Does anybody out there knows an easy way to find a member's E-mail address so he (she) can be contacted directly?
I sure miss the "who is who" members directory from the old site...
Thank you.
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.
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Does anybody out there knows an easy way to find a member's E-mail address so he (she) can be contacted directly?
Ditto, I agree...........not complaining, just wishing and inquiring.
Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
I sure miss the "who is who" members directory from the old site...
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.
Who's Who List
The Who's Who List is Still There... in fact it is now searchable.
As Joseph mentioned, you can simply type a first or last name into the little search window and when you get the results, simply click on the "Users" tab and all the matches will come up.
If you simply want to browse through the user directory, you can do so by going to the FILES section and clicking on the "browse" user directory on the last paragraph, or you can simply go to:
Who's Who List
is this List accessible only via password? If so does that mean that it
can't be reached by one of those Spam Bot's?
if it is not reachable to collect email addresses for Spam purposes then
how difficult is it to make the list "edit" available? I'd be willing to
go through and add everyone's email address to their profile and make it
a hyper link if possible.
ps: I just added "bold" to both the words "search" and "browse" for this
arturoramos wrote:
>The Who's Who List is Still There... in fact it is now searchable.
>As Joseph mentioned, you can simply type a first or last name into the little search window and when you get the results, simply click on the "Users" tab and all the matches will come up.
>If you simply want to browse through the user directory, you can do so by going to the FILES section and clicking on the "browse" user directory on the last paragraph, or you can simply go to:
New and Improved Who's Who List
I have taken your suggestions and added email addresses to the who's who profile list. This list is not accessible to spam bots since it is only viewable when you are logged in. It now allows you to click someone on the list and get their full user profile as well, from where you can track their postings, etc.
You can also click their email address and email directly if you have an email program configured with your browser.
Let me know if there are any other such easy improvements that we might be able to make to the site.
New and Improved Who's Who List
wow thank you Arturo this is great. . .little by little you are making
something that was great into something better. In time we'll come up to
speed and these first few months of our learning curve will be looked
upon with amusement.
I "think" (we're in trouble now) that the Username hyperlink might need
to be tweaked. From my end everytime I click on a Username that is
listed on the Who's who list I keep coming back to my profile.
arturoramos wrote:
>I have taken your suggestions and added email addresses to the who's who profile list. This list is not accessible to spam bots since it is only viewable when you are logged in. It now allows you to click someone on the list and get their full user profile as well, from where you can track their postings, etc.
>You can also click their email address and email directly if you have an email program configured with your browser.
>Let me know if there are any other such easy improvements that we might be able to make to the site.
Who's Who Link Fixed
The link should be working now Joseph....
This brings up two issues that I had put off due to (paying) workload which I should bring up now...
The first is that there are many members who have not filled out their user profiles and thus they come up blank in the Who's Who list as well as when someone does a location or surname search.
Can everybody please take a moment to go into their user profile and make sure that the information is filled out and correct? It makes the site much more useful for everybody. Click on "My Account" from the side menu, then click the "Edit" tab when your profile comes up. You will then need to go through the first three categories to update all of the information:
1. Account Settings
2. Personal Information
3. Research
Second, I had started on a user manual a couple of months back and never got finished with it. Is there anyone who would be willing to help? I have already got a volunteer to translate, but I would like to get the parts that I have already done edited before I give it to him for translation.
If someone thinks they can take one of the missing chapters, that would be great as well.
in that little seach window put in the members name and click on the
search button
then at the top of the results page you see one tab called "users" next
to the one called "content" select the "users" tabe and you should find
the person listed. Click on that persons name and then you'll have some
tabs at the top one of them is "Contact" where you can contact them
As it is I'm getting a terrible amount of spam that I'm deleting and
Arturo has suggested not listing the members email address in the open
area because the spam bots will find them and send everyone spam.
Arturo I'm wondering if we can put a "file" in the private area of the
group with a word file that has their names and email addresses? would
this be able to be reached by thos spam bots?
once you have that person there should be a contact button
gnzlzspd wrote:
>Does anybody out there knows an easy way to find a member's E-mail address so he (she) can be contacted directly?
>I sure miss the "who is who" members directory from the old site...
>Thank you.
>John Gonzalez
>Wildomar, CA.
email and spam
I use to never get spam and over the last two months I have been getting about five emails daily. Is this why? I was wondering what happened that all the sudden I started getting all these different spam emails....oh well.
If there is a fix......can we implement it?
- Angie Godina
email and spam
Angie, I have a computer, and this Yahoo account that I use only for Genealogy related subjects. I have always been rather suspicious of the spam that I receive after visiting Family Search. I had not been to the site in some time however, yesterday I was at Family Search...and this morning I had 16 spams.
When I originally joined "Ranchos" I had an AOL account, and used it to access Yahoo. Well, lo and behold...I received a message from AOL...addressed to the name I had used as a password.
Recently, I received a spam, the subject had my name as I sometimes use it on this site inconjunction with my maiden name. I had not used my maiden name in umteen years.
Ahhh the pearls of cyber space.
aajay1073 wrote:
I use to never get spam and over the last two months I have been getting about five emails daily. Is this why? I was wondering what happened that all the sudden I started getting all these different spam emails....oh well.
If there is a fix......can we implement it?
- Angie Godina
email and spam
Yahoo email accounts are among the worst when it comes to user privacy. But
it is all in the user terms of agreement when you sign up. Unfortunately we
rarely read the small print before clicking the OK button.
All that on top of turning each message every user writes into a Yahoo
advertisement. Just check the trailer attached to each of your posts.
So, is there a fix? How about dropping yahoo in favor of another email
On 7/10/06, Santos Luna wrote:
> Angie, I have a computer, and this Yahoo account that I use only for
> Genealogy related subjects. I have always been rather suspicious of the spam
> that I receive after visiting Family Search. I had not been to the site in
> some time however, yesterday I was at Family Search...and this morning I had
> 16 spams.
> When I originally joined "Ranchos" I had an AOL account, and used it to
> access Yahoo. Well, lo and behold...I received a message from
> AOL...addressed to the name I had used as a password.
> Recently, I received a spam, the subject had my name as I sometimes use
> it on this site inconjunction with my maiden name. I had not used my maiden
> name in umteen years.
> Ahhh the pearls of cyber space.
> Helyn
> aajay1073 wrote:
> I use to never get spam and over the last two months I have been getting
> about five emails daily. Is this why? I was wondering what happened that all
> the sudden I started getting all these different spam emails....oh well.
> If there is a fix......can we implement it?
> - Angie Godina
Spambots on the Nuestros Ranchos site
Any email address that appears on the Nuestros Ranchos site is encrypted into special HTML code so that it displays as an email address but does not look like one to spambots (which are reading the HTML code). Thus they should not be able to pick up email addresses that appear on this site.
Just to be safe, however, I suggest everybody be careful about not including email addresses in the messages that they send out to these lists.
Thank you
Thank you, I found what I was looking for.