Hello Primos and Primas,
As part of my Valladolid Dispensas work, I ran across this matrimonial dispensation from Tinguindin, Michoacan:
Juan Manuel de Villasenor y Juana de Balbuena (Tinguindin - 1717)
In it, we find that Juan Manuel de Villasenor (vecino de Tlazazalca) was the son of Pedro de Villasenor and Maria de Jaso. Juana de Balbuena (vecina de Tinguindin) was the daughter of Fernando de Balbuena and Leonor de Santa Cruz y Villasenor.
Interestingly, the witnesses call out that there are two parentescos between the novios. The first one is the one I need help understanding and connecting the dots on:
Tronco del primer parentesco: Luis de Lomelin
- Francisco de Lomelin // Juan de Lomelin
- Maria de Lomelin // Maria de Lomelin
- Pedro de Villasenor // Fernando de Balbuena
- Juan Manuel de Villasenor // Juana de Balbuena
I looked around and couldn't seem to find any traces of a Luis de Lomelin son named Francisco nor that of a son named Juan... What I find interesting is that the third witness refers to the Maria de Lomelins (daughters of Francisco and Juan) as Cuebas and NOT Lomelin like the first two witnesses... That got me thinking... Is it possible that the first two witnesses were not old enough to remember/know that the Marias de Lomelins were NOT daughters of two Lomelin brothers but that they were daughters of two Cuebas brothers? Before I go there, I'd like to like to hear from the group if there were any known Lomelin brothers named Francisco and Juan Lomelin, sons of Luis Lomelin.
Thank You,
Daniel Serna Valencia
As always, thank you for the amazing details you provided on this family.
Daniel Serna Valencia
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I posted this line in another thread:
A few notes labeled A through H before the tree.
Note A.
A small minority claim that García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra are the parents of “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”.
Many people claim that 2.”Mosén Pierres de Peralta, el Viejo” was the illegitimate son of Charles II De Navarro d’ Evereaux.
Both are mistaken as their is an extra generation which shows that Mosen Pierre De Peralta “el Viejo” (Pedro Perez de Peralta) is a grandson of both García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra and king Carlos II “el malo” and queen Juana De Francia
Note B
Geronimo Lopez “el Mozo” and his wife, Ana Carillo de Peralta came from the upper high class. Their immediate descendants married into other upper high class society like the Villaseñor, Lomelin, Santiago, Ovande, Alvarez Nuñez, Rivadeneyra, and Cervantes families to name some of them.
Note C
The Diego Coria III that marries a daughter of Geronimo Lopez el Mozo and his wife, Ana Carillo De Peralta, is a descendant, but not a son, of Conquistador Diego Coria I
Note D
I was only going to post a line of descent without any stories but decided to give a glimpse of the many stories to go along with this family tree. One of the stories involve the French civil war between descendants of the same woman, but from different fathers. She was forced to separate from her first husband because they were too closely related. It was mainly because of jealousy and politics that there was a complaint. Since she was forced to separate from her husband, she marries marries a second husband and has more children. Then the jealousy and politics really come to a boiling point as now she is being accused of bigamy by the people who said that her first marriage wasn’t valid. She provided for separate inheritances of the two families, but eventually her descendants are involved in a big civil war that involves much of France. There are many other interesting stories like a Frenchman being held prisoner in London by his distant cousin, the Black Prince Of England. While he was under lock and key, he played chess and socialized with his distant cousin. There is also a connection that contributes to France backing Enrique II in its civil war between King Pedro the Cruel of Castilla and his half brother, Enrique II.
Note E
One of the ancestors, the Cardinal, is deeply involved in the politics in Castilla. He becomes a big enemy of King Ferdinand II of Aragon, the Catholic King..
Note F
Many of these people have multiple marriages, but I tried to only list the spouses that are the biological parents.
Note G
There are many lines of ancestry to kings of France, Navarra, Castilla, Leon, and England.
Note H
This Villaseñor line that Regina descends from is related to a Villaseñor D' Avalos line. Regina’s maternal grandfather, Jose de Villaseñor Figueroa, was married twice . Through his first marriage to Maria Delgadilla y Bocanegra D'avalos you have a line of descent that used Villaseñor D'avalos. Regina Villaseñor descends from the second marriage so she doesn't have D'avalos in her ancestry.
Regina Villaseñor de la Cuevas’s descent from royalty through her Peralta ancestors.
1. Charles II the bad Rey De Navarra and Juana De Francia o De Valois
2. Pierre de Nabarra Evreux, conde de Mortain (b. 31/Mar/1366, Évreux, Eure, Normandy, France; d. 29/July/1412) with Mistress Ana Martinez De Peralta (daughter of García Martínez Peralta and Ana Sánchez Ruiz de Azagra) Pierre is married to another woman.
3. Pierre Perez De Peralta, señor De Aldonsilla, (known as “Mossen (Monsegneur) Pierre” [consejero real] Aka “Mosén Pierres de Peralta “el Viejo”. In 1416 he is named "ricohombre” in Navarra. Acting ambassador in París (1398, 1404, 1408 y 1409) in the conflict between the "armagnacs" y "borgoñones". Ambassador in Castilla (1412) and Aragón (1413 - 1414), ] ( He is often confused with his father, situation which repeats with his son “el menor or el joven”) [el mozo is more often reserved for “junior” and el menor or el joven is more often used for the third in line with similar names, ] He is married to Juana Ezpeleta y Garro, ( daughter of Ogier de Garo y Chatillon and Juana Ezpleta y Echauz, señora De Ezpleta)
4. Pedro, Mosen Pierres “el Joven” de Peralta y Ezpeleta, conde de santisteban. He is often confused with his father as he continued his father’s work as key advisor to the king of Navarra. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/MosenPierresFoto.JPG. First marriage: 27/Dec/1440 in “el Palacio Real de Olite” with Ana de Brabante, illegitimate daughter of Antonio de Borgoña. Aka Antonio De Brabante, duque de Brabante, Lothier y Limburgo, conde de Rethel,
5. Juana Peralta Regado m 22/Nov1467 with Troilo (o Zoilo) Carrillo (conde de Augusta, in Italy, illegitimate son of Cardenal Alonso Carrillo de Acuña
6. Alonso de Carrillo De Peralta, I marqués de Falces (b. circa 1450, married first wife Ana Velasco y Padilla ( daughter of Luis Fernandez De Velasco y Manrique De Lara and Ana De Padilla y Manrique De Lara.
7. Antonio de Peralta, II marqués de Falces (d.1545) 2° marqués de Falces, 4° conde de Santisteban de Lerín, señor de la baronía de Peralta, consejero de los reyes de Navarra, mayordomo mayor de la Casa real, m. 17/Dec/1514 Ana de Bosquet y Lucy, señora de Tornay, daughter of Jean (Juan) de Bosquet, barón de Pouget en Bearne, gran canciller de Navarra and. Ana de Lucy, señora de Belaire. Antonio had two children with another woman. One of these other children was also named Ana. The two Anas married and both sued their brother for their “dote” as it seems their father had passed away at the time of their marriages. Both these lawsuits are archived and if we could read them then we would find out which of the two Anas descends from Ana Bosquet y Lucy, and which descends from the other woman. The lawsuits may even tell us the name of the other woman. These documents are presently unavailable for review.
8. Ana Carrillo de Peralta (Regado was part of the surname with some of the women, sometimes it is spelled a little differently but lost my notes with the other spelling) married Pedro de Yanguas, regidor perpetuo de la ciudad de Logroño.
9. Ana Carillo De Peralta (named after her mother) married Geronimo Lopez “el mozo” (born in 1537) (Tesorero Real y Regidor, takes the position as his father), [son of Geronimo Lopez “el viejo” (b.1488, d. 1949 while on a ship returning to Spain) (Also Tesorero Real y Regidor), and his second wife, Catalina Alvarez De Cabrera (descendant of the house of David; she has an ancestor that is a sister of a famous Jewish theologian that became an even more famous Catholic Theologian.] Ana Carillo Peralta is Geronimo el mozo’s second of three wives.
10. María Peralta Regado Mendoza marries Diego Coria, Maria becomes a widow at an early age and becomes a nun before her father writes his will.
11. There may be an extra generation here as there is some confusion as to whether #12 is the son or grandson of #10.
12. Manuel Coria Peralta Regado m. ca. 1630 to Catalina Lomelin (bap. 17/May/1607) (daughter of Luciano (Luis) Lomelin and Maria Del Olmo
13: Bernarda Lomelin Peralta (bap. 25/Oct/1632) Chilchota, Michoacan m. José de Villaseñor y Figueroa
14. María De Villaseñor y Lomelin m. Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás (son of de Don Pedro de Cuevas y Carvajal y de Doña Josepha de Solís y Monjarás)
Rick A. Ricci, source: my book: Mygenes2000
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Happy Holidays!
This week I was able to advance on one of my lines from Tlaltenango and I think it could be part of this same family you mention-de la cueva Carbajal. In the marriage record of my 8x gg Antonio Gil Aro cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa it states that Antonio is the son of Francisco Xavier Aro Bocanegra ( originally from Jerez) and Gertrudis de la Cueba Carbajal.
RECORD: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-BQXQ-W?from=lynx1UIV8&…
The line is as follows:
Francisco aro bocanegra cc Gertrudis de la Cueva Carbajal, parents of
Antonio Aro Bocanegra n. Abt 1730 Jerez cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa Gonzales n. 1733 Tlal., parents of
Antonio Gil Aro n. 1756 zacatecas cc Andrea Torres aka Godoy n. Abt 1760 Tlal., parents of
Juana María Haro n. 1786 Momax cc Juan José Mota Avila n. Abt 1782 Momax
My mother is from Momax. The last record I have placed the family in jerez zacatecas. I think my Gertrudis de la cueba may be descendant of Francisco Xavier de la Cueva Carbajal. Any thoughts or help appreciated.
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Happy Holidays!
This week I was able to advance on one of my lines from Tlaltenango and I think it could be part of this same family you mention-de la cueva Carbajal. In the marriage record of my 8x gg Antonio Gil Aro cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa it states that Antonio is the son of Francisco Xavier Aro Bocanegra ( originally from Jerez) and Gertrudis de la Cueba Carbajal.
RECORD: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-BQXQ-W?from=lynx1UIV8&…
The line is as follows:
Francisco aro bocanegra cc Gertrudis de la Cueva Carbajal, parents of
Antonio Aro Bocanegra n. Abt 1730 Jerez cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa Gonzales n. 1733 Tlal., parents of
Antonio Gil Aro n. 1756 zacatecas cc Andrea Torres aka Godoy n. Abt 1760 Tlal., parents of
Juana María Haro n. 1786 Momax cc Juan José Mota Avila n. Abt 1782 Momax
My mother is from Momax. The last record I have placed the family in jerez zacatecas. I think my Gertrudis de la cueba may be a descendant of Francisco Xavier de la Cueva Carbajal. Any thoughts or help appreciated.
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Happy Holidays!
This week I was able to advance on one of my lines from Tlaltenango and I think it could be part of this same family you mention-de la cueva Carbajal. In the marriage record of my 8x gg Antonio Gil Aro cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa it states that Antonio is the son of Francisco Xavier Aro Bocanegra ( originally from Jerez) and Gertrudis de la Cueba Carbajal.
RECORD: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-BQXQ-W?from=lynx1UIV8&…
The line is as follows:
Francisco aro bocanegra cc Gertrudis de la Cueva Carbajal, parents of
Antonio Aro Bocanegra n. Abt 1730 Jerez cc Francisca Xaviera Ulloa Gonzales n. 1733 Tlal., parents of
Antonio Gil Aro n. 1756 zacatecas cc Andrea Torres aka Godoy n. Abt 1760 Tlal., parents of
Juana María Haro n. 1786 Momax cc Juan José Mota Avila n. Abt 1782 Momax
My mother is from Momax. The last record I have placed the family in jerez zacatecas. I think my Gertrudis de la Cueba may be a
descendant of Francisco Xavier de la Cueva Carbajal. Any thoughts or help appreciated.
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I descend from Francisco de la Cueva Carvajal cc Maria de Villaseñor y Lomelin. Many members of this Cuevas Carvajal family used other surnames to distance themselves from the inquisition. Many families had some converso roots, so it wasn’t always about hiding some converso ancestry, but many families did want to distance themselves from any family members that were caught iin the “inquisition web.” There is a need to look at many “Dispensas “ from this family to untangle the family lines.
Rick A. Ricci
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Thank you both for the information you have provided. The conclusion is that the tronco was really a de la Cueva Carbajal tronco which does have some Lomelin ancestry.
Manny, it doesn't make it any easier that there are at least 3 de la Cueva Carbajals who married a Maria de Villasenor/Lomelin in the early 1600s Jalisco/Michoacan border.
Rick, the additional context you provided certainly helps with figuring out why 2 out of the three witnesses would provide testimony that the tronco of the parentesco came from Luis Lomelin (no doubt it didn't) just not in the way that we expect.
All in all, here's what I have pieced together to flesh out the tronco that initiated the dispensa:
Tronco: Francisco de la Cueva Carbajal cc Maria Lomelin (Groom's side)
- Francisco de la Cueva y Lomelin cc Maria de Villasenor
- Maria de la Cueva Villasenor cc Pedro de Villasenor y Figueroa
- Pedro de Villasenor y Cuevas cc Maria de Jaso y Ochoa
- Juan Manuel de Villasenor y Jaso
Tronco: Francisco de la Cueva Carbajal cc Maria Lomelin (Brides's side)
- Juan de la Cueva Lomelin cc Maria de Villasenor y Nunez del Rincon
- Maria de la Cueva Villasenor cc Geronimo de Balbuena
- Fernando de Balbuena y Cuevas cc Leonor de Santa Cruz y Villasenor
- Juana de Balbuena y Santa Cruz Villasenor
Here's some additional information on a couple of the couples mentioned above:
Juan de la Cueva Carbajal cc Maria de Villasenor, here's their matrimonial information:
Jiquilpan, Michoacan, Mexico - 6/29/1659
Pedro de Villasenor y Cuevas cc Maria Perez de Jaso y Ochoa, here's their marriage in Zamora:
Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico - 4/25/1683
I don't have more information regarding the other couples already mentioned. I do have some information on some of their children, dispensas, etc. that helps piece together this puzzle somewhat. I hope that as we continue working through the Morelia archives, we'll find how Luis de Lomelin fits into all of this.
Thank You All,
Daniel Serna Valencia
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Hello DANIEL.,
I agree that they descend from Joseph de Villaseñor Figueroa cc Bernarda de Lomelin y Peralta ( aka Correa Lomelin.). Bernarda de Lomelin y Peralta descends from Luis Lomelin through Catalina Lomelin.
12. Manuel Coria Peralta Regado m. ca. 1630 to Catalina Lomelin (bap. 17/May/1607) (daughter of Luciano (Luis) Lomelin and Maria Del Olmo
13: Bernarda Lomelin Peralta (bap. 25/Oct/1632) Chilchota, Michoacan m. José de Villaseñor y Figueroa
14. María De Villaseñor y Lomelin m. Francisco de Cuevas Carvajal y Monjarás (son of de Don Pedro de Cuevas y Carvajal y de Doña Josepha de Solís y Monjarás)
Rick A. Ricci
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The first name of Fernando de Balbuena's maternal grandfather is not Juan, Fernando de Balbuena's maternal grandfather is Pedro de Cueva.
According to this document, Juan de Cueva y Carvajal (married to Antonia de Vitoria y Gaviño) and María de Cueva (married to Gerónimo de Balbuena) are siblings. They both are the children of Pedro de Cueva (see also the back of the page, image 41 of 374).
I hope this may help to untangle this matrimonial dispensation.
(Catalina Ruiz may/may not be María de Cueva's mother).
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Thank you, Rick. This is helpful. I am finding the name changes very confusing. I'm looking at the Carvajal line as well.
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Hola Daniel,
There was a Francisco de la Cueva Carvajal cc Maria de Villaseñor y Lomelin, who who I have as residents of Teocuitatlan, Jal, born around 1610ish. Some of their offspring ended up in Michoacan. Their daughter, Ysabel de la Cueva y Villaseñor, also used Olmo on at least one occasion, so there’s probably a link to Luis de Lomelin cc Maria del Olmo - though I have Maria de Villaseñor y Lomelin as daughter of Joseph de Villaseñor Figueroa cc Bernarda de Lomelin y Peralta aka Correa Lomelin.
I hope that helps!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
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Thank you Rick!