Introduction: Contreras of Santiago De Pinos, Jalisco

Greetings all.

My name is Ricardo Contreras Infante. Genealogy has been a passion of mine for over five years. This all started back in 2010, when my paternal grandfather passed away. At the time of his death, I did not know how he looked nor what his name was. The same goes for my grandmother who died prior to me being born. After finding my father's birth certificate, which listed the names of my grandparents, great grandparents, and where they lived, I became interested in ancestry. After years of searching through every single microfilm in the San Sebastian Del Oeste archives on, I was able to use this information to find the names of my grandparents's family. In 2015, I traveled to San Sebastian Del Oeste on my own to locate potentially family members. Despite not speaking Spanish well enough, I was able to track down my grandmother's last living sister, who also lead me to my grandfather's surviving siblings who now live in Mexico city. I take solace in that despite not meeting my grandparents, I got to know them through their family and through visiting the rancho.

Though I've barely opened an account here, I've actually been a frequent viewer of this site. I greatly appreciate the users here in the past who have posted very informative information here concerning genealogy for Jalisco and Aguascalientes.Through this website, I have wider grasp on things such as the Casta system used by the Spanish and the terms one has to be knowledgeable when reading records.

After years of research,I was able to trace my lineage back to Xptobal(Cristobal) De Contreras and Catharina Sanchez of Mascota, Jalisco. Both individuals were born in the late 1600s and fathered a son named Xptobal De Contreras Sanchez, who was born around 1702 and whom later went on to live in Santiago De Pinos in the San Sebastian Del Oeste municipality. Unfortunately, the records for Mascota only go to the 1800s. I also believe that Mascota may not have had a church in the 1700s as evident by all the people who lived there who would go to San Sebastian Del Oeste to get married and to baptist their children. However the most of the records for the early 1700s and the 1600s in San Sebastian are missing. It's my belief that they were lost in an earthquake in 1868 when the church was damaged.

Anyway, what got me to make an account here is what a user said in this topic: Gmotovar :"Este Alonso de Contreras sería el genearca de varios de ese apellido en la región (antigua Provincia de Avalos)"

It is my belief that my oldest ancestor, Xptobal De Contreras of the village of Mascota, Jalisco, is possibly a great great grandson of the Conquistador. Alonso De Contreras Lerma. This conclusion is based on the on what Gmotovar said as well as researching the whereabouts of Alonso known descendants whom lived in areas like Autlan, Cocula, Zacoalco, Tljaomulco, Tecolotlan, and Sayula. All these locations are very close to Mascota.

If anyone can confirm that Alonso is the ancestor of the Contreras family members, who settled in Western Jalisco in the early 1600s, that would be greatly appreciate.
If anyone can give me any hints on where to look for baptism records for people in Mascota for the late 1600s, I would be very grateful.


Algunas familias se asentaron tempranamente en Colima. Hay en línea un libro PDF llamado "andariegos y pobladores de nueva españa y nueva galicia s.xvi" de Miguel Romero de Solís, hay varias personas con el apellido Contreras.

Podrías revisarlo, está en orden alfabético. Espero te sirva.



In reply to by Marcelina Macias

He finalice la búsqueda que pdf. Se señalan los miembros de la familia Contreras que vivió en la antigua provincia de Avalos en la Nueva Galicia, cerca del pueblo de Mascota.It hace que yo también podría ser un descendiente de Miguel De Contreras y Guevara.

He buscado a través de las despensas de Guadalajara y me pareció el registro de matrimonio de un Miguel De Contreras Sánchez, que es el hermano de mi antepasado Xptobal (Cristóbal) De Contreras Sánchez. Actualmente estoy pasando por este registro de matrimonio y con la esperanza de encontrar más pistas sobre mi linaje Contreras.

El registro es bastante difícil de traducir. Dice cosas como "tiene parentesco con ALGUNAS Familias nobles" y "emparentado con mucho Familias del".

Tengo enlace al registro de matrimonio aquí.…

Esto es lo que sé ahora. Mis antepasados ​​más antiguos conocidos, Xptobal (Cristóbal) De Contreras y Catalina Sánchez eran residentes de Mascota y nacieron en algún momento a finales de 1600. Tuvieron dos hijos conocidos: Miguel De Contreras Sánchez y mi antepasado Xptobal (Cristóbal) De Contreras Sánchez, que nació alrededor de 1702. Más tarde se trasladó a Santiago de Pinos.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

I have been looking for my 4th great grandfather Joseph Alvino Contreras whose children were born in Salinas, San Luis Potosi, but I don't know where they lived before, since they married into the Rodriguez Delgado in my maternal line, Rdz from Asientos, Aguascalientes and Delgado from Zacatecas. But Jalisco is nearby and the Contreras were in Abundance and married to everyone it seems.

So I looked at your dispensa de 3er Grado and though I am not great at these old records, I understood that all eligible men were related to her in Grado 4th and up and she was an orphan of a father and her mother had to leave a lot to the mines and she was taken care of by her stepfather Cayetano Peres who had 5 girls to take care of as well so she was poor though her many relatives did help they would not be able to take care of her forever so it would be in the best interest if they (Church) gave the dispensa so he (miguel Contreras) could take care of her.

Petrona de la Pena is related to Miguel de Contreras as follows:

Pedro Sanches + Catharina de Oliva They had two girls, francisca and maria sanches

Francisca had Juan de la Pena who had Petrona de la Pena

Maria had Catharina Sanchez who had Miguel de Contreras

In reply to by sarod77

So are Catharina Sanchez's parents are Francisco Sanchez and Maria Sanchez? Hopefully I can use this info to track down the name of her husband, Xptobal De Contreras's parents.

While searching the Guadalajara Dispensas marriage records, I found another son of Xptobal and Catharina Sanchez. This child is named Pedro De Contreras, who married Theresa de Amaral in 1732.

Says here that Xptobal is the first cousin of Theresa's mother, Juana De Garcia, through their mothers. Unfortunately, that doesn't give me a maiden name to attach to Xptobal De Contreras.

I feel that I'm so close to a break through. Does anyone else know of available records for Mascota, Jalisco that are earlier than 1750?

In answer to your question FRANCISCA (husband's name not mention) Sanchez had a child name juan de la pena. Juan de la Pena had the Bride Petrona de la Pena

Maria Sanchez (husband's name not mention had Catharina (husband name not mention but is known as Christoval de Contreras per your records as your ancestor) Catharina and Christoval had Miguel de Contreras.

Could you include the dispensa for Pedro de Contreras and Theresa de Amaral of 1732?
I checked for records and did not find any but maybe their dispensa has some info that might help.

L5BH-K46 this is record ID in You can also use their names to locate record created with this information of dispensa that is attached. What is odd that there seems to be no records matching at all. They seem to be like those of San Luis Potosi where they have not been worked on. This could mean you will have to find records and add them from the record image since they have not been added. Maybe someone can help find out if the records of Mascota, Jalisco of the early years are located with another town and then if they have been indexed.

The Dispensa states that Theresa Amaral 18 yo Born abt 1714 is pregnant and that Pedro de Contreras 18 to 20 yo born abt 1712 (this is what priest wrote) promised her marriage and has not honored his proposal. She fears her father will kill (lo mata)(not susre if baby or Pedro) She has moved out of the house to the house of Don Thomas de Abalos so that her parents will not try to reach her with little notes as they (thomas and wife) won't allow it.​ Pedro de Contreras states he has not honored his proposal in fear of her father. The testigos are Don Manuel Fernandes de Lara 37yo, Pedro Rubio Feliz 60yo and Estevan Navarro 60 yo.

Only the names of the couples parents are given and only Estevan Navarro states they are children from sisters but no names.

Sister 1 married to Mr. Garcia has Juana Garcia (+Lorenso Amaral) who has Theresa Amaral

Sister 2 marries Mr. Contreras who has Christobal de Contreras (+Catharina Sanchez) who has Pedro de Contreras

Had no idea marriage records went into that much detail.
You don't happen to know how old Miguel De Contreras was in his record? Maybe by using all their ages, I can determine when Cristobal and Catarina got married.

I have my ancestor Cristobal De Contreras's marriage record to my grandmother (his 2nd marriage) if it helps.…

I'm gonna go through all of these microfilms this weekend. A lot of people from Mascota came to San Sebastian for marriage and baptism. Unfortunately there's a gap in the records around the early 1700s and late 1600s. If they're willing to travel that far, makes me think that they're probably wasn't a church until the 1800s in Mascota?

In reply to by ricardo.infante

In his IM it does not state he was married prior to this marriage. Christobal is 41 yo and his bride Gertrudis Casares is 18 yo. It also states he was originally from Mascota and is now a citizen of San Sebastian Martir, Encarnacion de Diaz, Jal. of 3 years. The age given is usually off a couple of years for females and sometimes up to 10 years for men (my experience only). His testigos are 50 yo, 49 yo and 36 yo. None of them mentions his prior marriage only that they knew him well and his parents.

His Brother Pedro has a birthdate of around 1712 and women usually had children up to 25 years if they married young (my experience only) All of this together would help you set a timeframe of birth for parents.

Thanks for your help. Ill let you know if I find more info when I search all the marriage records San Sebastian has available.

I had a question: Has all the guadalajara dispensas been indexed yet or is it still in progess? I found the marriage records of Pedro and Miguel via guadalajara dispensas Tumblr.

Btw based on your experience, how common is it for a son to name a child after his father or grandfather? I've seen that happen a lot in my tree. Makes me wonder whether Miguel or Pedro could be named after the father or grandfather of Xptobal De Contreras. IF that's the case, I'll make sure to save any records with those names.

You're Welcome

The following post is from someone much more knowledgeable about the Dispensas you can contact her about them.

By katy_brecht_quesada - Posted on 11 April 2016

sorry i haven't been updating it that often. there are three reasons for that: 1. i've been busier with college 2.i've been getting addicted(for a lack of a better word) to some fb games 3.i've been feeling less motivated to do them since i haven't been able to find new records there relevant to my family tree

but i haven't given up on them yet, but i'll probably continue to be inactive in regards of indexing this collection.
if you are interested in volunteering, feel free to message me.

In regards to the name, Yes, in my experience it happens very often and it becomes so complicated to unravel because priest had a difficult time keeping who was who and which wife belonged to which and then the children. I have an uncle named Miguel Contreras married to bacilia Delgado they have a son name Miguel Contreras whose son Pablo is attributed to Miguel Contreras I. I tried to have it corrected but Familysearch said that they would have to send the request to Mexico because it was a mistake made by the priest and who knows if they will change the record.

I found a record of a marriage in Mascota in the year of 1758. This is a marriage record of Gertrudis De Contreras and Pedro.

If I'm reading this right,they have 4th grade of consanguinity. Apparently it goes like this:

There are two legitimate sisters of the same parents: Maria De Contreras and Ysabel Garcia De Contreras.

Maria has a daughter named Rosa Maria De Robles. Rosa has a son name Antonio Briseno who has a son named Pedro Briseno, who is marrying Gertrudis de Contreras.

Ysabel Garcia De Contreras has a legitimate son named Xptobal De Contreras, my oldest ancestor. Xptobal has a son named Fausto who has a daughter name Gertrudis.

I'm certain this Xptobal De Contreras is the one married to Catarina Sanchez and fathered Miguel, Pedro, and my ancestor, Xptobal De Contreras Sanchez. The timeline would fit.

My only question is why did he inherit the Contreras name from his mother? Is it possible his father's name is also Contreras? So he'd be Cristobal De Contreras y Contreras? lol. Also she has the name Garcia before Contreras.

Soo many questions.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

Sounds like them! There are just a few questions I have but if you can provide the Dispensa, my questions can be better worded.

There was a thread before about how the people in Nueva Galicia (Mexico) would name their children. I Believe Ricci said something recently, but anyway, from my experience and deduction not proven, Surnames of both parents are used to their convenience. When looking for a person it is best to look under both names. Sometimes, because the priest did not give a father the last name so they went by the mother's surname (this happen most times if one of the parents was an Indian, Mestiso and even a Espanol and many times for women unless it was a very well connected family I read somewhere that a last name of the most prestigious surname was used as a calling card, a last name of the mother to preserve the prestigious family name and I'm sure the membership has many more reasons to add. In working backwards in time, we may not think someone with a certain name is part of the family because it is totally different from the rest. The names in the 1400 to 1600 had many compounded names usually a family name with the place they originated in Spain. With compounded names part of the name would be used if the family they married into was also a influential name such as Quijas de Escalante, Sifuentes de Aleman, Ruis de Esparsa, Fernandez de Palos, Gomes de Hermosillo and etc. So in the 1900 to 1700 you find one relative with Quijas and another with Escalante, one with ruis and another with esparsa etc. So confusing.

By the way I am a Rodriguez Rdz and I once worked with 2 other individuals who were lopez lopez and Garcia Garcia we sure confused alot of people that day.

The Garcia before Contreras is a mystery that happens often. many threads have this same question. Ex: There was a Francisca Gabadi who was godmother to a Francisca Tiscareno so Francisca becaame Francisca Gabadi Tiscareno but that whole name has shown up in many different interpretations. Then there is a relative who changed her name from one name to Ruiz de Villasenor. Primo Manny from this membership figured that out but that in itself is a Novel. Yet another, had a surname along with the regular name while all the other children did not. Try reading the 10 volume set available from a public library of Mariano Gonzales Leal and see the different names it may overwhelm anyone.

After going through the Guadalajara dispensas, this is what I have now. Now I couldn't find direct records but I was able to use marriage records of extended family members through the lines of Cristobal's brothers and sisters, who married people of consanguinity.

1. Xptobal De Contreras Sanches, born around 1702 in Mascota.

2. Xptobal De Contreras, who married Catarina Sanchez and was born around 1670.

3. Maria Ruis De Contreras Garciam who was born around 1640. Her first Husband is believed to
be named Antonio De Contreras. The only record I found that mentioned her husband labeled
him "Antonio De Aguilera". However it list his son as "Xptobal De Aguilera" who married
Catarina Sanchez. This is from a record of two people getting married with 5th degree
consanguinity. The Aguilera name is probably just an error.

4. Diego Ruis De Contreras, who married Petrona Garcia. Diego Ruis De Contreras was probably
born around 1620.

Going back to what you said about the prestige names, all of Diego Ruis De Contreras's children took the name "Ruiz De Contreras". Up to about 5 generations on some lines. His daughter, Ysabel is sometimes noted as either using Ruiz or her mom's name of Garcia. On one of trees of consanguinity, they also refer to Diego Ruis De Contreras as "Don".

Here's a screenshot:

I guess that means he was either a land owner or part of the nobility in Nueva Galicia.

If he was born around 1620, I feel that the my first Spanish Contreras ancestor is probably within two or three generations from where I am. I'm gonna go through the Dispensas and start looking at the nearby towns near Mascota.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

When I entered petrona garcia and Diego ruis de Contreras a daughter matched with a birthdate 10 MAY 1637 Sagrario Metropolitano,Guadalajara,Jalisco,Mexico. So Diego had to be born sooner abt 1610-15.

I saw the record. Timeline wise, it would totally fit but I find it odd that he's only referred to as Diego De Ruis with no mention of Contreras. I also should note, Diego did have a daughter name Catalina so its likely its him.

I also feel weird about the record that refers to Maria Ruis De Contreras's first husband as Antonio De Aguilera and also refers Xptobal De Contreras as "Xptobal De Aguilera".Aguilera must either be an error or Antonio's maternal name.

Am I suppose to be Ricardo Aguilera instead of Ricardo Contreras? Even if I did inherit Contreras from Maria, according to the record you showed me, idk whether Contreras or Ruis is the right paternal name of Diego. This is like an identity crisis.

Antonio De Aguilera…

In reply to by ricardo.infante

I reviewed the dispensa. They seem like the same people except for those small variations. I have had many similar finds only to find out they were two separate families. Sisters, Brothers, Cousins, whom marry at the same time and name their children the same name and worst, marry a similar name person making it almost impossible in getting it straight. Only by starting at the beginning of your line, going backwards and confirming each person is the right person until you find the knot you need to unravel of who is who (what I have done other members may have a different or better method)

On your dispensa it mentions he is now a citizen of la Palma. I have family there as well just havent found them, but mi Mama, who has been 99% correct in all she said of her family told me that so and so is from la Palma where some records are included in Salinas del Penon Blanco (later Salinas de Hidalgo changed when Dolores Hidalgo passed through there). The church records started in 1799 when Nuestro Padre Jesus Church was founded.

IDENTITY CRISIS; I found on the paternal side that my grandfather x3 was really named Guanajuato and his wife peres and then to add humor to the situation he was born of the same name twin. It even is more complicated as the story unfolds with each new record found. So my dad should have been guanajuato instead of rdz peres.
Then there are the Rodriguez who are also known as the Haro, Jara,
And from Dictionario Biographico de Antiguos Pobladores de 1592-1666 by Rafael Morales Bocardo I found that one of the first pobladores was named Baltazar de Villanueva Sandoval de Torrijos, Spain 1579 (both names are part of my paternal side except they are different ramas). And there are many more instances where the names get more complicated.

So your ancestor took the name Rodriguez Perez from his mother probably because it was more note worthy and prestiges than Guanajuato?

I guess that would be the reason Xptobal and his siblings took Contreras instead of Aguilera. However I find it odd that I havent found one record with him as "Ruiz De Contreras" while his cousins did inherit the name from his uncle.

I'm gonna try to find one more record that mentions "Antonio De Aguilera" before I confirm this. I just have doubts because this is from a 5th degree consanguinity from the maternal side of Groom.

Hello Ricardo and primos!
I've done some research on the Contreras lastname because i have some Godó friends with that apellido. Their branch lived mainly in Guanajuato but I think it is very likely that they are related yo those of Mascota because in some generations they also used the complete Ruíz de Contreras Form.
About your concern over being an Aguilera or a Contreras I must tell you that back at that time if a couple had -say- five children it wasn't uncommon that all five were called by different lastnames! There was a lot of liberty about that, the only limitación was that some one of the ancestors in any past generation used the lastname.
For instance I found in PARES-Casa de la contratacion- the récord of Cristóbal de la Rosa a Nueva España" ahí dice que es escribano público, natural de Cazalla, hijo de Juan y de María DE RUAN... y que le acompaña su hijo Diego Antonio DE CONTRERAS!...

Here's another one:
Cristóbal de Contreras, hijo de Juan Muñóz y de Francisca Ortiz, vecinos de Gran Canarias.

One more:

Catalina de Cuevas, natural de Trujillo a Nueva España donde está su marido Juan de CONTRERAS, llevando con ella a sus hijos Gaspar y Juan DE CONTRERAS, Alonso de CUEVAS, DIEGO, Antonia y Estefanía... oct-25-1574

Two more :

Diego DE AGUILAR DE CONTRERAS, portero de la Audiencia de Chile, hijo de Pedro de CÓRDOBA y María de Contreras, a Chile Jan-26-1569

Diego DE CONTRERAS, natural de Escacena del Campo, soltero, hijo de Diego DE QUIRÓS y de Ana NÚÑEZ!... a Santo Domingo... feb-10-1567

In Google books I saw an excerpt of the book "Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara... " by Mrs. Hilton, that shows the following : "... Diego Ruíz de 24 años de edad, natural del pueblo de Mascota, hijo NATURAL de Diego Ruíz de Contreras "el mozo"... "

Hey I found the record you mention on the Dispensa.

Diego Ruiz is the son of Diego Ruiz De Contreras, who is the son of Diego Ruiz De Contreras.

lol let me clarify.

Don Diego Ruiz De Contreras, my oldest known ancestor whom I'm currently looking to find his parents, married Petrona Garcia and had two kids. One was Maria Ruiz De Contreras and the other was Diego Ruiz De Contreras II. Diego Ruiz De Contreras II's son, Diego Ruiz, married Josepha Contreras, who's the granddaughter of Maria Ruiz De Contreras. Maria is the mother of Cristobal De Contreras.

The amount of Consanguinity in my family is too damn high. Even to this day, my grandparents were 2nd cousins.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

Is the dispensa for the following person diego ruiz de 24 anos whose father is Diego Ruiz de Contreras "el Mozo?" If so did it mention who the mother was? Sometimes the Father is is the only one listed while the mother is not mention to protect her identity and reputation of the family, etc.

Diego Ruíz de 24 años de edad, natural del pueblo de Mascota, hijo NATURAL de Diego Ruíz de Contreras "el mozo".

1. Diego Ruiz de Contreras (not married to mother) + Unknown mother
2. Diego Ruiz married Patrona Garcia who are the parents of
3. Maria Ruiz de Contreras who had Cristobal de Contreras
Diego Ruiz de Contreras had
4. Diego Ruiz married to Josepha Contreras

There are other threads where members have stated the same. Someone stated very well sometime ago on this forum. I can only add that Espanol married Espanol to keep the the door of opportunity open in nueva galacia and only available to an Espanol (there was cleansing of blood, and bogus pedigrees), and to keep money, power and property within the family. The first pobladores selection of a mate was sparse, but notice how many of the women had 10-15 children, etc... What was a revelation for me that the Church allowed for these marriages to happen even having a system of degrees for uncle/niece, and more!!!

This is the record. I think his mom's name is Catharina Carabajal, a free mulato.…

Says in the record that Diego Ruiz De Contreras was the brother of Maria Ruiz De Contreras. This makes the relationship go like this:
Diego Ruiz De Contreras > Maria Ruiz De Contreras > Xptobal De Contreras > Josefa Contreras
Diego Ruiz De Contreras > Diego Ruiz De Contreras > Diego Ruiz De Contreras > Diego Ruiz

But it also refers to Diego Ruiz's father Diego Ruiz De Contreras, as Xptobal's Sobrino.

As for keeping the bloodline pure. When I went to Santiago De Pinos, two years ago, I stayed in San Sebastian Del Oeste, which is the capital of the municipality where Santiago de Pinos is. While there, I learn that the three most important families in town, Encarnancion, Sanchez and another family I forgot the name of, made a pact right around when Mexico gain independence, to intermarry with each other to maintain the Spanish Blood. Unfortunately, this practice left the Encarnancion branch basically extinct because the last member is a woman with only one daughter. The last Encarnancion daughter has a small museum of artifacts relating to her family and Nueva Galicia called museo dona conchita. Stuff like photos from the 1800s of family members to documents and other items from Spain.

Here's a photo of the place.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

You are quite lucky to have someone in the family who saved all those wonderful items of your families past. I noticed the red miners hats. I love those kinds of pictures. No one in my family really put things together of their families and it has been difficult but rewarding to get a picture of my great grandmother and her shawl still in its box only because I asked the person who inherited her house while no one had cared to find out in the family.

If you read some of the history of the European Royalty who intermarried so much that it created deformities, crazy (Juana la Loca) and sterility among other stuff.

Back to your family the Contreras, There are many players now many of them with dispensas that has help put a tighter timeframe.

L5B5-95V is the locator on for Jose Christobal de Contreras, it can be search by ID or Name added to your family already on Familysearch. I added what was in the dispensas put it needs your familiarity to put all together.

I have a theory of the aguilera vs. Contreras, I believe she had the baby before they married. I say this only because they seem to use the name Aguilera forward while they don't mention Aguilera nor refer to her as married only that Maria Contreras is mother.

Oh I'm not related to the Encarnacions. I've just met them when I went to see their collections. As I said, they only mixed with the three families there. My Contreras family lost it's pure Espanol Ancestry when Xptobal De Contreras Sanchez married a mulato.

Here, she's a video of the Museum where she explains the pact made by the three families to preserve the bloodline and explains the history of her family.

If there's a a small location like a town or village where your family has lived for a long time, I recommend going. I have a funny story about it. When I went to San Sebastian, I met a man and showed him a list of my grandmother's siblings. As he read it out loud, he said "Hijos De Aurelio Guerrero y Francisca Contreras........ Aurelio era la primo de mi mama....Yo soy un Guerrero....Somos Primos". I had unfortunately never met my grandparents but within an hour of being in town, I had already found family. I had met another man who was reading the list of my grandfather, Serapio Contreras Medina's family to another man who couldn't read. The man reading said "Do you know any Medinas" while the man who couldn't read said " Yes when I was a boy, I was sick but the Curandero Medina came and he healed me". When he said Curandero, I knew he was talking about Serapio's grandfather, Benjamin Medina. The man asked, "what was his name" while the other man thought for a minute and replied "Benjamin". After that, they spent half an hour telling me how my great great grandfather, who was born back in 1879, was a wise man who saved the lives of many there because there was no hospitals back then.

Back to Aguilera....

If I recall, Xptobal's parents were already married. I'm leaning towards the idea of Ruiz De Contreras being more prestigious. Thanks for the update on Familysearch. I should really go update to correct some info since the last time I've worked on it was a few years ago.

That makes sense about the last names. Diego Ruiz de Contreras and Petrona Garcia had two daughters with different names: Maria Ruiz De Contreras and Ysabel Garcia De Contreras.

You also have famous people like President Santa Anna who's full name was Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón despite none of his parents having the name of "Padua".

As for the Ruiz De Contreras in the state Guanajuato, I believe they are probably a separate branch of the family that have a common ancestor with my oldest known ancestor Diego Ruiz De Contreras.

I believe the record that sarod77 should me from Guadalajara of a baptism of one of Diego's daughters is a match. This would mean Diego was probably born around the early 1600s or late 1500s. He was probably from Guadalajara and later moved to Mascota. I know his wife Petrona Garcia also had relatives that lived in Mascota so there was probably a mass migration of people from Guadalajara to Mascota sometime in the mid 1600s

If Diego was born in the early 1600s it late 1500s, that must mean one his grandparents, with the name Contreras is the first one to arrive in Nueva Spain.

So close....

In reply to by ricardo.infante

Santa Anna's given name Antonio de Padua is in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, not for any of his parents or grandparents.


From: ""
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 2:34 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Last names

That makes sense about the last names. Diego Ruiz de Contreras and Petrona
Garcia had two daughters with different names: Maria Ruiz De Contreras and
Ysabel Garcia De Contreras. You also have famous people like President Santa
Anna who's full name was Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa
Anna y Pérez de Lebrón despite none of his parents having the name of
"Padua". As for the Ruiz De Contreras in the state Guanajuato, I believe they
are probably a separate branch of the family that have a common ancestor with
my oldest known ancestor Diego Ruiz De Contreras. I believe the record that
sarod77 should me from Guadalajara of a baptism of one of Diego's daughters
is a match. This would mean Diego was probably born around the early 1600s or
late 1500s. He was probably from Guadalajara and later moved to Mascota. I
know his wife Petrona Garcia also had relatives that lived in Mascota so
there was probably a mass migration of people from Guadalajara to Mascota
sometime in the mid 1600s If Diego was born in the early 1600s it late 1500s,
that must mean one his grandparents, with the name Contreras is the first one
to arrive in Nueva Spain. So close....

In reply to by ricardo.infante

Según dice en la acta que mencionas que dice que Miguel de Contreras español, va a contraer matrimonio con H Petrona de la peña y dice que tienen consanguinidad en 3er grado, eso quiere decir que son parientes o provienen de la misma familia, si buscas en la familia de Petrona también te pudiera ayudar.

Dice también que pide dispensa para casarse con ella, ya que aunque sean familia, donde el vive es familia de todos y lo mismo de ella que donde vive en la navidad, también todos son parientes de cuarto grado para abajo.
que tiene 5 hermanas en la misma situación y que la mantiene su padrastro, ya que no pueden mantener la madre también trabaja.

Miguel se dice de oficio arriero(Eran los señores que traían burros y cargaban cosas de un lugar a otro, algo a si como servicio de fletes, pero ellos regularmente era leña que ellos recolectaban y vendían en los poblados.) y comenta que aunque pobre podrá mantener bien a Petrona.

Gracias por la información sobre Miguel amigo. Lo que sabemos ahora es que Miguel De Contreras y mi antepasado Cristóbal De Contreras Sánchez son hijos de Cristóbal de Aguilera, quien más tarde tomó el nombre de su madre de "Contreras". Cristobal De Aguilera es el hijo de María Ruiz De Contreras. María es hija de don Diego Ruiz De Contreras y de Petrona García. Todos vivían en el pueblo de Mascota. El primer registro que hemos encontrado hasta ahora es un bautismo de la hermana de María, Catalina, cuyos padres aparecen como "Diego Ruiz y Petrona García". Este registro es de Guadalajara en el año 1637. Esto me lleva a creer que antes de vivir en Mascota, Diego Ruiz De Contreras vivió y probablemente nació en Guadalajara a principios del 1600.

Encontré un Diego Ruis que nació de Diego Ruiz De Salamanca y Juana De Ahumada en 1618 en Guadalajara. Creo que podría ser él pero necesito encontrar el registro de matrimonio de Diego Ruiz De Contreras y Petrona García, que ocurrió en algún momento alrededor de la década de 1630 en Guadalajara.

Hey guys I found a record from 1672 from the town of cuquio which is just outside of Guadalajara. This marriage record is of a man named Nicolas Ruiz De Contreras. I believe he's a son of Diego Ruiz De Contreras and Petrona Garcia or perhaps a really younger brother of Diego. As stated before, we know Diego and Petrona lived in Guadalajara in 1637 because their daughter was baptized there. After that, they moved to Mascota. I've read the record but I cant find the name of Nicolas's parents. It does say Nicolas is a vecino of Cuquio but not an originario of the town.

Here's the record…

here is marriage record though cuquio's record does not extend to 1669.

I've look for his parents name some time ago but did not find them. There has to be a dispensation of 3rd with 4th degree. In your doc. I believe he is trying to get her back but Maria Ruelas (aka as maria de la Campana) her mother is named Jusepa de la Campana (aka Josepha Ramirez) refuses and wishes for an annulment. Her parents forced her to marry him and once married she states that he took her to the mountains and stripped her and hung her on a tree but a neighbor Antonio ruiz stopped the violence and the next day he really tried to kill her by putting her on an aggressive animal and so on.

I was able to find their marriage record that wasn't in the Cuquio, which was located in the in the Diocesis of Guadalajara. Unforantely, it does not name his parents. It does name a town of origin for him but I cant seem to figure out the writing.…

What are Capellanias, Ordenes, and Cofradias? Can I find marriage records in those? I think I'm gonna go through the ones in Guadalajara to find Diego Ruiz De Contreras's marriage record.

The following might help with your question though there was another discussion with Manny this past year. I am not there yet in my research so I don't know.

As for Nicolas it seems his parents are purposely left out. I only saw that once before with Tiscareno. What I read is that he is

24 years old more or less, probably more. between 1635 and 1645 I would guess.
he is originally from a town I could not read but it has Rl (Rio?)de oct___quis (maybe from Los Contreras in San Luis?)
He lived 8 years somewhere else and 6 years in ?
There is a Dispensa for 3 degree with 4 (can't remember where I read it but I didn't attach it)

Rl means Real. That's what they referred to towns or municipality back then.

There is a Diego Ruis De Salamanca and a Juana de Ahumada who had the following children in Guadalajara:

DIEGO 1618
Jose 1625
Antonia 1627

My Diego had his daughter, Catalina/Catharina,in 1637. If he's the son of Diego and Juana, that would make him 19, If this Nicolas is the son of Diego and Juana, that would make him 39.

Hey Sarod. I reread the marriage record that I found of Nicolas Ruiz De Contreras and Maria. Right in the middle it mentions "Pueblo De Mascota". Are you sure that the information is referring to the groom or the bride?

Mascota is where the Contreras family lived prior to when my ancestor, Cristobal, moved to Santiago De Pinos. Mascota is also the location where all these records I found so far in the Dispenas list.

If Nicolas is 24 in 1669, then he would have to be the son of Diego Ruiz De Contreras and Petrona Garcia. We know their daughter was baptized in Guadalajara and I assumed that Diego and Petrona were born in Guadalajara.

Now that it is certain that this Nicolas is most likely the son of Diego and Petrona, I can use the name of this town the record claims Nicolas is naturally from. This town is most likely where Diego and Petrona were originally from. For all we know, this location could be outside of Nueva Galicia.

Only issue is that its hard to figure what the town is based on the spelling.

In reply to by ricardo.infante

I missed the part where he states that at age 8 "Respondio que de edad de ocho anos se fue a vivir este de Rancho? o Yarante? y el pueblo de mascota en con Maria de su madre y de ahi vivio ocho anos y se mudo a (???)al real del albaradon donde estuvo seis anos y en la magdalena y Tequis un ano y un ano en este Tacoltan jurisdiction. I'm pretty sure it is about him. I didnt search for Maria's birthday in other document.

The phrase "Maria de Su madre" is odd. Do you think that means "madre de su madre", as in grandmother? What I do know about Diego Ruiz De Contreras's wife, Petrona Garcia, is that she definitely had family in Mascota because a dispensa said that a husband and bride were related through Petrona and one of her sisters, Lenore Ximenez.

So this is what I know now:

Petrona's family is from Mascota. She marries Diego and had a daughter in Guadalajara. They had Nicolas somewhere before or after in this unknown town we can't decipher. The assumption is that, assuming Nicolas is older than his sister, Catalina, this could be the town of Diego's birth. Maybe Petrona moved there with one of her family members, married him, then went to live in Guadalajara. Then they went to live in Mascota.