexico we use two surnames instead of one (the first surname of the father and the first surname of the mother, in that order), however it seems to me that was not always the case, especially in Northeastern Mexico. After reading hundreds of documents, I realized that most people in NE Mexico only used ONE surname throughout their life, unlike people in central Mexico were it was more common to use the second surname as well. I guess the use of TWO surnames in the whole country became standardized during the 20th century when they started to ask for both surnames when filling information in official documents.
Also many people had multiple-word-surnames (de la Garza Falcon; Gonzalez Hermosillo; Rodriguez de Montemayor) but their descendants would only use a short version (Garza, Gonzalez, Rodriguez).
Unfortunately, while compiling the names of our Mexican ancestors, a lot of us give them two surnames as in our current custom without having any document showing whether they actually used both of them. And if their parents had multiple-word-surnames we end up with names with 3-4 surnames, which the person may had never actually used.
However, the second surname is very useful in genealogy to distinguish between persons since you can have several individuals in one family with the same name and first surname (children, cousins, uncles). I would suggest to write down the second surname between [brackets] unless you find documents showing that the persons indeed used the second surnames during their life.
Victoriano Navarro
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Hello Victoriano,
Good to hear from you! Thank you for the information. You're right; the multiple surname is both a blessing and causes confusion at the same time. FYI: The entry does read "Juaquin Cantu del Rio y la Zerda" and on another he's simply Joaquin Cantu. You never know!
Thanks again for all your help. Alice
--- On Fri, 10/22/10,
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] loooooong surnames
Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 1:47 AM
Hi Alice,
In this issue of Somos Primos they have an article named "The Descendents of Don Pedro de Almandos" where they show: ANA-MARIA CANTU-DEL-RIO-Y-DE-LA-CERDA, b. 25 Feb 1772, Nuestra Sra de Guadalupe, Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
.. as the daughter of JOSEPH-JOAQUIN CANTU-DEL-RIO-Y-DE-LA-CERDA and MARIA-MANUELA DE ALMANDOZ, so her name would match the one you found.
You can use this information as a good template and try to confirm all the connections with actual documents.
I would take these long surnames found in so many genealogies with a grain of salt. Certainly in Mexico we use two surnames instead of one (the first surname of the father and the first surname of the mother, in that order), however it seems to me that was not always the case, especially in Northeastern Mexico. After reading hundreds of documents, I realized that most people in NE Mexico only used ONE surname throughout their life, unlike people in central Mexico were it was more common to use the second surname as well. I guess the use of TWO surnames in the whole country became standardized during the 20th century when they started to ask for both surnames when filling information in official documents. Also many people had multiple-word-surnames (de la Garza Falcon; Gonzalez Hermosillo; Rodriguez de Montemayor) but their descendants would only use a short version (Garza, Gonzalez, Rodriguez). Unfortunately, while compiling the names of our Mexican
ancestors, a lot of us give them two surnames as in our current custom without having any document showing whether they actually used both of them. And if their parents had multiple-word-surnames we end up with names with 3-4 surnames, which the person may had never actually used. However, the second surname is very useful in genealogy to distinguish between persons since you can have several individuals in one family with the same name and first surname (children, cousins, uncles). I would suggest to write down the second surname between [brackets] unless you find documents showing that the persons indeed used the second surnames during their life.
Victoriano Navarro
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The surnames you mentioned are more commonly found in Coahuila (Saltillo)-Nuevo Leon (Monterrey) region. My database includes those surnames for that region, although not those individuals. You may want to visit Raul Longoria's very impressive database for that region at:
In addition, you may want to visit the following link:…
the su rnames Garza Falcon y Tixerina, and Cantu Rio y Serda y Almandos appear linked in the same time line as yours.
Good luck
Jaime Alvarado
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Thanks so much. I happily accept your suggestions. Alice
--- On Mon, 6/14/10, Jaime R. Alvarado
From: Jaime R. Alvarado
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Apellidos help!
Date: Monday, June 14, 2010, 9:50 PM
The surnames you mentioned are more commonly found in Coahuila (Saltillo)-Nuevo Leon (Monterrey) region. My database includes those surnames for that region, although not those individuals. You may want to visit Raul Longoria's very impressive database for that region at:
In addition, you may want to visit the following link:…
the su rnames Garza Falcon y Tixerina, and Cantu Rio y Serda y Almandos appear linked in the same time line as yours.
Good luck
Jaime Alvarado
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Hola, a todos.
Necesito encontrar a una persona que llego procedente de estados unidos a mexico , pero entro por barco a Veracruz en 1920 mas o menos.
alguien sabe como encontrar informacion de barcos que desembarcaron en el puerto de veracruz en ese tiempo?
o alguien sabe como puedo encontrar listas de personas que entraron a estados Unidos procedentes de Mexico y que lo hicieron en barco ?
Bueno ojala alguien me pueda ayudar.
Martha Gomez
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Hola Martha si existe un registro que describe, solo he visto europeos en ese registro
pero quizas hay algun manera de localizar. Como debe saber, Verazruz era un puerto
principal de Mexico, este registro se qncuentra en el Archivo General de la Nacion,
en la Ciudad de Mexico, tambien se puede buscar online en el sitio del AGN, te enviare
el enlace para hacer busqueda. Tambien si me envies la informacion que buscas podia
ayudarte en una manera u otra.
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 04:56:04 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] HELP!
> Hola, a todos.
> Necesito encontrar a una persona que llego procedente de estados unidos a mexico , pero entro por barco a Veracruz en 1920 mas o menos.
> alguien sabe como encontrar informacion de barcos que desembarcaron en el puerto de veracruz en ese tiempo?
> o alguien sabe como puedo encontrar listas de personas que entraron a estados Unidos procedentes de Mexico y que lo hicieron en barco ?
> Bueno ojala alguien me pueda ayudar.
> Martha Gomez
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hola, Daniel,
Muchisimas gracias , mira estoy buscando a una senora que se llamaba Emilia Gonzalez Soto. es hija de Jose Gonzalez Soto el nacio en espana en 1878 pero estuvo en mexico en la ciudad de puebla y en el distrito federal . el llego a Mexico en 1890 mas o menos parece que hizo una fortuna muy importante en mexico y tambien que tubo entro otros a una hija que se llama como te mencione antes parece que nacio en Mexico d.f. entre 1908 y 1912 pero no encuentro su acta por ningun lado ni en puebla ni en Mexico. intente buscarla en el censo de 1930 ( proque como sabes podemos ver todas las imagenes del censo por la computadora ) pero el problema es que el papa la mando a estudiar a Boston y tambien estuvo en Canada y luego se caso en 1939 en puebla . pero necesito encontrar informacion de ella porque quiero comprobar que fue hija de Jose Gonzalez Soto. y como no aparece ninguna acta de bautismo ni de registro civil entonces quiero ver como fue que salio del pais si salio con permiso del papa o como le hicieron para que saliera de mexico . entonces se me ocurre que quizas en las listas de pasajeros de barcos y tendria que ser del Puerto de Veracruz en entradas o salidas porque ella nunca viajo en avion porque le daba miedo. o tambien ver si encuentro entradas de ella aqui en Estados Unidos. porque hubieron temporadas en las que vivio en Boston y tambien en New york como estudiante. bueno esto esta complicado. en realidad no es mi familiar pero estoy tratando de ayudar a un amigo mio que es el hijo de ella y que esta hasta deprimido porque no la podemos encontrar. creo que el quiere asegurarse de que ella si hubiera sido hija de Jose Gonzalez Soto. ( si no lo fue biologicamente si lo fue por adopcion ) pero el problema es que no encuentro nada que hable sobre eso y tampoco se sabe el nombre de la mama.
Bueno Daniel ojala y me puedas ayudar o darme una pista.
Muchas Gracias.
Martha Gomez
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez y Perez de Camino"
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:00:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] HELP!
Hola Martha si existe un registro que describe, solo he visto europeos en ese registro
pero quizas hay algun manera de localizar. Como debe saber, Verazruz era un puerto
principal de Mexico, este registro se qncuentra en el Archivo General de la Nacion,
en la Ciudad de Mexico, tambien se puede buscar online en el sitio del AGN, te enviare
el enlace para hacer busqueda. Tambien si me envies la informacion que buscas podia
ayudarte en una manera u otra.
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 04:56:04 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] HELP!
> Hola, a todos.
> Necesito encontrar a una persona que llego procedente de estados unidos a mexico , pero entro por barco a Veracruz en 1920 mas o menos.
> alguien sabe como encontrar informacion de barcos que desembarcaron en el puerto de veracruz en ese tiempo?
> o alguien sabe como puedo encontrar listas de personas que entraron a estados Unidos procedentes de Mexico y que lo hicieron en barco ?
> Bueno ojala alguien me pueda ayudar.
> Martha Gomez
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Garza falcon was one family name. It was like Alvarez-tostado. I will check on the others.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Alice Blake
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 12:15:21
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Apellidos help!
Dear Group,
While researching my father's side---
Josse de Jesus Esteban Garza Cantu 01/04/1798, his parents were named as: Josse Francisco Garza Falcon y Tixerina, and the mother as: Ana Maria Cantu Rio y Serda y Almandos.
I don't know how to decipher who are the grandparents, etc.
This is the longest name I've come across and any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much, Alice
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It's confusing, because I usually try to figure out which is the maternal surname. I wasn't sure which if any were combined and considered one surname. Thanks so much. Alice
--- On Sun, 6/13/10,
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Apellidos help!
Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 8:44 PM
Garza falcon was one family name. It was like Alvarez-tostado. I will check on the others.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Alice Blake
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 12:15:21
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Apellidos help!
Dear Group,
While researching my father's side---
Josse de Jesus Esteban Garza Cantu 01/04/1798, his parents were named as: Josse Francisco Garza Falcon y Tixerina, and the mother as: Ana Maria Cantu Rio y Serda y Almandos.
I don't know how to decipher who are the grandparents, etc.
This is the longest name I've come across and any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much, Alice
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loooooong surnames