Hello everyone! My name is Joshua Goodson, grandson of Francisco Romo Villanueva. He was born 21 Apr 1923 in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico. He was married to Marcellina Ribeiro. I know he had at least two sisters, two brothers, and a nephew that are also from Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico and one of the sisters lived with her husband in Leon, GTO, Mexico. I am not sure if they are still living so I did not include their names. I do not even know the names of my great-grandparents. Most of what I know is from the writing on the back of photos that belonged to my grandfather, most of them dated in the 1950's, and little bits of information my mother could remember. I do not know anything about my family and am finding it very difficult to find any information about them. If anyone know any information or how I can get started, please let me know.
Thanks you all.
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I am Raquel Ruiz. I have been researching my family story and ancestral roots
for almost 20 years now, although never spending as much time as I would like.
I research all four of my Mexican grandparent's lineages. Each is from a
different state. I have been most fortunate in my Ruiz-line research since
they have almost exclusively resided in only two parishes, Yahualica and
Cuquio, Jalisco. My ancestral Ruiz surnames thus far include Rubalcaba,
Perez, Lisarde, Limon, Quesada, Jauregui, Lopez, Delgadillo, Gomes, Rodriguez,
Casillas, Placencia and Garcia. The last seven are all from the town of
Soledad, while the others are primarily from Yahualica. I have a few families
of Ledesma and Gallo by way of alternate marriages.
My grandfather, Manuel Ruiz, was born in Cuquio. It is through his maternal
lineage that he is related to Agustin Yanez, (politician and author),his
second cousin, five years his junior. It was to Cuquio that my grandfather
took his wife and American-born children to live in 1945. My grandmother, a
native of Durango, died there a few months later. I accompanied my father and
two of his siblings to her gravesite and to Guadalajara in 1993, my father's
first return there after they had returned to the US 45 years earlier. As a
result of my research, on a subsequent visit we traveled to Yahualica.
A displaced Californian, I live in Massachusetts and actually do my research
at an LDS church in New Hampshire. I don't know anyone else that reseaches
their Mexican roots so was/am excited to come across this group. As soon as I
figure out how to partition out my Ruiz info from my paf file, I'll post my
info. Any suggestions?
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There are two ways you can partition out your PAF file in a manner that would be appropriate for submission to your folder:
From the "Print Reports" menu item (the little printer icon) and then clicking the "Books" tab, you can print out an Ahenetafel report directly from PAF showing your relevant grandfather's ancestors. This also eliminates (I presume) all living people that might be in that PAF file. You can then print out the report to a RTF or preferably a PDF file and submit that file.
You can create a GEDCOM of your grandfather's ancestors using the "Export" menu item (the little disk with an out arrow). Click "Other GEDCOM" then select "Partial" under the "Filter" option. Click the "Select" button on the lower right and then find your relevant grandparent and select "All ancestral related" under the "Relationship Filter" option and then the "Select" button. Then Click "OK" and finally the "Export" button. We can then upload the GEDCOM to our GEDCOM database which other members can search.
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