Assistance with reading document/ ayuda con leer documento: carta de dote, Alfonsina de la Paz

Hola prim@s,

This is the carta de dote of my g8, Alfonsina de la Paz, who married Pedro de Guzman, 11 Feb 1629, in Guadalajara, Jal. FINALLY! A clue to her origins! But…the ink has bled through and makes the document difficult to read, and I’m unable to pull the names of her parents. They appear on lines 7 & 8, before “ya difuntos.” I have an idea of what her father’s name is, but I’d like for others to take a look, and get your take. Any assistance would be appreciated!
Manny Diez Hermosillo

Pedro de Guzman ortorga carta de dote a favor de su muger Alfonsina de la Paz

Great find, thank you for sharing this with the group! I have studied quite a bit on D. Luis Moreno de Monroy, who is of great interest to me, as he and his wife, instituted the "Mayorazgo of Moreno de Monroy" in their son, D. Diego Moreno de Monroy y López de la Paz, I Mayorazgo. This would be passed down as an "intact entity" down to the Independence until the last V Mayorazgo of Moreno de Monroy, D. Manuel de Luyando Bermeo y Porres Baranda Núñez de Villavicencio, Alférez Real de la Ciudad de México.

All of us who descend from the López de la Cruz and Martín del Campo are related to these families including the Cuervo y Valdés, Guerrero de Villaseca, Gallo de Villavicencio, Luyando-Bermeo, Berrio y Zaldívar, Ocio y Ocampo, Aguirre-Cuevas, etc. It is interesting to see how Spanish population has ties from Guadalajara to Mexico City.

Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino

You probably want to take a look at Juan de la Cruz and Francisca de Ayala o Renteria having children in Guadalajara:

Francisco 1600
Andres 1601
Juana 1604
Maria 1607
Alfonsa 1609
Ana 1611
Juan 1613

My Alfonsina de la Paz did use "Alfonsina de la Cruz," on one occasion, so it's definitely "Cruz." I have to agree with you, Alex, ​I see "Juan de la Cruz," and I think I see "Franca" on the next line. But my sister thinks she sees "Graviel de la Cruz," which is why I wanted more opinions: Gabriel Lopez de la Cruz was married to Ana de la Paz, also giving us possible sources for "Cruz" and "Paz." But after comparing the notary's capital "G" and "J" in other documents, we agreed that the name is "Juan de la Cruz." Therefore, his wife's name is likely "Francisca de Renteria o Ayala" Thanks, Alex, good eye!

Juan de la Cruz died and was buried 27 Dec 1614, in Guadalajara, and one of his albaseas was Gabriel Lopez de la Cruz, so there was contact between these two. My guess is that Juan de la Cruz is son of Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz, early settlers in Guadalajara. He did name his daughter Alfonsina de la Paz, and his first son, Francisco (whose padrinos were Luis Moreno de Monroy and his wife, Catalina Lopez de la Paz, who was daughter of Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz). In an unsourced online tree, I saw the parents of Francisco Lopez de la Cruz named as Juan de la Cruz cc Marina Lopez, which would give us the origin of Juan de la Cruz's name, and explain why he doesn't use "Lopez." Hopefully, I can find the documentation to connect all of the dots.

Btw, I have some great info on Gabriel Lopez de la Cruz cc Ana de la Paz, if anyone needs it. She's daughter of Diego Lopez de la Cruz cc Bernardina de Estrada, and granddaughter of Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz. They were dispensed at 3/4 consanguinity, through their paternal lines.

Manny Diez Hermosillo

This is the almoneda de los bienes (estate sale) de Alfonsina de la Paz cc Francisco Lopez de la Cruz, dated 18 Apr 1589; her albacea was her son, Diego Lopez de la Cruz, and he mentions two minor brothers, named Juan Alonso and Francisco Sanchez. I'm thinking this Juan Alonso is the same Juan de la Cruz who married Francisca de Ayala.…

From what I've been reading in old NR threads, anyone who descends from Lazaro Martin del Campo cc Maria Lopez de la Cruz should be interested in this thread:

I. Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz
II. Diego Lopez de la Cruz cc Bernardina de Estrada
III. Maria de Estrada cc Juan Baptista Vallin
IV. Maria Lopez de la Cruz cc Lazaro Martin del Campo.​

Manny Diez Hermosillo​

Great work Manny,

I descend from Lazaro Martin del Campo and Maria Lopez de la Cruz numerous times.

Thank you for sharing!

Rick A. Ricci

I. Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz
II. Diego Lopez de la Cruz ( Santa Olaya, Toledo, Spain) cc Bernardina de Estrada. (Daughter of Juan Benito and Maria Alcántara)
III. Maria de Estrada cc Juan Baptista Vallin ( son of Pierre Vallin/Valliy and Catalina Del Valle)
IV. Maria Lopez de la Cruz cc Lazaro Martin del Campo.​( aka Bartolomé de San Lázaro Martin del Campo, son of Bartolomé Martin del Campo and Juana Garcia Galán)

Hi Rick,

You’re welcome. You’ll want the limpieza de sangre of Gabriel Lopez de la Cruz, since it includes the limpieza of his wife, Ana de la Paz, daughter of Diego Lopez de la Cruz cc Bernardina de Estrada. It gives an approximate year of the arrival of her grandparents, Francisco Lopez de la Cruz cc Alfonsina de la Paz:…

And his son’s, Bachiller Francisco Lopez de Guzman:

One of the testigos on the first one was Luis Moreno de Monroy, who was married to Catalina Lopez de la Paz. Their son, Regidor Diego Moreno de Monroy, is also a testigo.

Gabriel’s limpieza is in great condition, and is very legible. His bio is very interesting, and includes an escudo. Enjoy!

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Have you got a line of ancestry for the Vallin/Valliy side? I have a Victoria Vallin/Ballin (spelling alternates in her children's baptism records) born about 1708 in Guanajuato (though I haven't myself confirmed that place of birth yet). I have not been able to find any info on her family at all. Her husband was Juan Sanches Salgado, married 25 Oct 1726 in Nochistlan.
Thank you!