Hello everyone, my name is Lisa and I started my research about 3 years ago. I am researching Melendres and Covarrubias from Tlalttenango and Atolinga Zac. My GGrandfather is Genaro Melendres b. 1877 in Rancho Grande and GGrandmother is Raphaela Covarrubias b.abt 1890. They traveled to New Mexico and had my grandfather Gregorio, his brother Ramon and sister Maria. They continued on to San Jose, Az in 1932 where they lived out there life. I have not found anything on Rahpaela regarding baptismal records and such, but do know her parents are Doroteo Covarrubias and Estefana Herrera. Other surnames are Gomes, Escovedo, Montero, Correa, Perez, Magallanes and the list is getting longer. I would like to know anything about them or their life if anyone knows of stories, or possibly a relative. Very anxious and excited to see where this line leaves me at. Would greatly appreciate any help.
Many thanks,
Welcome to the group. From the bit of information that you have provided, I have a gut instinct that we are related. I have Covarrubias and Escobedo from the same region in my ancestry and there are a few other primos in the group as well.
I am actually just finishing up a book on the Early Families of Tlaltenango that will cover what I am sure are some of your ancestors in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
Please upload the genealogy that you have already compiled to your file folder. I would love to peruse it and help you along and see if we can't find our common ancestors. I think you will find many people here who will be willing to help you as you embark on your research.
From a quick search on familysearch.org, I have found your GGGrandparents' marriage in Tlaltenango...
Marriage: 20 APR 1871 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Batch No.: M607146 Film No. 0443974
Unfortunately, the IGI for that film does not include the names of the parents of the bride and groom so you would have to order the film or a copy of the actual registry from Salt Lake City to see who the parents were. The informacion matrimonial film for this year is available on pilot.familysearch.org
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Lisa Cruz
I am not to good at this computer thing, how do I upload my information that I already have? It's all on paper. Are you going to publish the book you are writing?
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Hi Lisa and Arturo,
Since I have an Herrera line from Tlaltenango, I also did a quick search
and found the following:
Estefana De Herrera Montero was born circa 1851 in Atolinga - she was
married to Doroteo Covarrubias Escobedo about 1882.
Her parents were Juan De Herrera and Maria Estefana Montero Covarrubias.
Is there a possible connection?
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Lisa Cruz
YES!!! A connection I am so glad to find family out there, but I found two Estefana Montero Cobarrubias on family search.
1. 27 Dec 1838 Tlaltenango De Sanchez Roman
2. 29 Dec 1830 Atolinga, Zacatecas
On both the parents have the same name.
Bernardino Montero and Nicolasa Cobarrubias. HELP!!
How are we connected? My Great Grandmother's name is Rafaela Covarrubias, and as you know her Parents are Estefana Herrera & Doroteo Covarrubias.
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Covarrubias, Escobedo in Tlaltenango and Atolinga