Border Crossing Records

The National Archives site provides a lot of background information - the why and how - of the border crossing records. See that information at this site:

This will provide valuable insight into why, how, and what information was gathered. Parts 2,3, & 5 are particularly informative.

Since my family crossed into US in 1916, I am waiting for the border records from El Paso, 1905-1927 (non-statistical): A3406, comprised of 119 rolls. Also want to see A3412, statistical, comprised of 96 rolls.

The filming is scheduled to be completed by next spring or summer, I think (2008).


I researched my grandfather's border crossing. I knew about the time and
place he crossed (1930 in California), but much to my surprise I found that
he had crossed years earlier in El Paso! None of his children (my dad, aunts
and uncles) knew about this crossing. Plus, on the document that was filled
out, he had indicated that he did frequently cross the border to work in the
mines in Arizona. So just a word of warning...don't limit your searches to
what you know. It's a great starting point, but prepared to look further.

Another wonderful discovery was his physical description as recorded by the
border guard...down to the scar on my grandfather's face!

Veronica Vidaure Rahorn

----- Original Message -----
From: "nc_coleman"
Sent: 30 June, 2007 15:42
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Border Crossing Records

> The National Archives site provides a lot of background information - the
> why and how - of the border crossing records. See that information at this
> site:
> This will provide valuable insight into why, how, and what information was
> gathered. Parts 2,3, & 5 are particularly informative.
> Since my family crossed into US in 1916, I am waiting for the border
> records from El Paso, 1905-1927 (non-statistical): A3406, comprised of 119
> rolls. Also want to see A3412, statistical, comprised of 96 rolls.
> The filming is scheduled to be completed by next spring or summer, I think
> (2008).
> Natalie


Normally I wouldn't ask for this, but can someone check a name for me on the Border Crossing Records on Over the last few years of free service at my local family history center, I really think that I've extracted any information that's helpful to me from the site. And now, I really would rather not pay $30 to check one name...

In the alternative, can someone tell me if you can use at a public library for free and how? The name I'm looking for is "Nicanor Pinedo" who crossed through Laredo. Last Spring, Arturo Ramos sent me records he found for Nicanor Pineda and his wife, Emilia Gonzalez, so I have those, but today I just noticed a record for a "Nicanor Pinedo"crossing through Laredo...does someone mind checking for me?

Chris Pineda

Are you speaking of this crossing?

Name: Nicanor Pinedo Arrival Date: 14 May 1938 Age: 48 Birth Date: abt 1890 Birthplace: Sanchez Roman ?? Birth Country: Mexico Gender: Male Race/Nationality: Mexican (Latino) Port of Arrival: Laredo, Texas, USA Departure Contact: Half Brother Jesus Ma Pinedo Arrival Contact: Wife Emelio Gonzalez De Pinedo Record has photo?: No