Who in the group is real comfortable using PAF to create reports in .rtf
format? If you have time and the willingness to volunteer to help other
Nuestros Ranchos members when they are having trouble converting their
PAF files into .rtf documents then please contact me at
NR@JosephPuentes.com I get about one or two requests per month from
various folks that need help with this. This job hopefully isn't one
that will be a big time consumer.
Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)
I need a volunteer to monitor the rootsweb groups that pertain to
Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes.
basically your job would be to look over the messages and make a basic
judgment of whether or not the person appeared to be serious about their
genealogical research. If they do look serious then you would send them
a form letter I'll send you which will introduce them to the group.
Let me know if anyone is interested in doing this very low key volunteer
Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)
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Volunteer Needed