Records on FamilySearch

Is there any other place to look up records? we are directed to familysearch, and it use to be a great site I had been able to get info on that website but they have recently "updated" their system and now all you get is RECORD NOT FOUND I put in correct bith dates parents ect. it does not matter you get that message every time and I know its not just me, some how I accidentally stumbbled on their comment section. I went thru about 80 negative comments and only 2 positive ones.

I had problems as well on Internet Explorer. I switched to Google Chrome and it works fine now.

Raul Munoz

I have experienced this also on occasion.

If you make the search too specific, that is, you enter names, dates, and places, or have more than one of the "exact match" boxes checked, the search engine tries to match all the parameters, fails, and returns nothing.

Make the search less specific, and when the search returns records, then try to make it more specific only one field at a time. You should then have more success.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

Can you provide us with some examples? I haven't noticed a problem with that. I have only seen problems with opening digitized records.


I didn't make any notes of searches that didn't work; I just tried less restrictive searches until they produced results.

The area that I've been looking at is Leon, Guanajuato.

Just prior the the latest changes at Family Search, I was having problems loading images, but that all went away when the new site was fully up and running.

I have noticed that when changes are being made in the background, we have problems. When they're done, the problems are resolved.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA