Greetings fellow geneaologists!
Hi my name is Mario. The names I am researching are Valadez and Berumen in Jerez, Susticacan, and Tepetongo(Zac).
For the Jalisco part of my family, my interest are in the Gomez Family of Ayutla.
Looking forward to corresponding with everyone.
my best,
Hello Mario,
My research is also in Jerez, Susticacan and Tepetongo. However, my ancestors are Valdez (not Valadez)and Berumen. If you have some names and dates, I would be happy to see If I can assist you in your research.
Good Luck,
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Mario I also research Jerez, can you give me some dates and names? My line of Valadez connects to Sanchez in Cienega and Santa Rita, Jerez
I also have many Buremen in my records.
Linda in B.C.
From: ""
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:04 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction
Greetings fellow geneaologists!
Hi my name is Mario. The names I am researching are Valadez and Berumen in Jerez, Susticacan, and Tepetongo(Zac).
For the Jalisco part of my family, my interest are in the Gomez Family of Ayutla.
Looking forward to corresponding with everyone.
my best,
Mario -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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I just checked my files and found a different set of parents in my files for Jose Nasario Valadez and Maria Josefa Reyes
marriage information recorded 20 May 1797 in Jerez, Zac
Jose Nasario Valadez, Indio from Rancho de Santa Rita age 25
parents: Manuel Candelario Valadez and Manuela Casilda de Espinosa
with Maria Josefa de los Reyes Mulata libre from Rancho Santa Barbara age 15
parents: Jose Mariano de los Reyes deceased and Maria Ramona de la Cueva
wit: Francisco Xavier Felix, Francisco Gonzales and Pedro Bermudes Espanoles
posted 21, 25 and 28 May 1797
source: 0439900 Jerez marriage information record
I have 4 children listed for them.
1.Romualda Valadez married to Doroteo Ruiz
2.Francisca born abt 1818
3.Petra Valadez married to Ventura Hernandez
4. Maria Longina Valadez :
baptism 26 MAR 1822 Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico
Maria Longina born in Santa Rita 9 days old
parents: Nasario Valades and Josefa de los Reyes
pat grn not listed
mat grn: Mariano de los Reyes and Ramona de la Cueva
godparent: Posiano Dosal
Source : 0439850 film
Batch No.: C600807 1820 - 1828
page 150 Family search online pilot program
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Juan Francisco Sanchez Alvarez
Mario, in the films of monte Escobedo there are some people with the lastname Berumes maybe Berumen thata married with Sanchez-Castellanos. I recomend to search in Monte Escobedo because is a key that many people did not do it. Monte Escobedo was a town with many last names of Jerez and Tlaltenango, Berumes,Martinez de Barragan, Sanchez-Castellanos, Escobedo, Marquez de los Olivos,De la Torre, Carrillo, Felix de Arellano, Ulloa, Soto, del Real, Ruiz de Esquivel, Renteria, Gamboa, Bermudes de Castro, Casas, etc.
I am waiting the films of Colotlan that will be the other lost key to complete the search.
If you want to share information with Sanchez-Castellanos, write me by e-mail
Good look!
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Hi Thank you for your email.
Yes, I found the name record. But I am confused on which one to continue.
Are you a Valadez too?
Mario Valadez
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I am stuck with those 2 files where do I go from there. Which one can I trust?
Mario Valadez
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Hi Thank you for your email.
The Berumen names are the following:
Andres Berumen Marquez was born in 1861 or 1862 Susticacan, Zacatecas. He married Jacienta Rivera. They married in 1880.
Marriage Notes for Andres Berumen Marquez 2nd Marriage was 1907.
Generation No. 4
4. Margarito Berumen Zuniga was born in? He married Basilia Marquez.
Children are Berumen Marquez
i. Andres, b.?
ii. Ma. Pantaleona, b.1869
iii. Filomena, b.1872
Generation No. 5
5. Sotero Berumen was born in ? He married Maria Justa Rufina Zuniga ?
Children are Berumen Zuniga
i. Jose, b.1830
ii. Maria Maxima, b.1831
Berumen Origins in Mexico
FRANCISCO DE BERUMEN (O Francisco Berubens)
natural de santiago de Compostela, nacido en Guipúzcoa, judío
En 1653 llega a Zacatecas. a mediados de 1658 contrae matrimonio con Juana de Vera y Miramontes.
Juana de Vera, nacida en Tlaltenango en 1636, hija de Juan de Vera (de
Malpaso e hijo de Santiago de Vera -judío converso-) y de Juana de
Miramontes (muere en Tlantenango en 1641 a los 26 años).
El abuelo maternao de Juana de Vera heredó a su nieta sus propiedades
aledañas al pueblo de Tepechitlán, según escritura dada a Francisco de
Berumen y su mujer el 31 de diciembre de 1662 en Guadalajara.
Así, Francisco de Berumen llegó a ser dueño de sitios de ganado mayor en la
villa de La Magdalena y en el pueblo de San Juan de Tepechitlán.
En 1701 el capitán Francisco de Berumen sale de Tlaltenango para
someter a los pueblos más rijosos de la región cora-hucihol, quienes lo derrotaron.
Doña Juana de Vera y Miramontes el 6 de mayo de 1703 declara ser vecina del Real de Minas de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación del Fresnillo
(comprendía toda la región) y que su hijo Lamberto ya es fallecido.
Sus hijos fueron:
BERNARDO, que emigrara hacia el norte, ACHIMEC y más tarde a la
Estancia de los Valdeses, llamada luego ESTANCIA DE LOS BERUMEN.
LAMBERTO, que se fuera con rumbo de Mezquitic.
Mario Valadez
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Welcome, Mario. Here is a link that I found very useful (it is not my work). Hopefully, it will be of some help. Good Luck!
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