Online Hispanic Family History Conference

Hello All,

I have been asked, to plan and do a online Hispanic Family History Conference. I was wondering if anyone in the group, could give me any ideas of what subjects to present, who to ask to be presenters, and how to promote the conference, so that it can worthwhile for the attendees and for the presenters.



That sounds like a great idea. Who is organizing the conference and how will it be held?

Some interesting topics would be:
- Spanish language paleography
- Use of marriage dispensation records
- Surname systems in early colonial Mexico
- Border crossing records


What a great opportunity for many in this group who have so much knowledge and experience in researching their ancestral heritage.

Maybe you can put together a list of questions or topics and solicit people's input. There may be those who have greater understanding of certain areas of research, who can provide their areas of expertise. Will it be conducted in Spanish/English or both?
Will it be a question and answer or presentation only. What's the duration? hours, a day or several days?

Would it be on a volunteer basis or can we as a group nominate people who we think have something valuable to offer? Will it be region specific as in Mexico only or will you take hispanic as in Latin America? Spain, Portugal, Italy to include the early European explorers who ventured into the America's. Would it include DNA studies?

I know, too many questions but I guess it's part of what you must decipher before you put together a conference and by answering some of these questions you begin to form a vision of what you want or have time to present.

San Jose, Calif

----- Original Message ----
From: mexicanfhr
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 6:49:52 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Online Hispanic Family History Conference

Hello All,

I have been asked, to plan and do a online Hispanic Family History Conference. I was wondering if anyone in the group, could give me any ideas of what subjects to present, who to ask to be presenters, and how to promote the conference, so that it can worthwhile for the attendees and for the presenters.


The conference will be put on by "Family History Live Online" (FHLO), they offer online Family History classes, support sessions, and monthly fairs. So it will be presented online using their software known as the "ReGL Viewer". There is no charge for the viewer and at the moment, they are not charging for the classes, support sessions, and fairs at the moment.

As, I stated in my initial message, I have been asked to plan the conference. So pretty much what will be taught is at my discrection. I would like to see classes taught in both English and Spanish. At the moment the presenters will be on a volunteer basis, since at moment FHLO has no budget. And as for the geographic emphasis, that will depend on the interest shown in the conference and the specaility of the presenters. Right now FHLO as members from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina and the US.

So, I am looking for any help or suggestions, that the ranchos community can provide. Because my goal, is to help anyone, where ever they may be, with their research.
