(no subject)

So I do I chat??


not sure of your message,

but I sent you an email early Saturday about needing Yahoo Messenger and
a Yahoo Email account (both free to download off the internet) to be in
the chat. did you get that message.

not sure what you mean below?


MMG8938@aol.com wrote:

>So I do I chat??

Hi Julie,

Your welcome, I don't have the Mora Baptisms that could be a book you might want to order. We don't have it but you might try the Hispanic Genealogy Resource Center of New Mexico. HGRC or New Mexico Genealogy Society. Genealogy can get expensive and I live on a fixed income but I love it.


Hi Primo,

My mother just called a told me about your uncle. I am so sorry to hear about his death please tell your mom and the rest of the family.

God Bless


A quien fuere, que me pudiere orientar sobre el manejo del programa Ahnentafel o Registro
modificado del PAF de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias, no se que estoy haciendo mal, pero siempre
que trato de hacer un reporte general y al hacer click en preview, solamente me muestra dos hojas,
como primera generacion, les agradeceria cualquier informacion o si me recomiendan un programa
de geneologia con Ahnentafel que pudiera ser mejor lo apreciaria mucho. afectuosamente, celestino.

Hola Celestino, si nadie pudo ayudarte, manda un e-mail a mi hijo David Jordan al siguiente: djm@enhanced.org - Mi hijo es un computer geek y el me ayudo cuando me paso lo mismo que a ti. Dile que yo te diriji a el.
--Esther Jordan

A quien fuere, que me pudiere orientar sobre el manejo del programa Ahnentafel
o Registro
modificado del PAF de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias, no se que estoy haciendo
mal, pero siempre
que trato de hacer un reporte general y al hacer click en preview, solamente me
muestra dos hojas,
como primera generacion, les agradeceria cualquier informacion o si me
recomiendan un programa
de geneologia con Ahnentafel que pudiera ser mejor lo apreciaria mucho.
afectuosamente, celestino.

My mother (even though she was scots-irish & not mexican) raised her children to be proud of their heritage.  I can remember as a little girl telling older neighbor kids that I was Mexican American from my father & being told I was a liar.  I got the gringo genes while my brother got the mexican ones in the looks department.  We were not raised to speak spanish but my parents supported my desire to learn although you could say that I am really only fluent enough to cause trouble.  Even as an adult, people will talk around me thinking I do not understand & they will automatically assume my husband who is Puerto Rican but does not speak spanish can talk a blue streak with them.  When this happens, he can only stand & stare before looking to me to find out what was said.  People are always amazed when this happens but I have always felt looked down on when I explain my mixed heritage to them.  I have traced my ancestry for eleven years now & am proud
of both the mexican & non-mexican ancestors I can claim descent from.  When I graduated from college, my diploma carried not only my married name but my maiden name as well in order to honor my ancestors.  In the words of the short lived drama, The Roar, from several years back, "I honor my past & carry my future".

Juli D. Quinteros de Hernandez
Dallas, TX

I tried to send you some information to the above address but the message was returned undelivered. Is it possible that your mailbox might be full?

John Gonzalez

Can we entertain the idea of having a " Book Tertulia" on a specific period of time from our rancho? In 2010 it will be the centennial celebration of the Mexican Revolution, maybe we can start with a theme from that period. It's just a thought.

Podriamos tener una "tertulia" sobre un libro que se enfoque en alguna etapa de  nuestros ranchos? El 20010 sera el centenario de la Revolucion Mexicana, tal vez podriamos empezar con un tema de este periodo. Es solo una idea.

mi nombre es pablo padilla munoz,de aguascalientes, ags; mi madre de las pilas, zacatecas;mi padre de san miguel el alto,jalisco; miabuelos de san miguel el alto, jalisco, mi bisabuela de arandas jalisco

Dices que to madre es de Las Pilas, Zacatecas. Acaso sera el Rancho de las Pilas en el Municipio de Nochistlan Zacatecas. La mayoria de mis ancestros son del Rancho de las Pilas, El Monte De Los Duranes y los otros Ranchos cercanos de Tlachichila Zacatecas, incluyendo mucha familia  que se apellida Munoz.
San Jose, Ca

From: Pablo Padilla
To: "general@lists.nuestrosranchos.org"
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)

mi nombre es pablo padilla munoz,de aguascalientes, ags; mi madre de las pilas, zacatecas;mi padre de san miguel el alto,jalisco; miabuelos de san miguel el alto, jalisco, mi bisabuela de arandas jalisco

Mi bisabuelo lo registraron en Nochistal Jose Felix Muñoz 1822, a un lado de tlachichila, de ahi lo llevaron a Nocistal a registrarlo, su Papa Miguel Muñoz, despues 4 hermanos se fueron a Mascota Jalisco, ahi nacio mi abuelo Edwiges Muñoz ramos y cerca de un pueblo mi Padre, que se fue a Sonora y yo naci en Sonora 1961.

Thanks for your posting. I have not heard of Mole de Rancho but if it has
all the same ingredients, I say, "what's in a name?" My sister communicated
with the woman who had the recipe in a published cook book from
Mexico, "Recetario
del Cine Mexicano" authored by Marrie-Pierre Collie. She called it "Jalisco
Style Chicken Stew". I am looking at my mother's recipe as I write this and
the ingredients are chile anchos, whole large hen (gallina), tomatillos,
masa harina, garlics, and lard. The result is a hearty, thick, soup with
shredded hen and chile. We come Tamazula de Gordiano from the other end of
Jalisco southeast of Los Altos on the way to Colima. I have ordered a used
copy of the cookbook but I found it only in England. It appears to be out
of print. All the recipes are related to Mexican movies. The author stated
this particular movie poster had Jorge Negrete eating cuachala / Mole de

I earlier sent a link to the same recipe from the website for ex-patriates called Mexconnect.com, under "cuisine". The page shows Jorge Negrete's scene where he is enjoying cuachala.

Port Orchard, WA

> Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 22:55:22 -0800
> From: rcafartista@gmail.com
> To: general@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
> Mary
> Thanks for your posting. I have not heard of Mole de Rancho but if it has
> all the same ingredients, I say, "what's in a name?" My sister communicated
> with the woman who had the recipe in a published cook book from
> Mexico, "Recetario
> del Cine Mexicano" authored by Marrie-Pierre Collie. She called it "Jalisco
> Style Chicken Stew". I am looking at my mother's recipe as I write this and
> the ingredients are chile anchos, whole large hen (gallina), tomatillos,
> masa harina, garlics, and lard. The result is a hearty, thick, soup with
> shredded hen and chile. We come Tamazula de Gordiano from the other end of
> Jalisco southeast of Los Altos on the way to Colima. I have ordered a used
> copy of the cookbook but I found it only in England. It appears to be out
> of print. All the recipes are related to Mexican movies. The author stated
> this particular movie poster had Jorge Negrete eating cuachala / Mole de
> Rancho!
> Juan

Hi Joseph,

I'm pretty discouraged. I've been a member for almost a year now, submitted my family tree info in a folder and also on the Forum blog, (2x). I need help to see if anyone has heard of any my family names in my tree, and if they know about the name Ismael being a girl's name, but to no avail. No one replies, I haven't gotten a single response from anyone since I've been a member.  I don't know why and what I'm doing wrong. Am I posting it in the wrong place or something? Can you help me?  

-Donna Gonzalez


Don't be discouraged. Some members are able to make connections with others here in the group, some are able to be helped, and others are not able to make progress.

First, I would suggest going to FamilySearch.org and searching in the search areas and in the images. There is a lot of information available on your family. Starting with Alfredo & Amelia, I was able to go back 5 generations from them. And there is still a lot of records to look. At the 5 generation mark is where I had to call it quits for the evening.

If you want to take a look at what I have found so far goto the member file folder "Walker, Jonathan - Donna Gonzalez" there is a ahnentafel chart of your family there.

Jonathan Walker


I would suggest looking the folder in the membership files of
"Jonathan Walker - Donna Gonzalez" there is about 5 generations, from
your grandparents there.

I hope that it will help.

Jonathan Walker

Really?? I would never have known to look under the membership files of Jonathan Walker to find Mercado/Acevedo lineage! I will now try to find this folder.  Thank you!

On Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:52 PM, Jonathan Walker wrote:


I would suggest looking the folder in the membership files of
"Jonathan Walker - Donna Gonzalez"  there is about 5 generations, from
your grandparents there.

I hope that it will help.

Jonathan Walker


tu Andrés es:

Andres Robles Gaeta en realidad era Gaeta-Robles...

hijo de Sostenes Campos Gaeta y Agustina Mayorga Robles en Chayotillo alrededor de 1870

Sóstenes Campos Gaeta eta hijo de Jose Antionio Damasio Gaeta (bautizo 27 de 1804) y Bárbara Campos (se casan 13 feb 1833)

Damaso era hijo de Jose Basilio Gaeta (nace 1774 totatiche) y Maria Andrea Ramirez

Jose Basilio era hijo de Candido francisco Mayorga Gaeta ( nace 1747) y Maria Esmeregilda de los Dolores Marquez Cárdenas aunque sus hijos salen Gaeta-Cardenas

Cándido era hijo de Manuel Almeda Gaeta y Francisca Xaviera Mayorga

todos tienen muchos hijos pero estoy segura que con esto se te desenmaraña tu árbol ya solo es cosa de copiar los nombres de hermanos e irlos acomodando junto con sus esposa pero te mando lo de Sóstenes y Agustina que son los hermanos de Andres Robles Gaeta o Gaeta Robles:

Cristobal (2 aug 1868 batch C604647)

Martin (2 jun 1876 y se casa con Crispina Torres Torres


Domingo (16 aug 1857 )

Antonio (17 jun 1873)

por alguna razón tonmaron en su registro estas generaciones el apellido de su madre primero pero incluso en tu abuela verás que también es así y que éste es el tuyo...pero en realidad en línea directa eran Gaeta

No tengo relación con esta familia.. voy a ver si loocalizo las demás ramas , tengo algunos hijos de otros Gaeta Ramirez--- Gaeta Avila que son hijos de Damasio Gaeta y Maria Refugia Avila hija de Ygnacio Avila y Maria de la Luz Baldes casados el 19 feb 1842 segunda esposa de Damaso papas de Jose roman ( 29 feb 1844). Lety Reynoso

> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:48:17 -0700
> From: roseholly@yahoo.com
> To: general@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
> Roseholly
> Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/roseholly/Main.htm
> I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.
> — Helen Keller

Jose Antionio Damasio Gaeta (bautizo 27 de 1804) y Maria Bárbara Campos Huerta (se casan 13 feb 1833) padres de Juan Gaeta (30 jun 1838)

Barbara hija de Basilio Campos y Antonia Huerta , Basilio Campos es hijo de Juan Antonio Campos y Maria Antonia Lopez en Totatiche y Antonia Huerta hija de Jose Huerta y Gertrudes Avila.

familia Campos Huerta hermanos de Bárbara batch C044034 film 443809:

Maria Tomasa ( 22 sep 1812) totatiche

Jose Alvino Ramon ( 06 mar 1796 Tlaltenango de sanchez Roman Zacatecas


Damasio + su segunda esposa Maria del refugio Avila hija de Ygnacio Avila y Maria de la luz Baldes M617072

sus hijos Maria serapia 03 nov 1846, jose roman 29 feb 1844


Jose Basilio Gaeta y Maria Andrea de la Luz Ramirez Enriquez ( marriage:06 nov 1776) (hija de Jose bernabe o Bernardino Ramirez y Manuela Enriquez M617071)

Gaeta Avila son:

Augustina 1813

Narciso ( b:28 oct 1807, Crist 04 nov 1807)casado con Maria del refugio Perez hija de jose Maria Perez y Magdalena Magallanes M: 11 feb 1832

Fermina ( 29 sep 1802) casada con jose maria perez el 30 jun 1819


hijo de Cándido Gaeta tambien Jose de gaeta (1782) casado con Josefa Contreras M: 16 nov 1808

Messenger cumple 10 años y tiene regalos para ti

I am related to many of the families you mentioned in your email: Gaeta, Campos, Mayorga, Marquez, Cardenas, Huerta, Valdez, Avila, etc. They are mainly from the Totatiche and Colotlan area in Jalisco.

For more infomation you can see my files: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/13945

I have descandant files for each of the surnames above...

Take Care,
Angie Godina