My Introduction -- Joseph de Leon

My name is Joseph de Leon. My ancestral roots come from both HUEJUCAR & ,COLOTLAN, JALISCO and JEREZ, ZACATECAS. Some of the surnames of my ancestors are: DE LEON, CARLOS, BANUELOS, FLORES, COVARRUBIAS, VILLANEDA, and many others.

My father's name is Elias de Leon who was born 20 Jul 1904 in Huejucar, Jalisco and my mother is Maria del Transito Carlos who was born 15 Aug 1909 in Zacatecas, Zac. probably in Jerez, Zac. because that's where most of her ancestors are from.

The FLORES and BANUELOS Trees are mutual ancestral trees for our cousins the Banuelos. We share the same GGGGGF Diego Flores born about 1730 (ancestors of my father's mother Petra Flores). We also share the same GGGGGF Jasinto Banuelos born about 1755 (ancestors of my mother's GM Vicenta Banuelos). You could say that my parents were Kissing-Kousins!

I'd like to visit both Huejucar and Jerez sometime this spring 2008 and see my ancestral land before I die. I know that I have many CARLOS cousins in Zacatecas who have never heard of me. In addition, I don't know of a single DE LEON cousin (that I may have) and my ultimate goal is find a living descendant primo!

My goal is to learn when and where my grandfather Francisco de Leon Covarrubias was born and when and where he died. He was probably born Abt. 1880 in Huejucar and probably died Abt. 1910-1915 in Piedras Negras but I don't have the proof. He was a music composer ( I still have his original music scores) who was beaten to death by Pancho Villa's thugs because they thought (that since his cousin was the mayor of that town) that he had the keys to the local bank.

His father was Nicolas de Leon Martinez (also a music composer) who was married to Refugio Covarrubias on 08 Jun 1866 in Huejucar, Jalisco. I have Nicolas' original love sonnet that he wrote to his sweetheart. My goal is to also learn when and where he was born and died. He was probably born in Huejucar Abt. 1846

My siblings and my sons all inherited my grandfather's love of music and the arts and they compose music and are artists as well.

Jose Carlos de Leon


Welcome to the group.

If you had not yet looked through, there is some useful information in the database there that may help with your search for your grandfather. While there does not appear to be a Francisco Leon Covarrubias in the database in Huejucar, there are a couple of other children being born in the late 1860s and 1870s to Nicolas Leon and Maria del Refugio Covarrubias, who appear to be your grandfather's siblings. Their baptism records should list the names of your great-great-grandparents.

Gender: Female Christening: 30 NOV 1868 Huejucar, Jalisco, Mexico

Gender: Male Christening: 03 JAN 1872 Huejucar, Jalisco, Mexico

The Family History Library has Huejucar civil registries on film beginning in 1873 so your grandfather is likely there if he was born in Huejucar.

Likewise, if you order Film 0445147, you will be able to see the actual marriage record of Nicolas and Refugio and see the names of their parents, their age at marriage and their places of birth. Nicolas does not appear to have been born in Huejucar.

There are a number of Nicolas Leon Martinez born around the right time in San Luis Potosi and Chihuahua, but his marriage record is the best bet as it will allow you to confirm the names of his parents and his birthplace.

Gender: Male Christening: 08 DEC 1844 San Jose Or San Joseph, Alaquines, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Gender: Female Christening: 10 DEC 1844 San Jose, Hidalgo Del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico

Thank you for your response and info! I've looked at the microfilm on Christenings 1868-1876 ? and found 3 of my GF Francisco's siblings--- Ma. Eugenia 30 NOV 1869, Pascual 03 JAN 1872, and Espiridion 18 DEC 1874, and all three list Nicolas' parents as Felix de Leon and Simona Martines. Rosalinda Ruiz found their marriage records - 15 Oct 1844 at San Luis, Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. I was able to find christening records for 3 of Nicholas' siblings - Ma. Tomasa 25 SEP 1845, Hipolito 19 AUG 1848 both in Colotlan and Maria 10 JUN 1860 inHuejucar. With Rosalinda Ruiz's help I found their elder ancestors. BUT nothing yet on my GGF Nicholas or his son my GF Francisco. I suspect that GF Francisco was about the same age as his wife Petra Flores b. 21 Feb 1884 in Huejucar also.
I will order the marriage records for my GGF Nicolas de Leon and Ma. del Refugio Covarrubias who married on 08 Jun 1866 in Huejucar for further study.

The mystery still remains of when and where my GGF Nicolas and of his son my GF Francisco were born.

Starting with Nicolas' father Felix, Rosalinda Ruiz helped me find most of the ancesters in San Luis, Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Below is the updated DE LEON family tree.

Descendants of Jose de León

1 Jose de León 1775 -
.. +Guadalupe de Leon 1775 -
........ 2 Jose Maria de León 1799 -
............ +Ma. Antonia Villalobos 1799 -
................... 3 Felix de Leon 1820 -
....................... +Simona Martines 1820 -
............................. 4 Ma. Tomasa de Leon 1845 -
............................. 4 Nicolas de Leon 1846 - 1899
................................. +Ma. del Refugio Covarrubias 1845 - 1899
........................................ 5 Ma. Eugenia de Leon 1869 -
........................................ 5 Pascual de Leon 1872 -
........................................ 5 Espiridion de Leon 1874 -
........................................ 5 Francisco de Leon 1880 - 1910
............................................ +Petra Flores 1884 - 1977
.................................................. 6 Elias de Leon 1904 - 1999
...................................................... +Maria (del Transito) Carlos 1909 - 1992
.................................................. 6 Liborio de Leon 1906 - 1995
...................................................... +Maria Luisa Loya
.................................................. *2nd Wife of Liborio de Leon:
...................................................... +Maria Vaca
.................................................. *3rd Wife of Liborio de Leon:
...................................................... +Emma Emilia Hernandez 1909 - 1980
.................................................. 6 Aurora de Leon 1905 - 1905
............................. 4 Hipolito de Leon 1848 -
............................. 4 Maria de Leon 1860 -
................... 3 Ma. Dominga Del Refugio de Leon 1822 -
................... 3 Bernardo de Leon 1827 -

Jose Carlos de Leon