Anyone available to help transcribe a marriage?
Here is the link:
Its for maria Josefa Albarado & Jose Sacramento Ledesma; 31 Oct 1819.
It is the last entry on the first page of the link...
Thank you.
Please let me know if I posted in the wrong forum.
PS...tengo un hablo/escribo espanol. (but genealogy is one of my passions)
English is not my first language, but i tried my best.
En el año del señor de 1819, en 31 de Octubre, habiendo precedido las tres canonicas -ilegible words-
en tres dias festivos -lintra missarum solemnia- y no habiendo impedimento alguno, yo el B Don Fernando Villaseñor cura de este partido los case y vele por palabras presente, habiendo y expresado el mutuo consentimiento Jose Sacramento Ledesma con Ma. Josefa Alvarado Espanoles, de San Diego Buenaventura que hacer verdadero y legitimo matrimonio, confesado y comulgado y estando instruidos en la doctrina cristiana PP (padrinos) (could be Jesus Telles, not sure )y Ramona Ledesma
In the year of the lord of 1819, on October 31, having proceeded the three canonical -ilegible words- on three holy days- lintra missarum solemnia (latin)- and having not found any impediment, I Don Fernando Villasenor, priest of this town, married vele (vele, not sure what it means in a catholic marriage), and having said the words, and expressed mutual agreement, Jose Sacramento Ledesma with Maria Josefa Alvarado, Spanish, from San Diego Buenaventura, to be in true and legitimate matrimony, having being confessed and having the holy eucharist. Having being instructed in the christian doctrine. Godparents (ilegible name) and Maria Ramona Ledesma, witnesses Jose Ma. Gutierrez y Jose -ilegible name-
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