Hello All,
Several weeks ago, I posted a announcement about a weekly Hispanic/Mexican Research class, that I would be teaching. Several of you stated an interest in taking the class.
I just wanted to let you know, that the classes have started. They are being taught Sunday evenings at 7:15pm to 7:45pm (MST). Then from 8:00pm to 11:00 pm (MST) I am answering questions.
I also can teach a class, during the week if the need arises.
To register for the classes and to download the viewer software, goto the site: www.familyhistoryliveonline.com
If you have any problems, feel free to contact me at: jonathan@mexicanfhr.com
Hi Jonathan
I have a problem in my search.
My grandmother left my grandfather in the year of around 1914 from Mexico City. My gramdparents were never married. My mother was the first born and she was born in Chih. Chih in 1905. My grandfather regestered her as his child and my grandmother. He was a philarmonico and single and named my mother Elena Mitre. He gave her his last name.
He was hired to play at the teatro lydico in Mexico City. This is where my problem begans. They moved there so that he could start working playing his violin.
There were 5 children born to them, my mother, Jesus , Alejandro, Manuel and Antonia. Manuel died when my aunt Antonia was around 1 year old. It was during the war and my grandfather didn't allow my grandmother to attend the burial, so I was told.
When she left my grandfather, my mother was around 10 years old and she never saw him again. My grandmother came to El Paso TX where her mother was waiting for her and the children.
My aunt Antonia was baptized again when she was about 1 1/2 years old, this was in 1914. I have the certificate.
My grandmother married Natividad Lopez and moved to Colorado. She left the girls behind and took the boys with them. The boys entered school under the name of Lopez, they even went to the service with that name. They all claimed that they were US citizens (they are all gone now).
My mother was given the name of Gandara by her grandparents and was entered in school by that name and she used it all her life even when she got married to my father. (that is another story).
The problem is I don't know how to get the birth of my uncls and my aunt Antonia. They lived in a town called Peralvillo in Mexico City. I have tried to check with the LDS to see if there is a church in that town but they couln't help me.
Alejandro just died in Oct 2006, So all the family is gone. They put the birth date of 1914, which I don't believe it is true. I do not want to prove anyone right or wrong I just want to put the right information.
How can I go about doing this and finding my family in Mexico City. Most of this was given to me by my mother before she died. It wasn't until I starded to do research that my mother said all this to me.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you for your time
-----Original Message-----
>From: mexicanfhr
>Sent: Apr 15, 2007 8:12 PM
>To: announce@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Research classes
>Hello All,
>Several weeks ago, I posted a announcement about a weekly Hispanic/Mexican Research class, that I would be teaching. Several of you stated an interest in taking the class.
>I just wanted to let you know, that the classes have started. They are being taught Sunday evenings at 7:15pm to 7:45pm (MST). Then from 8:00pm to 11:00 pm (MST) I am answering questions.
>I also can teach a class, during the week if the need arises.
>To register for the classes and to download the viewer software, goto the site: www.familyhistoryliveonline.com
>If you have any problems, feel free to contact me at: jonathan@mexicanfhr.com
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Let me do so checking, and get back to you.
--------- Original Message --------
From: announce@nuestrosranchos.org
To: announce@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Research classes
Date: 04/15/07 16:36
> Hi Jonathan
> I have a problem in my search.
> My grandmother left my grandfather in the year of around 1914 from Mexico
City. My gramdparents were never married. My mother was the first born and
she was born in Chih. Chih in 1905. My grandfather regestered her as his
child and my grandmother. He was a philarmonico and single and named my
mother Elena Mitre. He gave her his last name.
> He was hired to play at the teatro lydico in Mexico City. This is where
my problem begans. They moved there so that he could start working playing
his violin.
> There were 5 children born to them, my mother, Jesus , Alejandro, Manuel
and Antonia. Manuel died when my aunt Antonia was around 1 year old. It was
during the war and my grandfather didn't allow my grandmother to attend the
burial, so I was told.
> When she left my grandfather, my mother was around 10 years old and she
never saw him again. My grandmother came to El Paso TX where her mother was
waiting for her and the children.
> My aunt Antonia was baptized again when she was about 1 1/2 years old,
this was in 1914. I have the certificate.
> My grandmother married Natividad Lopez and moved to Colorado. She left the
girls behind and took the boys with them. The boys entered school under the
name of Lopez, they even went to the service with that name. They all
claimed that they were US citizens (they are all gone now).
> My mother was given the name of Gandara by her grandparents and was
entered in school by that name and she used it all her life even when she
got married to my father. (that is another story).
> The problem is I don't know how to get the birth of my uncls and my aunt
Antonia. They lived in a town called Peralvillo in Mexico City. I have
tried to check with the LDS to see if there is a church in that town but
they couln't help me.
> Alejandro just died in Oct 2006, So all the family is gone. They put the
birth date of 1914, which I don't believe it is true. I do not want to
prove anyone right or wrong I just want to put the right information.
> How can I go about doing this and finding my family in Mexico City. Most
of this was given to me by my mother before she died. It wasn't until I
starded to do research that my mother said all this to me.
> I hope you can help me.
> Thank you for your time
> Mary
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: mexicanfhr <jonathan@mexicanfhr.com>
> >Sent: Apr 15, 2007 8:12 PM
> >To: announce@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> >Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Research classes
> >
> >
> >Hello All,
> >
> >Several weeks ago, I posted a announcement about a weekly
Hispanic/Mexican Research class, that I would be teaching. Several of you
stated an interest in taking the class.
> >
> >I just wanted to let you know, that the classes have started. They
are being taught Sunday evenings at 7:15pm to 7:45pm (MST). Then from 8:00pm
to 11:00 pm (MST) I am answering questions.
> >
> >I also can teach a class, during the week if the need arises.
> >
> >To register for the classes and to download the viewer software, goto
the site: www.familyhistoryliveonline.com
> >
> >If you have any problems, feel free to contact me at:
> >
> >thanks,
> >Jonathan
> >-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> >Nuestros Ranchos Announce Mailing List
> >
> >To post, send email to:
> >announce(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> >To change your subscription, log on to:
> >http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
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Peralvillo is not a town or a municipality and therefore it would not be listed in the LDS catalogues. It is instead a "colonia" (neighborhood) in the Delegacion (Burrough) of Cuahtemoc. Below is a descrption of the colonia from the Delgacion Cuahtemoc website.
You can go to Guia Roji and look it up. Basically you would need to find the comisaria of the Federal District that kept vital records for that colonia and/or the name of the local neighborhood church which is probably listed in the FHL catalogue under Mexico City. Mexico City vital records, from what I understand, are very good and can be ordered online.
Oficina Central del Registro Civil de la Ciudad de México
Arcos de Belén s/n esq. Dr. Andrade Col. Doctores Del. Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06720 México, D.F.
Teléfono: 55 78 71 40
Colonia Peralvillo
Límites: al sur, Juventino Rosas; al norte, Avenida Río Consulado; al oriente, la Calzada de Guadalupe; al poniente, la Avenida Insurgentes Norte.
Miguel Buenrostro denunció como mostrenco un lote cercano a Tepito, pero seguido el juicio respectivo se falló en contra de Buenrostro. En el archivo del antiguo Ayuntamiento existe documentación que expresa que la colonia se estableció en los predios conocidos como San José o los Cuartos de la Cuchilla del Fraíle, siendo Carlos David de Gheest su propietario, quien obtuvo permiso para fraccionarlos el 14 de abril de 1889, en 1910, la Compañía de Terrenos de Peralvillo fraccionó otros dos lotes que completaron el perímetro actual. En un principio, las calles tuvieron nomenclatura ordinario pero se les impusieron los nombres de músicos nacionales y extranjeros conforme se desarrolló la urbanización.
Para entonces, las calles de la colonia eran las siguientes: de sur a norte, 1ª. Oriente, Avenida Ferrocarril de Cintura, 1ª., 2ª. Y 3ª. Poniente; de poniente a oriente, Penitenciaría; al sur de esta calle, 1ª., 2ª., y 3ª. Sur. Al norte: 2ª., 3ª. Y 4ª. Norte. Total 27 manzanas. En el archivo del Departamento del Distrito Federal no existe antecedente del por qué la colonia lleva el nombre de Peralvillo. Al respecto, el escritor Gonzalo Peredo Gómez, en su obra Peralbillo (escrito con b) aporta la siguiente información: “En el Quijote de la Mancha (cap. XLI de a segunda parte) se lee: tápenme, respondió Sancho-; pues no quieren que me encomiende a Dios ni que sea encomendado, ¿qué mucho que tema no ande por aquí alguna región de diablos, que den con nosotros en Peralbillo?”
Peralbillo, según Peredo Gómez, es un lugar de la Mancha donde la Santa Hermandad de Toledo tenía facultad para sentenciar a muerte de saeta a los salteadores de caminos. Con frecuencia, Peralvillo ha inspirado a narradores que lo han convertido en escenario de historias referidas a la vida urbana: La Marchanta, novela de Mariano Azuela consagrada a la Ciudad de México, y Peter Pérez, detective de Peralvillo, creación de José Martínez de la Vega; y de cineastas como Juan García, quien se firmaba con el pseudónimo de “El Peralvillo” autor del argumento para Comisario en Turno, y Alejandro Galindo, quien filmó la película Los Fernández de Peralvillo (1953) que obtuvo cinco Arieles.
Algunos historiadores se han ocupado de este barrio de personalidad tan definida y singular como Manuel Rivera Cambas, en su México Pintoresco, Artístico y Monumental. El barrio es anterior al siglo XVI, Rivera Cambas señala que “hubo gran número de mesones y allí, en las casas de vecindad, se encuentra la última capa de la población más pobre...”Peralvillo fue puerta de la ciudad colonial, hacia el norte: la Garita de Peralvillo lo confirma y creció con el paso de los años por lo que los terrenos inmediatos, apenas traspasada la mencionada garita, siempre fueron conocidos como “Llanos de Peralvillo”.
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Looking at the Mexico City archdiocese website, I found the following two churches in Peralvillo:
Parroquia San Martín de Porres Ex-Hipódromo de Peralvillo IV 3
Parroquia Santísima Trinidad y Nuestra Señora del Refugio Peralvillo IV 3
Parroquia Santísima Trinidad y Nuestra Señora del Refugio
Felipe Villanueva Esq. Tamagno Número: 154
Colonia Peralvillo CP: 06220
Delegación Cuauhtémoc
México, D.F.
Teléfono: 5517-4580
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Research classes