In researching the marriage of Francisco Campos and Maria Gonzalez, and I've found some interesting finds. To begin with I've only found their "intent to be married" in the church records for Jalisco:…
Then I found two entries, one month apart, in the civil marriage records in Jalisco.…
Why would there be two entries? And from the same hometown and same priest? I'm told the family was wealthy, hence the "Don" and "Dona" on the marriage intent. I saw nothing regarding a dispensation. I have not seen this before. My spanish is not the best either. Any opinion is welcome.
I want to add the following about civil marriage records. In most civil marriage records of this time period, one should find two entries for every couple that married successfully. The first one is the presentación and the second one the matrimonio.
In the case of Francisco Campos and María González, the earlier entry is the presentación. It is stated so at the beginning of the record. In the latter entry it says matrimonio at the beginning. Every couple who married successfully should have a corresponding presentación and matrimonio entry, usually in the same book. For example, Bonifacio Reyes and Carmen Medina had their presentación recorded right after Francisco and María’s on page 207 (image 259), and had their matrimonio recorded right before Francisco and Maria’s on page 220 (image 272).
The difference with church marriage records is that the información matrimonial and the marriage records are almost always found in separate books.
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I'm reading that Maria's age was 19. I thought that was legal in Mexico. I agree with the earlier comment that the church was waiting for the civil marriage to occur first. I did not read any other issue that might have stalled the wedding. They both took communion and made confessions.
Thank you both for your work. And, thank you for the church marriage record. I also know that Francisco died only eight years later in a hospital/mental institution after a mining accident in Arizona, but I do not know the name of the hospital. (His civil death indicates it was "imaginacion mental.") Come to find out his son had schiziphrenia.…
Are there any records online or on Familysearch that would verify admittance to a hospital from the early 1900s? I've looked at mining accidents in Arizona online and cannot find his might not have been a major accident he was involved in-who knows?
Thanks again you two.
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At the end of the first document it states that the witnesses said they knew the couple and that they could be married, so they started the corresponding publication of the marriage and I guess paper work. So yeah, in the first date they started the process and then they had to come back once it was settled.
Also note that the bride was underage at the time, so they needed the consent of the father. Maybe the church wanted them to be legally married first because of that?
Edit: Maybe the last part makes it clear:
"Se publicó este matrimonio segpun disposición (...) el veinticinco de Julio (...) Agosto del año de siete, sin resulta de impedimento alguno ni aún pasado el testmonio legal; por lo mismo mandé (...) la celebración del mismo enlace, el cual se verificó con mi licencia en la Iglesia Parroquial el veintinueve del mismo Agosto..."
So indeed, I would say they were waiting to see if there was also no legal impediment for the wedding.
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What you found is actually typical, I think. The only thing missing in your collection is the church’s record of the marriage.
Here in the States, one can apply for a marriage license from the local, secular authority, but then have a religious marriage officiant (priest, pastor, minister, rabbi, imam, etc…) perform the ceremony. It is kind of like a 2-for-1; Church and State together in one act of union.
México practices a stricter separation of Church and State in this regard. One can be legally married by the local, secular, civil authority, and, if so desired, can also go to the local parish and apply to be married there by a priest as well. Which is what happened here. Francisco and María declared their intent to marry at both the Registro Civil and the church on the same day.
The civil record dated July 26th, 1907 (image 259) is when they appeared at the Registro Civil to initiate the marriage process. The record says, “…comparecieron Francisco Campos y María González con objetivo de iniciar su matrimonio…” This process is akin to the información matrimonial at the church. Its purpose is to see if they meet the requirements for marriage according to legal statutes.
The civil record dated August 27th, 1907 (image 272) is when they were legally married. It states, “…comparecieron Francisco Campos y María González con objetivo de consumar su matrimonio…” The act of marital union was made official by the presiding officiant, “…el Juez que subscribe los declaró perfectamente unidos en legítimo e indisoluble matrimonio.”
Many churches will not marry couples unless they are already legally married. That could be why the church wedding did not take place until the 29th of August, two days after the civil wedding.
I am no expert on the topic. If others can add to or correct what I have said here, I welcome them to do so.
I hope this helps.
PS - Notice the absence of the honorific "don" in the civil records. Why do you suppose that is?
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Presentación & Matrimonio