Purificacion and Antonio Garcia Cubas' Gift to Us


There is a wonderful publication by Antonio Garcia Cubas called the Diccionario Geográfico, Histórico y Biográfico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. It is available online through the links section of the site. It has descriptions of all localities including cross-referencing historical names...

Purificacion-- Pueblo del Departamento y municipalidad de Autlan, sexto canton, estado de Jalisco... Fue fundado por Juan Fernandez de Hijar por el ano 1533...

You can read the rest on the digital library of the Colegio de Mexico's site:


Does anyone know of a sourcebook that lists the names of towns, provinces, etc. established by the Spaniards after the conquest of Mexico and during the early colonial period. Presently, I am especially looking for the location of the Province of Purificacion. Was this an early name for Guadalajara or was it near Guadalajara or was Guadalajara in it?

Jose Aguayo Ortega

Are you talking about the Villa Purificacion that Juan Fernandez de Hijar founded? If so its very small southwet of Autlan in Jalisco. Hijar is my great grandfather 12x. I am currently working on citations for this line.