[Fwd: Emailing: azteckings]

Here's something Charles is passing on to the group. As should be our
norm we should take any leads we get from sources like this as just
that: Leads. Leads should produce a strong desire in us to confirm the
work by seeking the source material it was taken from and "seeing" it

. . .yeah yeah yeah I know I'm just preaching to the choir.

thanks Carlitos,


-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Emailing: azteckings
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:21:29 -0800
From: Charles Clark <cclark98@pacbell.net>
To: Joseph Puentes <makas@nc.rr.com>
CC: Rosalinda M Ruiz <lareina2@ix.netcom.com>

content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

Here is something for the group to
look at.
Charles Clark
bgcolor="white" border="0"

_base_href="http://hometown.aol.com/rdavidh218/azteckings.html"> height="8" src="/cid:part1.08040507.00010206@nc.rr.com" width="200"
_base_href="http://hometown.aol.com/rdavidh218/azteckings.html"> _base_href="http://hometown.aol.com/rdavidh218/azteckings.html">

src="/cid:part1.08040507.00010206@nc.rr.com" width="15"
_base_href="http://hometown.aol.com/rdavidh218/azteckings.html"> class="htmbrp" href="/" target="_top">Main >> class="htmbrp" href="/ht.ssp?cid=11000" target="_top">Cultures &
Beliefs >> target="_top">Other Social Groups

_base_href="http://hometown.aol.com/rdavidh218/azteckings.html"> height="8" src="/cid:part1.08040507.00010206@nc.rr.com" width="200"
