I need help reading a marriage document of Antonio Hilario Franco and Ma. Ysabel Antonia Cervantes. I am having trouble reading the names of the parents of Antonio Hilario Franco. The record is in the top left corner. Antonio Hilario Franco is an ancestor of a close friend, and distant cousin, that passed away three weeks ago.
Here is the marriage record link:
Thank you,
Rick A. Ricci.
Hello Rick.
This is what I see:
"... Ant[onio] hilario Ynd[io] orig[inario] de S[an] Gasp[ar] de la felig[recia] de Xalostot[itlan] Vez[ino] de / esta de mas dies a[ños] hijo leg[itimo] de Ju[an] Fran[cisco] y de Cath[arina] Luisa Y a M[aria] / Ant[onia] M[ulata] desta felig[recia] en S[an] el Serro Gordo de S[an] Ant[onio] hija leg[itima] de / Joachin de Cerbantes dif[unto] Y de Ant[onia] hern[andez] ..."
(It seems like the "S[an]" in front of "el Serro Gorro" was written down there by mistake)
There are no last names for the parents of Antonio Hilario because he is "Yndio".
I hope this may help.
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I think that is Francisco because back then they would abbreviate names by writing the last letter smaller and above the rest. That is what I have read but I might be wrong. This one is a tough document to read.
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Thank you G Alvarez, Ruben, and Esther.
I agree with all of you that it says Francisco and that it is not the surname Franco. I was hoping that this was Antonio Franco and Ysabel Cervantes’s marriage récord, but it is now clear that these are different people.
The Antonio Franco that I am looking for was married for a second time on 2/Sep/1788 to Maria Manuela Luera, daughter of Thomas Luera and Juana Gertrudis Lopez. Their marriage record names her parents, states that he is a widower, and that his previous wife is named Ysabel Cervantes. I was hoping to find the record of his first marriage to find out his parent’s names.
Thank you,
Rick A. Ricci
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The marriage record of Antonio Hilario Franco is the second record on the left side. I mistakenly wrote that it was in the top left corner.
Rick A. Ricci
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Hi Rick,
It looks like there are two names, Jph. or Jus. The second name looks like Francisco but abbreviated (Franco).
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Hi Esther,
Thanks for your help. The surname is Franco. I am also unsure of the other parents’ names.
I would appreciate more thoughts on their names.
Rick A. Ricci
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For his parents I see ..."hijo legmo de Ju Franco y de Catha Lucia..." so possibly Juan Franco and Catalina or Catarina Lucía.
For her parents I see "...hija legma de Joachin de Cerbantes difo y de Anta hern..." so it might be Joaquín de Cervantes, deceased, and Antonia Hernández.
I hope this helps.
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Antonio hilario Yndio