i found a capellania for nicolas sanchez castellanos


i'm going to read it to see what other geneaological info i can get from this.


Katy, excellent work, I did not Know that Nicolas was the owner of the Hacienda Santa Rosa de Viterbo and he was Captain too. This Capellania was for help his grandson. He was studying at the Seminary of Guadalajara and was son of Antonio de Escobedo y Valenzuela and Rosa Maria or Maria Rosa Sanchez-Castellanos Bañuelos owners of the Hacienda of Santa Teresa both in Monte Escobedo.
This Nicolas was the son of Juan Sanchez-Castellanos and Thomasina de Haro y Saucedo, here you can find the sons and daughters of Nicolas, the value of his properties. This was a hit for genealogy.

The title of Captain I understand was for being landlords because his brothers Lorenzo Sanchez-Castellanos and Joseph Sanchez-Castellanos were captains too in Jerez.

thanks for telling me about who his parents and siblings were. i didn't find that in the document, but i did find about some of his children's names and their spouses in the capellania.i also found out who were the parents and grand parents of teresa ramirez(she was the wife of nicolas's grandson thomas)

Conclusion Captain Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos and his wife Maria de Bañuelos fonded the Capellania of Santa Rosa de Viterio in the land knowed in 1754 Hacienda of Santa Rosa and the Puesto (Ranch)of La Maza. Their son Florencio Sanchez Castellanos was born ab 1674, Vicente Sanchez Castellanos ab 1679, Sebastian ab 1681 so I can now afim that Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos de Haro was the son of Juan Sanchez Castellanos (widow of Jerez) and Thomasina de Haro y Saucedo(Tlaltenango).

There was another Nicolas Sanchez-Castellanos de Viera(born in 1668 in Tlaltenango) son of Joseph Sanchez Castellanos and Francisca de Viera married in Tlaltenango, Francisca died very soon and Joseph got married in Jerez with ???? Chavez y Bañuelos and lived in Tlalticualoya (today Los Cuervos, Susticacan).

By the moment there is a lack of information of Jerez between 1660 to 1745 to find the rest of the family Sanchez-Castellanos. I hope some day we could check them. In that time, they lived near Jerez, Joseph Sanchez-Castellanos de Haro, Rodrigo Sanchez-Castellanos (son of Manuel Sanchez-Castellanos de Haro), Lorenzo Sanchez-Castellanos de Haro, Maria Sanchez-Castellanos de Haro and Nicolas Sanchez-Castellanos de Haro that were born near Tepechitlan, Zacatecas. ManuelSanchez Castellanos de Haro family lived in Tepechitlan, Jerez and some in Monte Escobedo.

No, I did not. Just a correction the Hacienda of Sta Theresa and La Maza were the lands that Nicolas Sanchez-Castellanos gave them to fund the Capellania.

The Hacienda of Sta Rosa according the document was gotten ab 1689 so the Hacienda of Sta Theresa was founded after, the owners were Antonio de Escobedo y Valenzuela and Rosa Sanchez-Castellanos Bañuelos (daugther of Nicolas).

I do not know were they live before 1689 but my grandgrand.....father Sebastian Sanchez-Castellanos said that he was from The PARAJE (unknown for me), maybe this documents are of Jerez or Colotlan (missing documents or no filmed).


The wife was Maria Bañuelos Benavides daughter of Diego Bañuelos and María Benavides that lived in Teul de Gonzalez Ortega she was born in 1652in Teul and died in 1728 in Monte Escobedo one year after Nicolas´death(1727). I couldn´t find the married file because there aren´t files of that time. I was readind that in the Reforma´s war of Benito Juarez a person lastnamed Rojas from Tepatitlan was destroyed some files of the church.


Jose Domingo Sanchez Reza in the name of his brother Jose Antonio Sanchez Reza ask for the Capellania in 1806 when Juan Julio Macario Sanchez-Castellanos quit. They said that they were grandsons of Thomas Sanchez-Castellanos. Here the strange is that his mother was Maria de la Asuncion Sanchez-Castellanos daugther of Thomas, but they do not explain who the father was. Jose Domingo was a very important person in the church of Guadalajara, in 1820 was elected as Deputy for Guadalajara.Her brother Jose Antonio helped the people to join for gettin the independence of Mexico in San Antonio de los Adobes and was discovered.

Okay so I am a decedent of the Lomelin. Jose Antonio
Castellano married Maria Petra Leonor Lomelin in Ocotlan on August 31, 1774. They ended up moving to Yuriria Guanajuato ( That is where I am from). So most of the Lomelin tree is already done but I kinda got stuck in the Castellano. I have looked it up in the website and the only castellanos I see are the Sanchez Castellanos but I don't think they are the same one. Antonio
was born October 17, 1751 in the Estancia de San Juan de Dios, La Barca
and his parents were Agustin Castellano and Rosa Maria Diaz. I found
their marriage which was on August 12, 1749 but it doesn't state their
parents and the Informacion Matrimonial of that year is too damage to
read. So I decided to try and find them through the baptisms. The only Agustin that I found that fitted in the timeline was one born on March 17, 1725 in Los Rios and I found a Rosa Maria Diaz
that was born in la Estancia de San Juan de Dios on April 5, 1722. Agustin
parents ( according to the baptism) are Agustin Castellano and Maria de
la Encarnacion. (No last name). Here it is when I kinda start to hit
dead ends. Agustin and Maria had another child in 1732 and there is a
marriage of Agustin and Maria Arriniega on February 20 1703 in Ocotlan,
is this them? If this is them then the parents of Agustin are Pedro Castellano and Ana Comparar. Pedro and Ana got married March 3, 1669 in Ocotlan. It does not list the parents of Pedro but i think they might be Nicolas Castellanos and Magdalena Gutierrez. The parents of Ana are Pedro Comparan and Leonor Ayala.  any one know anything about this castellanos and the Comparan?

In reply to by jogelo11 (not verified)

Hi Jose my name is Louisa Arredondo my grandfather was Bruno Ramires Lomellin could we have a connection?  Could you please email me so we can compare notes @ rafaa69@yahoo.com 
Thank you

On Monday, October 14, 2013 5:20 PM, Jose Lopez wrote:

Okay so I am a decedent of the Lomelin. Jose Antonio
Castellano married Maria Petra Leonor Lomelin in Ocotlan on August 31, 1774. They ended up moving to Yuriria Guanajuato ( That is where I am from). So most of the Lomelin tree is already done but I kinda got stuck in the Castellano. I have looked it up in the website and the only castellanos I see are the Sanchez Castellanos but I don't think they are the same one. Antonio
was born October 17, 1751 in the Estancia de San Juan de Dios, La Barca
and his parents were Agustin Castellano and Rosa Maria Diaz. I found
their marriage which was on August 12, 1749 but it doesn't state their
parents and the Informacion Matrimonial of that year is too damage to
read. So I decided to try and find them through the baptisms. The only Agustin that I found that fitted in the timeline was one born on March 17, 1725 in Los Rios and I found a Rosa Maria Diaz
that was born in la Estancia de San Juan de Dios on April 5, 1722. Agustin
parents ( according to the baptism) are Agustin Castellano and Maria de
la Encarnacion. (No last name). Here it is when I kinda start to hit
dead ends. Agustin and Maria had another child in 1732 and there is a
marriage of Agustin and Maria Arriniega on February 20 1703 in Ocotlan,
is this them? If this is them then the parents of Agustin are Pedro Castellano and Ana Comparar. Pedro and Ana got married March 3, 1669 in Ocotlan. It does not list the parents of Pedro but i think they might be Nicolas Castellanos and Magdalena Gutierrez. The parents of Ana are Pedro Comparan and Leonor Ayala.  any one know anything about this castellanos and the Comparan?

Hi Jose so your Lomelin connects in the 1700, Is there a way I could see you tree on the Lomelin side? 

On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 12:36 AM, louisa arredondo wrote:

Hi Jose my name is Louisa Arredondo my grandfather was Bruno Ramires Lomellin could we have a connection?  Could you please email me so we can compare notes @ rafaa69@yahoo.com 
Thank you

On Monday, October 14, 2013 5:20 PM, Jose Lopez wrote:

Okay so I am a decedent of the Lomelin. Jose Antonio
Castellano married Maria Petra Leonor Lomelin in Ocotlan on August 31, 1774. They ended up moving to Yuriria Guanajuato ( That is where I am from). So most of the Lomelin tree is already done but I kinda got stuck in the Castellano. I have looked it up in the website and the only castellanos I see are the Sanchez Castellanos but I don't think they are the same one. Antonio
was born October 17, 1751 in the Estancia de San Juan de Dios, La Barca
and his parents were Agustin Castellano and Rosa Maria Diaz. I found
their marriage which was on August 12, 1749 but it doesn't state their
parents and the Informacion Matrimonial of that year is too damage to
read. So I decided to try and find them through the baptisms. The only Agustin that I found that fitted in the timeline was one born on March 17, 1725 in Los Rios and I found a Rosa Maria Diaz
that was born in la Estancia de San Juan de Dios on April 5, 1722. Agustin
parents ( according to the baptism) are Agustin Castellano and Maria de
la Encarnacion. (No last name). Here it is when I kinda start to hit
dead ends. Agustin and Maria had another child in 1732 and there is a
marriage of Agustin and Maria Arriniega on February 20 1703 in Ocotlan,
is this them? If this is them then the parents of Agustin are Pedro Castellano and Ana Comparar. Pedro and Ana got married March 3, 1669 in Ocotlan. It does not list the parents of Pedro but i think they might be Nicolas Castellanos and Magdalena Gutierrez. The parents of Ana are Pedro Comparan and Leonor Ayala.  any one know anything about this castellanos and the Comparan?

In reply to by jogelo11 (not verified)

Hi Jose my name is Louisa Arredondo my grandfather was Bruno Ramires Lomellin could we have a connection?  Could you please email me so we can compare notes @ rafaa69@yahoo.com 
Thank you

On Monday, October 14, 2013 5:20 PM, Jose Lopez wrote:

Okay so I am a decedent of the Lomelin. Jose Antonio
Castellano married Maria Petra Leonor Lomelin in Ocotlan on August 31, 1774. They ended up moving to Yuriria Guanajuato ( That is where I am from). So most of the Lomelin tree is already done but I kinda got stuck in the Castellano. I have looked it up in the website and the only castellanos I see are the Sanchez Castellanos but I don't think they are the same one. Antonio
was born October 17, 1751 in the Estancia de San Juan de Dios, La Barca
and his parents were Agustin Castellano and Rosa Maria Diaz. I found
their marriage which was on August 12, 1749 but it doesn't state their
parents and the Informacion Matrimonial of that year is too damage to
read. So I decided to try and find them through the baptisms. The only Agustin that I found that fitted in the timeline was one born on March 17, 1725 in Los Rios and I found a Rosa Maria Diaz
that was born in la Estancia de San Juan de Dios on April 5, 1722. Agustin
parents ( according to the baptism) are Agustin Castellano and Maria de
la Encarnacion. (No last name). Here it is when I kinda start to hit
dead ends. Agustin and Maria had another child in 1732 and there is a
marriage of Agustin and Maria Arriniega on February 20 1703 in Ocotlan,
is this them? If this is them then the parents of Agustin are Pedro Castellano and Ana Comparar. Pedro and Ana got married March 3, 1669 in Ocotlan. It does not list the parents of Pedro but i think they might be Nicolas Castellanos and Magdalena Gutierrez. The parents of Ana are Pedro Comparan and Leonor Ayala.  any one know anything about this castellanos and the Comparan?

Antonio was the son of the Cap. Juan de Escobedo and Teresa Ruiz de Esparza, he was the husbad of Maria Rosa Sanchez-castellanos y Bañuelos, their sons were Anselmo, Juan, Maria de San Pablo, Francisca and Juana.

There were four Juan de Escobedo at the end of the 1600´s and the begin of 1700´s

Juan de Escobedo y Cobarrubias married Teresa Ruiz de ESparza (AKA Teresa de Ulloa) married in 1669 in Teocaltiche,Jal.

Juan de EScobedo el mozo married Melchora de Cabrera.

Juan de Escobedo natural son of Nicolas de Escobedo

Juan de Escobedo y Sanchez-Castellanos son of Antonio de Escobedo and Maria Rosa Sanchez-Castellanos.

Antonio de Escobedo the heritor of Juan de Escobedo and when Melchora de Cabrera died says "parienta" instead of mother.

Sebastian de Escobedo y Esparza born ab 1676

maria Rosa Sanchez-Castellanos born ab 1675.

Juan de Escobedo y Cobarrubias was son of Francisco de Escobedo y Diaz. In 1669 Juan de Escobedo y Cobarrubias got married with Teresa de Ulloa (Teresa Ruiz de Esparza) in 1669, but ab 1684 Ana de Escobedo y Cabrera daughter of Juan de Escobedo and melchora de Cabrera got married with lorenzo de Ulloa Flores. So if the date is correct Juan de Escobedo el mozo had to be son of a previuos marriage of Juan de Escobedo y Diaz.

Juan de Escobedo had a brother called Fernando de Escobedo who lived in Tlaltenango.

Juan de Escobedo el mozo died ab 1691 and Juan de Escobedo y Diaz died in 1693 and said that his wife in that moment was Maria Villegas.