Joseph Manuel Dias - Married in 1752 - Tepatitlan De Morelos

Hello all, I am currently awaiting some film from the Family History Center regarding the marriage of a Joseph Manuel Dias to a Maria Anna Peres in Tepatitlan De Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico. I have been able to determine that they were both married on June 25, 1752 (Batch #M603726, Source Call #0218517) I'm hoping the actual film will show who the parents are. While I'm waiting for the film, I thought I would just throw this event out there to see if anyone just happens to have any information on the parents of Joseph Manuel Dias and/or Maria Anna Peres. I'm assuming their DOB's will be sometime around 1730. Any help would be appreciated.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

There are good lookups and bad look ups and this one
turned out well. I ask that you continue to look at
all the information yourself to determine what fits
and what does not. I say that because these are the
people on your lines and you are the most qualified to
know what is correct.

Of interest to me, was a Joseph DIAS, mestizo that
married a Eufracia Franca de CASTANEDA, mulata
esclava, that I looked at first. It was next to the
one you asked about. I mention this because in doing
research it is good to look at other people and not
just cut and paste, so to speak. In this example, I
did not find padrinos which was a surprise but there
were three witnesses to the marriage. I only had a
short time so did not look at other marriages on this

For you, this is what I saw and took note of:

June 25, 1752 in Tepatitlan de Morelos...Joseph Manuel
DIAS, esp., org. y vecino de esta fel. en la
congregacion de la Villa, hijo leg. de Pedro DIAS y de
Juana de ARANBURO wed Maria Anna PERES, esp. de puesto
de la Sebadilla, hija leg. de Mathias PERES and Luisa
Franca PADILLA, both of whom were dead. No padrinos
were listed but I did see these names with the
notation in Spanish "Selebracion de este matrimonio al
que fallaron precentes...Nicolas de CARDENAS, Baltasar
HERNANDES, Leonardo BERCIDE? (My Spanish is not the
best and so the translation might be a bit off.)

If this were my line, I would look at it numerous
times to make sure I understood what was being said.
You asked for the parents' names and that is what I
concentrated on. I was not able to find anything more
on the bride or her parents but I said I wanted to
look at some of my other sources and this is
additional information for the groom that you might be
able to connect to your DIAZ line.

Pedro DIAS m. Juana de ARAMBURU on 10 Feb 1728 in
Tepatitlan. See Microfilm 218,516.

Some of their children seem to have been Petra
Magdalena DIAS bap. on 20 Oct 1737, Deonicio DIAS bap.
in 1744, and Rita Gertrudis DIAS bap. Jul 1743. These
children were all bap. in Atotonilco el Alto and the
information can be found on Microfilm #222,109. I had
trouble getting the complete dates for some of the
children but if you research this yourself using the
IGI, you can get it.

>From my own records I would like to tell you of
another family. Bernardino ARAMBURO married in about
1746 to Juana Manuela DIAS. I do not no where the
marriage took place. They had the first of their
children, Juan Joseph ARAMBURO on 5 Nov 1746 in
Soledad, Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco. I have
concluded through the years that it seemed that
certain families started with a marriage in Tepatitlan
and then seemed to settle in the Atotonilco el Alto
area to have their children.

I saw a record for Maria Rafaela ARAMBURO who married
Miguel GARCIA on 15 May 1747 in Tepatitlan. You might
want to check that when you have the opportunity.
These names...of DIAS and ARAMBURO, are very similar
to one another and I believe they are all related.

Here is yet another record that you might want to

Parents Pedro CASTELLANOS and Juana de ARAMBURO had a
son Manuel CASTELLANOS bap 15 Oct 1730 in Atotonilco
el Alto. Personally, I think this might be the Joseph
Manuel DIAS that you were inquiring about.

Please keep me updated as I find this all very
interesting. For the time being, I will not be able
to continue helping because I have knee surgery
scheduled for Monday but it was lots of fun to help
with this part.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

PS. One more entry which you might already know

Joseph Manuel DIAZ and Mariana PEREZ had Maria
Gertrudis DIAZ on 26 Jul 1766 in Tepatitlan de
Morelos. See Microfilm #218,442.

--- reye611 wrote:

> Hello all, I am currently awaiting some film from
> the Family History Center regarding the marriage of
> a Joseph Manuel Dias to a Maria Anna Peres in
> Tepatitlan De Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico. I have been
> able to determine that they were both married on
> June 25, 1752 (Batch #M603726, Source Call
> #0218517) I'm hoping the actual film will show who
> the parents are. While I'm waiting for the film, I
> thought I would just throw this event out there to
> see if anyone just happens to have any information
> on the parents of Joseph Manuel Dias and/or Maria
> Anna Peres. I'm assuming their DOB's will be
> sometime around 1730. Any help would be
> appreciated.

This is great Reye! This new Pedro should be a son of Pedro Senior or someother real close relation even possible grandson. Thanks to Patricia youre real close to connect to the trunk!
At least you know he was a spaniard so it is the same family for sure. Sometimes they'd give their last names to the slaves or even "indígenas", in order to honor their "master". (I really don't like the usage of that term) :(. That Francisca de PAdilla might likely be of the Padilla Dávila spanish family. (Since their from Tepatitlán. I find as soon as you open a door, many open to discover about your ancestry. -Daniel

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Hello Patricia. I just got home from work and had the nice surprise of your research. First of all, I greatly appreciate your work, you went above and beyond and I'm very grateful. As I just read your notes, I haven't had the opportunity to digest your research. However, it appears Joseph Manuel DIAS' parents were two people I wasn't aware of. Daniel initially thought there was a strong possibility that his parents were another Joseph Dias and that his grandfather was a Pedro Dias born around 1660, both in the Dias Castellano line. I just read Daniel's comments about your findings and he believes the "new Pedro" you have found might have been another son of the Pedro Dias born around 1660 and/or a close relative. Nevertheless, I now have something more to work with and will keep you updated as I get into it. Also, in regards to your upcoming surgery, you will be in my prayers. Once again, thank you.


patricia burton wrote:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

I did find something for you and will report it
tomorrow. I want to see if I have anything else to go
with it in my other records.

Patricia Burton

--- Reye Diaz wrote:

> Let me know if you are able to find anything on your
> trip to the history center. I appreciate your help.
> Reye
> patricia burton wrote:
> Dear Reye Diaz--
> I will take your information with me on Wednesday
> and
> see what I can find out for you.
> This does not seem to be what you are looking for
> but
> here is what I have listed in some old records:
> Joseph DIAZ CASTELLANOS was born about 1689 in
> Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco and
> Married Juana Geronima GOMEZ DE ESPEJO daughter of
> Felix GOMEZ DE ESPEJO and Gertrudis DE ZARATE.
> One of their children was Antonia DIAS who married
> Miguel ANGULO in about 1746, somewhere in Mexico.
> Further down in the line, Maria Josefa ANGULO,
> baptized 26 Oct 1790 in Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco,
> daughter of Jose Manuel ANGULO, (son of Don Miguel
> ANGULO and Dona Antonia DIAS) and Maria Antonia
> NAVARRO, (daughter of Antonio Ygnacio NAVARRO and
> Ana
> Sesilia VELASCO).
> Maria Josefa ANGULO married Jose Thomas Nepomuceno
> AZEVES baptized 13 Jan 1788 in Tepatitlan de
> Moreolos.
> He was the son of Juan Lucas AZEVES (son of Antonio
> de AZEVES and Feliciana de LOSA) and Juana Maria
> ANGULO born 15 Jul 1759 in Soledad, Atotonilco el
> Alto
> (daughter of Don Miguel ANGULO and Dona Antonia
> daughter--of the above mentioned Joseph DIAZ
> Not sure if you can follow what I have typed but
> there
> do seem to be some similarities. In the different
> family lines I have mentioned, they appear to have
> come from Atotonilco el Alto (Soledad), Tepatitlan
> de
> Morelos (Buey),(Carnisero),(Ojo de Agua de Aceves),
> and Ocotlan and other places.
> Best of luck in your search and I hopefully I will
> be
> able to respond with more info after I have been to
> the FHC.
> Sincerely,
> Patricia Burton
> --- Reye Diaz wrote:
> > Hello Patricia, in regards to Joseph Manuel Dias,
> > Daniel was responding to my original query in
> which
> > I was advising the Nuestro community that I'm
> > currently awaiting film from the Family History
> > Center regarding the marriage of a Joseph Manuel
> > Dias to a Maria Anna
> > Peres in Tepatitlan De Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico. I
> > have been able to
> > determine that they were both married on June 25,
> > 1752 (Batch #M603726,
> > Source Call #0218517) and am hoping the actual
> film
> > will show who the
> > parents are. While I'm waiting, I threw this event
> > out there in case anyone already had this
> > information as to who Jospeh Manuel Dias' parents
> > were. As a result of this original query, Daniel
> > was kind enough to let me know that there is a
> > strong possibility that this Dias line comes from
> > one of three lines, including the Diaz Castellano
> > line. After telling me this, I looked into what I
> > currently have already and was able to determine
> > that Joseph's grandson Juan Jose Diaz is listed as
> > Juan Jose Diaz Castellano and was married to a
> > Cresencia Gomez in 1811. This same record shows
> > that Juan Jose Diaz Castellano's father, who is
> the
> > son of Joseph Manuel Dias, is a Nicolas Diaz
> > Castellano (Married to a Teresa De Asebes in
> 1788).
> > I then asked Daniel if this means the Joseph
> Manuel
> > Dias I was asking about is part of the Diaz
> > Castellano line Daniel was referring to. As you
> > know, Daniel responded by telling me yes, that
> > Jospeh Manuel Diaz should be the son of a Joseph
> > Diaz
> > born in 1687 and that the film I'm awaiting should
> > show everything. As you can imagine, I'm very
> > excited right now. However, if you have access to
> > the film now and look at it, any help would be
> > greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
> >
> > Reye Diaz
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > patricia burton wrote:
> > Saturday, July 19, 2008
> >
> > Dear Daniel--
> >
> > Could you please send the rest of the information
> on
> > this person since you have it. I, too, have the
> film
> > #222,109 on indefinite loan but I am not at the
> > Family
> > History Center until Wednesday.
> >
> > Is there a wife and children for Joseph Manuel
> Dias?
> >
> > Are there other siblings for him? Who are his
> > parents? Exactly where was Joseph Manuel Dias
> born,
> > in Atotonilco el Alto, or one of the surrounding
> > ranchos? Is the date of birth the same as the
> > baptismal date? Who were the godparents?
> >
> > Thanking you in advance.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Patricia Burton
> > San Diego
> >
> >
> > --- Daniel Mendez wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I have this but you should wait for the film!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Pedigree
> > >
> > >
> > > Male
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Event(s):
> > >
> > >
> > > Birth:
> > >
> > >
> > > Christening:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 30 MAY 1731
> > > Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
> > >
> > >
> > > Death:
> > >
> > >
> > > Burial:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
=== message truncated ===

It is exciting. It was very nice of Patricia to do that for me. I just ordered the marriage film on the new Pedro Dias today. It will be interesting to see if he is a son or not of the original Pedro Dias we discussed.

Daniel Mendez wrote:
This is great Reye! This new Pedro should be a son of Pedro Senior or someother real close relation even possible grandson. Thanks to Patricia youre real close to connect to the trunk!
At least you know he was a spaniard so it is the same family for sure. Sometimes they'd give their last names to the slaves or even "indígenas", in order to honor their "master". (I really don't like the usage of that term) :(. That Francisca de PAdilla might likely be of the Padilla Dávila spanish family. (Since their from Tepatitlán. I find as soon as you open a door, many open to discover about your ancestry. -Daniel

Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.…

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dear Daniel--

Here are the results from the lookup request:

First of all, the Film #218,445 is a difficult film to
get information from quickly. It must be studied and
viewed thru a lense that has high magnification.
There are many baptisms listed on each page, maybe 9
or more, and the writing is very small. I do not
think grandparents are listed. There are many years
covered in this microfilm-- 1785-1803. The first part
is as I spoke of before.

The second part is more spread out but there are
manchas (dark spots) and it is very hard to read. The
second part which does tend to start over for some of
the years until it goes to 1803 seemed to me to show
the place of Cerro Gordo. I could not find your
Antonio ACEVES baptised 10 Aug 1802 in the place where
I though it should be. Perhaps when you get the film,
you will have better luck.

Film #218,516, which covers the years of 1686-1735,
was better but I did not always see parents for the
couples who were marrying, just witesses.

Sebastian BELASQUEZ de LARA, who married on 6 Jun 1715
in Sn., Franco., was an espanol. He wed Rosa Maria
QUESADA an espanol, vecina de este. I had difficulty
with her name. I would have called it something else
but. In doing more research, I would look at her
name, as the mother of her children, in other
documents to see what I ultimately might decide it
was. Since I am not familiar with the family I can
not give a good call on the bride's name.

I would like to say this, one fellow listed on the IGI
as Jose Samuel ANGULO born 1757 in Atotonilco el Alto
was actually Jose Manuel ANGULO born 1757. The
helpful part was the place name of Soledad, Atotonilco
el Alto. That was more information than I could get
from the IGI and that is where others of the ANGULO
name could be found. I had never seen the name Samuel
in my research so I was suspicious that it might not
be correct The IGI does have some mistakes but it
still is better than nothing.

The ANGULO name I was reseaching ended for me with the
father who was Don Miguel ANGULO but the mother was
Dona Antonia DIAS who was the daughter of Joseph DIAZ
CASTELLANOS of Atotonilco el Alto born about 1689 and
Juana Geronima GOMEZ de ESPEJO of Ocotlan, born about
1699. Just recently, the name of DIAS was being
researched and so with help from one another, we might
all get new information.

The second marriage on 14 May 1732, in Tepatitlan de
Morelos, is this the same Sebastian BELASQUEZ? who is
listed as the son of Francisco BELASQUEZ and Dona
Maria de ROJAS, both dead. The bride was Juana
QUINTERO, esp, of Mariche and Laborvieja, daughter of
Juan de Dios QUINTERO and Mariana de P...? maybe

I know that Mariche is a place in the Atotonilco el
Alto area but it might also be a place in Tepatitlan
de Morelos. I would myself, like to look at these two
entries again to see what more I could find out and if
I had everything correct as I have written. I am now
wondering if maybe the groom was from Mariche and the
bride alone from Laborvieja. Just goes to show it is
best not to rush...

Good results for Joseph RUBIO, esp., vecino since a
small child in the obp. de Michoacan. He married on 2
Feb 1704 in Tepatitlan de Morelos to Nicolasa CORTES,
who was from este pueblo. Her parents were Anttonio
CORTES and Margarita GOMEZ de ESPEJO. As for Joseph,
his parents, who were both dea,d were listed as
Nicolas RUBIO snd Dona THA? de LIEBANO.

Here is what I have in my own records and it might be
what you need:

A Joseph RUBIO baptised 1 May 1682 in Ayo el Chico was
the son of Nicolas RUBIO born about 1645 in Mexico and
married about 1670 to Dona Catalina LIEBANO who was
born about 1652 in Mexico and died 2 Dec 1689 in Ayo
el Chico.

Catalina's father was Juan ASEWNCIO de LEON born about
1614 in Mexico and married about 1637 in Michoacan,
Mexico. Her mother was Geronima de LIEBANA born about
1621 in Mexico.

Parents to Geronima were Alvaro MACIEL and Isabel de
OROSCO. For the parents of Isabel, I have Juan de
ZAMORA and Dona Ysabel del CASTILLO (OROZCO).

The OROZCOS are a favorite of mine because they are
easily identified as part of my husband's line on his
mother's side. Thus the parents of Ysabel were
Geronimo de OROZCO born about 1553 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco) and married about 1577 to
Ysabel del CASTILLO.

Geronimo's father was Doctor Jeronimo de OROSCO
(Judge) born about 1520 in Sevilla, Espana, married
about 1550 in Espana and died Nov 1592 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco). His mother was Beatriz TELLO
DE LOMAS born about 1530 in Espana.

I have seen how in some cases the name for the
descendants might be TELLO de OROSCO, OROSCO de TELLO,
OROSCO or TELLO. This information comes from numerous
sources and is not mine alone. Although I have not
worked on this line in some time (doing my own in
Canada instead) it is still of interest to me.

Hope this has been helpful.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- Daniel Mendez wrote:

> Hi Patricia, I was wondering if you coulld look this
> up for me when you go on Wednesaday if at all
> possible, you've helped me alot! (I wait so long for
> films!, I figure gaining some new info will help me
> keep going! If you ever need anything or information
> don't hesitate to ask me! In about a couple of
> months my database will include all the Early
> Aguasfamilies, All Los Altos families and all
> Nochistlan families, mostly the Spanish families of
> the new world. -Daniel
> Film #218445
> Antonio Aceves 10 Aug 1802, (Just need to know if
> his grandparents are listed? Have no clue who they
> are! (And birthdate)
> Film #218516
> Sevastian Velazquez or Lara
> Rosa Maria Quezada
> 6 Jun 1715
> Same film as previous
> (I think this is the same person as above!)
> Sevastian Velasquez Lara or Lopez
> Juana Quintero
> 14 May 1732
> Same film as previous
> Joseph Rubio
> Nicolasa Cortes or Espejo
> 2 Feb 1704
> Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live
> Messenger.

I'm always amazed how our ancestors keep showing up in other places! I have Maciel/Leivano ancestors in Michoacan and have Alvaro Maciel and Ysabel Orosco in my records posted on The problem is when I merged my programs from a laptop than went haywire I ended up with deleted records, merged records that were in error and in Alvaro Maciel's case, he and some of his children are there with absolutely no references or reason for being there. I do think they are connected through my Alvarez del Castillo and Gutierrez families and my record shows the Maciel family from Tangancicuaro Michoacan who's records appear in the Chilchota Michoacan records. I do not have Geromina so find your information really interesting. I did not realize the records error in my files until I saw this message, I do thank you. I did not have parents for Ysabel Orosco.Linda Castanon-Long in B.C. 

Catalina's father was Juan ASEWNCIO de LEON born about
1614 in Mexico and married about 1637 in Michoacan,
Mexico. Her mother was Geronima de LIEBANA born about
1621 in Mexico.

Parents to Geronima were Alvaro MACIEL and Isabel de
OROSCO. For the parents of Isabel, I have Juan de
ZAMORA and Dona Ysabel del CASTILLO (OROZCO).

The OROZCOS are a favorite of mine because they are
easily identified as part of my husband's line on his
mother's side. Thus the parents of Ysabel were
Geronimo de OROZCO born about 1553 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco) and married about 1577 to
Ysabel del CASTILLO.

Geronimo's father was Doctor Jeronimo de OROSCO
(Judge) born about 1520 in Sevilla, Espana, married
about 1550 in Espana and died Nov 1592 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco). His mother was Beatriz TELLO
DE LOMAS born about 1530 in Espana.

I have seen how in some cases the name for the
descendants might be TELLO de OROSCO, OROSCO de TELLO,
OROSCO or TELLO. This information comes from numerous
sources and is not mine alone. Although I have not
worked on this line in some time (doing my own in
Canada instead) it is still of interest to me.

Hope this has been helpful.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- Daniel Mendez wrote:

> Hi Patricia, I was wondering if you coulld look this
> up for me when you go on Wednesaday if at all
> possible, you've helped me alot! (I wait so long for
> films!, I figure gaining some new info will help me
> keep going! If you ever need anything or information
> don't hesitate to ask me! In about a couple of
> months my database will include all the Early
> Aguasfamilies, All Los Altos families and all
> Nochistlan families, mostly the Spanish families of
> the new world. -Daniel
> Film #218445
> Antonio Aceves 10 Aug 1802, (Just need to know if
> his grandparents are listed? Have no clue who they
> are! (And birthdate)
> Film #218516
> Sevastian Velazquez or Lara
> Rosa Maria Quezada
> 6 Jun 1715
> Same film as previous
> (I think this is the same person as above!)
> Sevastian Velasquez Lara or Lopez
> Juana Quintero
> 14 May 1732
> Same film as previous
> Joseph Rubio
> Nicolasa Cortes or Espejo
> 2 Feb 1704
> Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live
> Messenger.

I have these records from Chilchota you may be interested in if you don't have them. they were taken from 0640965 Chilchota Michoacan baptism, if you would like me to send you an attachement of the film as I copied it I would be happy to do so since there may be other surnames you are interested in that I could not connect to.
Baptism: 5 May 1621 in ChilchotaFrancisca EspanolaParents: Juan de Camora and Ysabel del CastilloPad: El Padre Alonso de Berdusco en este xu de Etucuaro Baptism: 17 June 1642 in ChilchotaPEDRO ACENCIO LUBANA EspanolParents: JUAN ACENCIO DE LEON and Dona GERONIMA DE LUBANA Pad: Gregorio Bejar and Dona Maria de Lievana his wife from Tanganziquaro Baptism: 16 July 1640 in ChilchotaANNA ASENSIO LIEBANA EspanolaParents: Juan Asensio (Ponze) de Leon and Dona Jeronima de LiebanaPad: Antonio Rodrigues from Jacona and Dona Maria de Lievana daughter of Gregorio de Bejar and Dona Maria de Lievana from Tanganziquaro
  Baptism: 28 May 1647 in Chilchota Jph Alvares EspanolParents: Jph Alvares del Castillo and Maria Dona Maciel (Castrejon)Pad: Juan Maciel son of Alvaro Maciel and Ysabel Orosco from Valle of Tanganziquaro

Baptism: 16 Dec 1649 in Chilchota (entered)YSABEL RODRIGUEZ OROSCO EspanolaParents: Geronimo Rodriguez (Morfin) and Ysabel de OroscoPad: Diego de la Mora and Dona Maria de Orosco daughter of Alvaro Maciel and Ysabel de Orosco from Valle de Tanganziquaro

Catalina's father was Juan ASEWNCIO de LEON born about
1614 in Mexico and married about 1637 in Michoacan,
Mexico. Her mother was Geronima de LIEBANA born about1621 in Mexico.
Parents to Geronima were Alvaro MACIEL and Isabel de
OROSCO. For the parents of Isabel, I have Juan de
ZAMORA and Dona Ysabel del CASTILLO (OROZCO).
The OROZCOS are a favorite of mine because they are
easily identified as part of my husband's line on his
mother's side. Thus the parents of Ysabel were
Geronimo de OROZCO born about 1553 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco) and married about 1577 toYsabel del CASTILLO.
Geronimo's father was Doctor Jeronimo de OROSCO
(Judge) born about 1520 in Sevilla, Espana, married
about 1550 in Espana and died Nov 1592 in Guadalajara,
Nueva Galacia (Jalisco). His mother was Beatriz TELLO
DE LOMAS born about 1530 in Espana.
I have seen how in some cases the name for the
descendants might be TELLO de OROSCO, OROSCO de TELLO,
OROSCO or TELLO. This information comes from numerous
sources and is not mine alone. Although I have not
worked on this line in some time (doing my own in
Canada instead) it is still of interest to me.Hope this has been helpful.
Sincerely,Patricia BurtonSan Diego, Ca.
--- Daniel Mendez wrote:>
> Hi Patricia, I was wondering if you coulld look this
> up for me when you go on Wednesaday if at all
> possible, you've helped me alot! (I wait so long for
> films!, I figure gaining some new info will help me
> keep going! If you ever need anything or information
> don't hesitate to ask me! In about a couple of
> months my database will include all the Early
> Aguasfamilies, All Los Altos families and all
> Nochistlan families, mostly the Spanish families of
> the new world. -Daniel > > > Film #218445
> Antonio Aceves 10 Aug 1802, (Just need to know if
> his grandparents are listed? Have no clue who they> are! (And birthdate)
> > Film #218516> Sevastian Velazquez or Lara > Rosa Maria Quezada
> 6 Jun 1715> > Same film as previous
> (I think this is the same person as above!)
> Sevastian Velasquez Lara or Lopez> Juana Quintero> 14 May 1732>
> Same film as previous> Joseph Rubio> Nicolasa Cortes or Espejo
> 2 Feb 1704> > > > > >
> Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live> Messenger.>…

Just to give you some hope. I had previously ordered the baptismal records from Tepa 1870 to 1872. They listed both maternal and paternal grandparents, so you may be in luck, it looks as if Tepatitlan during that time was keeping meticulous records. Good luck. Would you mind taking a look at some records on that film for me? I am not sure yet, but I may have a couple I need from that film. Also, do you have a Cornelia Dias in your line?

Maureen Bejar

Thank you for the offer to look at the records. However, while I have not come across anything specific on that film, I did find some things intriguing. There are too many records which I am interested in on that film, so I am not going to burden you. Through my Ledesma line there was a Rosa Maria Cervantes that married Cayetano Ledesma and some of their children have records in 218445 baptisms 1785-1803. There are many Cervantes on your film that may be related to Rosa Maria. I also came across some De La Torre's.

Please note everyone doing research on De La Torre that some of the records on film 218517 have an alternative spelling of De La Thorre. This is something that I have never seen before and could make all the difference on a search!

One last thing though. My Alviso line was marrying into the Dias family. Cornelia Dias married to Ignacio Alviso in 1832 Jalos, I also have a Atilana Dias married to Mateo Alviso 1821 Jalos. I had originally thought that it was Tepa, so sorry my mistake.

Maureen Bejar

Hello Reye I can tell you now that you Díaz family will be wither of three Spaniard families
Díaz-Tiscareño, Díaz-Castellanos or Díaz de León since they are from Tepa. 2 if them being origin
og Aguascalientes and the Castellanos being an Alteño name. -Daniel
Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.…

I'm just hoping that the marriage records actually show who the parents of Joseph Manuel Dias are. If they don't, it's going to be tough. It will be interesting to see which one of three families he is from.

Daniel Mendez wrote:
Hello Reye I can tell you now that you Díaz family will be wither of three Spaniard families
Díaz-Tiscareño, Díaz-Castellanos or Díaz de León since they are from Tepa. 2 if them being origin
og Aguascalientes and the Castellanos being an Alteño name. -Daniel
Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.…

I am sure Reyes that it will include the parents of MAnuel, unless he was widowed and remarried than that is the only case where it wont list the parents. Often when someone was married more than once, they will only list the parents on the first marriage even if its 7 marriages. Once you reach Manuel's grandfather who ever he may have been you will connecto to all of us in someway, youll go back so far in your genealogy 1500-1600, and given the right line back to the Kings of Spain and princes of Europe, I connect to royalty thanks to my Spanish, Portuguese and German ancestry. Its a good feeling knowing where you come from
but the best is for the perservation for future generations. Since you have alteño ancestors, you're full spanish i suppose, until we can get further possibly italian, portugues, french and others who arrived in Méjico. -Daniel
Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger.…

Hey Daniel, I was looking at the records that I have a little closer and I did find the following:

Joseph Manuel Dias - according to family search, under Batch #M603728, Source Call #0218519 (marriage record), Joseph's grandson Juan Jose Diaz is listed as Juan Jose Diaz Castellano and was married to a Cresencia Gomez in 1811. This same record shows that Juan Jose Diaz Castellano's father, who is the son of Joseph Manuel Dias, as Nicolas Diaz Castellano (Married to a Teresa De Asebes in 1788). So, does this mean my family line is going to be in the Diaz Castellano line you are referring to? If so, are you aware of how far back the Diaz Castellano line has been traced already?


Daniel Mendez wrote:

Hello Reye I can tell you now that you Díaz family will be wither of three Spaniard families
Díaz-Tiscareño, Díaz-Castellanos or Díaz de León since they are from Tepa. 2 if them being origin
og Aguascalientes and the Castellanos being an Alteño name. -Daniel
Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.…

This does mean you're a Díaz-Castellano, that's good! Either way any of the Díaz family you connected to we'd still be related, I descned from all 3. I believe an other person and myself have traced this family back to 1625 or so to Spain I believe. They mostly resided in Tepatitlán and Ayo El Chico or Ayotlan same place. Now you need to connect to our trunk of the tree and we'll see how exactly were related. -Daniel P.S I will look into your line.
Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.…

Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything, its important! The founder of the family was Pedro Castellano he had only one known son to carry his surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids the last name. So you should descend from Joseph born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger.…

Daniel, while we are on the subject of Castellanos. I have stoppod at Santiago Castellanos b-abt 1760 Tepa, Married to Magdalena Navarro- I have the Navarro, I need to continue with Castellanos, mother may have been Josepha Arias- father Unknown
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Mendez
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Joseph Manuel Dias - Married in 1752- Tepatitlan De Morelos

Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything, its important! The founder of the family was Pedro Castellano he had only one known son to carry his surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids the last name. So you should descend from Joseph born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger.…

I am actually not sure if the Diaz castellanos and Castellano families are related. None of their descendants rarely use Castellanos, they eventually shortened to Diaz now in current usage. You might be a family from Castellanos de Talaveara?? possiblity?
Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger.…

So Daniel, after you gave me this information I did a little digging on IGI and was able to determine that a Joseph Dias was born around 1687 in De, Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and was married to a Juana Geronima Hurtado de Mendoza in 1709 in De, Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco (No source info listed on this record). I was also able to determine that this same Joseph Dias had a father by the name of Pedro Dias (not listed as Pedro Dias Castellano) and a mother by the name of Maria Albares (no source information listed on this record). It states that Pedro Dias was born around 1660 in De, Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco and was married to Maria Albares around 1680. I was also able to find, on IGI (Batch #C603001, Source#0222109) that a Manuel Augustin Dias Hurtado (Assuming this is Joseph Manuel Dias) was baptized in 1728 in De Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and his parents were Joseph Dias & Geronima Hurtado De Mendoza. So, I'm assuming this is the same Joseph Diaz and Pedro
Castellano you are referring to???? If so, why. in these records, are there no reference to the name "Castellano." I should also note that these same records (no source information) show that Pedro Dias & Maria Albares had a daughter around 1685 by the name of Agustina Albares. This would be Joseph Dias' older sister.

Daniel Mendez wrote:
Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything, its important! The founder of the family was Pedro Castellano he had only one known son to carry his surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids the last name. So you should descend from Joseph born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger.…

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

The first births available for Atotonilco el Alto seem
to start from 1699 to 1749. The marriages of the same
place seem to be from 1743-1789. Where there is no
source indicated, I would think that the researchers
were giving their best estimates.

Although I have looked at some marriage dispensations
in the past, these are harder to locate with the
proper Microfilm number. Marriage dispensations can
give great clues to the family lines especially for
these earlier times. There will not be absolute dates
and or places but one can tell/ guess who married who
and from which trunk families they came.

I have researched for many years in the Atotonilco el
Alto area and most of my finds have been in the
ranchos around Atotonilco el Alto and not in the city
itself. There is still much to be discovered. I
think you are going in the right direction by putting
forth questions for which some more experienced
researcher might have the answers.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- Reye Diaz wrote:

> So Daniel, after you gave me this information I did
> a little digging on IGI and was able to determine
> that a Joseph Dias was born around 1687 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and was married to a
> Juana Geronima Hurtado de Mendoza in 1709 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco (No source info listed
> on this record). I was also able to determine that
> this same Joseph Dias had a father by the name of
> Pedro Dias (not listed as Pedro Dias Castellano) and
> a mother by the name of Maria Albares (no source
> information listed on this record). It states that
> Pedro Dias was born around 1660 in De, Atotonilico
> El Alto, Jalisco and was married to Maria Albares
> around 1680. I was also able to find, on IGI (Batch
> #C603001, Source#0222109) that a Manuel Augustin
> Dias Hurtado (Assuming this is Joseph Manuel Dias)
> was baptized in 1728 in De Atotonilico El Alto,
> Jalisco, and his parents were Joseph Dias & Geronima
> Hurtado De Mendoza. So, I'm assuming this is the
> same Joseph Diaz and Pedro
> Castellano you are referring to???? If so, why. in
> these records, are there no reference to the name
> "Castellano." I should also note that these same
> records (no source information) show that Pedro Dias
> & Maria Albares had a daughter around 1685 by the
> name of Agustina Albares. This would be Joseph
> Dias' older sister.
> Daniel Mendez wrote:
> Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your
> Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born
> 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That
> film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything,
> its important! The founder of the family was Pedro
> Castellano he had only one known son to carry his
> surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids
> the last name. So you should descend from Joseph
> born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel
> (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
> Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> Windows Live Messenger.

Hello All,
     I wonder if anyone remembers a website I lost.  It was a way to find Ranchos in Mexico by the name of the family that lived there.  I used it to find a Trevino rancho in Matamoros.  Afterward, I was able to see the rancho from an arial photo.  Thanks in advance.

Jan, The site that I use is,
However, I have not used it in conjunction with a family name, only in
locating a rancho that appears in a document. This site offers some very useful information. Hope this helps
San Jose, CA

Jan Jaeckle wrote:
Hello All,

I wonder if anyone remembers a website I lost. It was a way to find Ranchos in Mexico by the name of the family that lived there. I used it to find a Trevino rancho in Matamoros. Afterward, I was able to see the rancho from an arial photo. Thanks in advance.


Thanks Santos, that's the one!  Jan

--- On Mon, 7/21/08, Santos Luna wrote:

From: Santos Luna
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] locating Ranchos in Mexico
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 10:19 AM

Jan, The site that I use is,
However, I have not used it in conjunction with a family name, only in
locating a rancho that appears in a document. This site offers some very
useful information. Hope this helps
San Jose, CA

Jan Jaeckle wrote:
Hello All,

I wonder if anyone remembers a website I lost. It was a way to find
Ranchos in Mexico by the name of the family that lived there. I used it to
find a Trevino rancho in Matamoros. Afterward, I was able to see the rancho
from an arial photo. Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the information Patricia.

patricia burton wrote: Monday, July 21, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

The first births available for Atotonilco el Alto seem
to start from 1699 to 1749. The marriages of the same
place seem to be from 1743-1789. Where there is no
source indicated, I would think that the researchers
were giving their best estimates.

Although I have looked at some marriage dispensations
in the past, these are harder to locate with the
proper Microfilm number. Marriage dispensations can
give great clues to the family lines especially for
these earlier times. There will not be absolute dates
and or places but one can tell/ guess who married who
and from which trunk families they came.

I have researched for many years in the Atotonilco el
Alto area and most of my finds have been in the
ranchos around Atotonilco el Alto and not in the city
itself. There is still much to be discovered. I
think you are going in the right direction by putting
forth questions for which some more experienced
researcher might have the answers.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- Reye Diaz wrote:

> So Daniel, after you gave me this information I did
> a little digging on IGI and was able to determine
> that a Joseph Dias was born around 1687 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and was married to a
> Juana Geronima Hurtado de Mendoza in 1709 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco (No source info listed
> on this record). I was also able to determine that
> this same Joseph Dias had a father by the name of
> Pedro Dias (not listed as Pedro Dias Castellano) and
> a mother by the name of Maria Albares (no source
> information listed on this record). It states that
> Pedro Dias was born around 1660 in De, Atotonilico
> El Alto, Jalisco and was married to Maria Albares
> around 1680. I was also able to find, on IGI (Batch
> #C603001, Source#0222109) that a Manuel Augustin
> Dias Hurtado (Assuming this is Joseph Manuel Dias)
> was baptized in 1728 in De Atotonilico El Alto,
> Jalisco, and his parents were Joseph Dias & Geronima
> Hurtado De Mendoza. So, I'm assuming this is the
> same Joseph Diaz and Pedro
> Castellano you are referring to???? If so, why. in
> these records, are there no reference to the name
> "Castellano." I should also note that these same
> records (no source information) show that Pedro Dias
> & Maria Albares had a daughter around 1685 by the
> name of Agustina Albares. This would be Joseph
> Dias' older sister.
> Daniel Mendez wrote:
> Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your
> Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born
> 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That
> film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything,
> its important! The founder of the family was Pedro
> Castellano he had only one known son to carry his
> surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids
> the last name. So you should descend from Joseph
> born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel
> (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
> Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> Windows Live Messenger.

Question for you Patricia. Based on what you have just told me, the furthest I have been able to trace back so far on my Diaz line is Pedro Dias who was born around 1660. According to Daniel, Pedro should be a Diaz Castellano. It has been notated that Pedro Dias was married to a Maria Albares around 1680. So, my question is, can the "marriage dispensations" list and/or state who the parents of Pedro Dias were?? Or, considering IGI does not show who the parents are, there is probably no microfiche to show this information?

patricia burton wrote:
Monday, July 21, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

The first births available for Atotonilco el Alto seem
to start from 1699 to 1749. The marriages of the same
place seem to be from 1743-1789. Where there is no
source indicated, I would think that the researchers
were giving their best estimates.

Although I have looked at some marriage dispensations
in the past, these are harder to locate with the
proper Microfilm number. Marriage dispensations can
give great clues to the family lines especially for
these earlier times. There will not be absolute dates
and or places but one can tell/ guess who married who
and from which trunk families they came.

I have researched for many years in the Atotonilco el
Alto area and most of my finds have been in the
ranchos around Atotonilco el Alto and not in the city
itself. There is still much to be discovered. I
think you are going in the right direction by putting
forth questions for which some more experienced
researcher might have the answers.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- Reye Diaz wrote:

> So Daniel, after you gave me this information I did
> a little digging on IGI and was able to determine
> that a Joseph Dias was born around 1687 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and was married to a
> Juana Geronima Hurtado de Mendoza in 1709 in De,
> Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco (No source info listed
> on this record). I was also able to determine that
> this same Joseph Dias had a father by the name of
> Pedro Dias (not listed as Pedro Dias Castellano) and
> a mother by the name of Maria Albares (no source
> information listed on this record). It states that
> Pedro Dias was born around 1660 in De, Atotonilico
> El Alto, Jalisco and was married to Maria Albares
> around 1680. I was also able to find, on IGI (Batch
> #C603001, Source#0222109) that a Manuel Augustin
> Dias Hurtado (Assuming this is Joseph Manuel Dias)
> was baptized in 1728 in De Atotonilico El Alto,
> Jalisco, and his parents were Joseph Dias & Geronima
> Hurtado De Mendoza. So, I'm assuming this is the
> same Joseph Diaz and Pedro
> Castellano you are referring to???? If so, why. in
> these records, are there no reference to the name
> "Castellano." I should also note that these same
> records (no source information) show that Pedro Dias
> & Maria Albares had a daughter around 1685 by the
> name of Agustina Albares. This would be Joseph
> Dias' older sister.
> Daniel Mendez wrote:
> Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your
> Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born
> 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán. That
> film of Manuel married in 1752 will show everything,
> its important! The founder of the family was Pedro
> Castellano he had only one known son to carry his
> surname, all his daughters never gave their own kids
> the last name. So you should descend from Joseph
> born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel
> (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
> Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> Windows Live Messenger.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dear Reye Diaz--

There are a number of reasons why a marriage would
require a dispensation. For instance:

1. The groom or bride were from an area different
from the area in which they were to be married.

2. The groom and or bride had been married before and
were either one or both a widower or widow.

3. The couple were related to one another by blood
and by doing a dispensation, the different parents
going back to the original first parents, would be

4. One person of the marrying couple could have been
related by marriage to a third person who was a
relative of the second person in the marrying couple.


One of my favorite research topics is/was Don Nicolas
Alexandro LOMELIN. Here are my notes on this fellow
who was married 5 times to 4 women, two of which were
related to ancestors of my husband.

He is our direct line relative.

Baptismal information--none yet.

First Marriage of four was on Microfilm #280,895.
He stated he was born in Santa Clara, Ocotlan. He was
listed as an espanol. The padrinos were Nicolas
RASURO and (his sister) Feliciana LOMELIN, espanoles
and conjuges.

He was left a widower in Sep 1793, according to
Microfilm #280,997.

Second Marriage on Microfilm #280,895, said that he
was from Santa Clara.

His third wife, Maria Teresa HURTADO, was
previously married to Jose Manuel CURIEL, who had died
abt. 13 months earlier. This marriage on 13 Dec 1809
in Atotonilco el Alto, was considered null and void
because proper dispensation was not obtained.
(Apparently, they were related," de afinidad de
tercero con quarto grado".)
They remarried on 1 Oct 1810, in Atotonilco el
Alto. Their only child had been born in August and
would live to adulthood and marry. Unfortunately,
Maria Teresa would die within the year.
It would seem that this Marriage record was on
Microfilm #222,189 and in this record he said he was
from Poncitlan, then went to Santa Clara, and then
arrived in Margaritas.

Fourth Marriage on Microfilm #222,190. Nicolas
Alexandro LOMELIN, esp., of Lomalarga (Ocotlan) and
vec. de Margaritas. It said that he was a widower for
a third time and that his wife died 4 months ago. The
padrinos were Luis OROSCO and Guadalupe CURIEL. He
would marry Maria Antonia CHAVEZ his fourth wife and
move to Ayo el Chico.

On 5 Mar 1815, he and his wife, Anta. CHABES, were
padrinos to a granddaughter, Maria Sesarea Trinidad
born in Feb in Santa Clara, La Barca, Jalisco. His
name was listed as Alexandro LOMELIN.

When the 4th wife married a second time, she said
that she had been a widow for 2 years and 8 months.
Apparently, Alexandro as he was listed, died about
1828 or maybe between late 1825 and 1830, at the age
of 65-70.


I like to use this example because it shows how the
information on one person can change and yet it is all
for the same person.

In answer to your question, if one of the above listed
reasons for a dispensation was not in evidence for
Pedro Dias and Maria Albares, there may not have been
a need for a dispensation for them. However, there
can be other ways this information can come out at

Although I can not give you an example at this time, I
do know that in one of my old research areas when
certain children were baptized, their parents names
were given but not the grandparents. However, the
pardrinos names were given and so were the parents of
the padrinos! It would appear that the child and
parents were not of the "important families" but that
the padrinos probably were.

I never lose hope of finding more information but I
also know that some times it takes YEARS for this
information to be revealed.

Patricia Burton
San Diego

--- Reye Diaz wrote:

> Question for you Patricia. Based on what you have
> just told me, the furthest I have been able to trace
> back so far on my Diaz line is Pedro Dias who was
> born around 1660. According to Daniel, Pedro should
> be a Diaz Castellano. It has been notated that
> Pedro Dias was married to a Maria Albares around
> 1680. So, my question is, can the "marriage
> dispensations" list and/or state who the parents of
> Pedro Dias were?? Or, considering IGI does not show
> who the parents are, there is probably no microfiche
> to show this information?
> patricia burton wrote:
> Monday, July 21, 2008
> Dear Reye Diaz--
> The first births available for Atotonilco el Alto
> seem
> to start from 1699 to 1749. The marriages of the
> same
> place seem to be from 1743-1789. Where there is no
> source indicated, I would think that the researchers
> were giving their best estimates.
> Although I have looked at some marriage
> dispensations
> in the past, these are harder to locate with the
> proper Microfilm number. Marriage dispensations can
> give great clues to the family lines especially for
> these earlier times. There will not be absolute
> dates
> and or places but one can tell/ guess who married
> who
> and from which trunk families they came.
> I have researched for many years in the Atotonilco
> el
> Alto area and most of my finds have been in the
> ranchos around Atotonilco el Alto and not in the
> city
> itself. There is still much to be discovered. I
> think you are going in the right direction by
> putting
> forth questions for which some more experienced
> researcher might have the answers.
> Sincerely,
> Patricia Burton
> San Diego, Ca.
> --- Reye Diaz wrote:
> > So Daniel, after you gave me this information I
> did
> > a little digging on IGI and was able to determine
> > that a Joseph Dias was born around 1687 in De,
> > Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco, and was married to a
> > Juana Geronima Hurtado de Mendoza in 1709 in De,
> > Atotonilico El Alto, Jalisco (No source info
> listed
> > on this record). I was also able to determine that
> > this same Joseph Dias had a father by the name of
> > Pedro Dias (not listed as Pedro Dias Castellano)
> and
> > a mother by the name of Maria Albares (no source
> > information listed on this record). It states that
> > Pedro Dias was born around 1660 in De, Atotonilico
> > El Alto, Jalisco and was married to Maria Albares
> > around 1680. I was also able to find, on IGI
> (Batch
> > #C603001, Source#0222109) that a Manuel Augustin
> > Dias Hurtado (Assuming this is Joseph Manuel Dias)
> > was baptized in 1728 in De Atotonilico El Alto,
> > Jalisco, and his parents were Joseph Dias &
> Geronima
> > Hurtado De Mendoza. So, I'm assuming this is the
> > same Joseph Diaz and Pedro
> > Castellano you are referring to???? If so, why. in
> > these records, are there no reference to the name
> > "Castellano." I should also note that these same
> > records (no source information) show that Pedro
> Dias
> > & Maria Albares had a daughter around 1685 by the
> > name of Agustina Albares. This would be Joseph
> > Dias' older sister.
> >
> > Daniel Mendez wrote:
> > Hello Reye, the info you gave me is helpful your
> > Joseph Manuel should be son of my Joseph Díaz born
> > 1687 several of is kids married in Tepatitlán.
> That
> > film of Manuel married in 1752 will show
> everything,
> > its important! The founder of the family was Pedro
> > Castellano he had only one known son to carry his
> > surname, all his daughters never gave their own
> kids
> > the last name. So you should descend from Joseph
> > born in 1687. He had kids until the 1730. -Daniel
> > (Have you ordered the film? Hope this helps.
> >
> > Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> > Windows Live Messenger.
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> >
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> >
> >

Yes! This is the same family I descend from the Díaz Castellano. They had 4-5 known daughters most took the mothers last name not Díaz. One did take Díaz. The sons took Díaz. He could not have been born in Atot. because he dosent show on the microfilm. He either came from Spain or a nearby Alteño city. Although he is the first Díaz Castellano ever mentioned in Los Altos. Díaz Castellano is a compound surname! Their is a difference between "apellido compuesto familiar" and "apellido compuesto paternal y maternal" (eventhough they mean both mean the same thing in a way. The second example is when the usual father mother have a child he/she carries both names for only one generation. The first example is when two families (often important families or just whatever not sure what to say!) decide they want all their descendants to carry both their names forever until someone wants to compound it again or shortened. Our Spaniard families have very complicated naming systems in the world in my opinion. Anyway Díaz Castellano somwtime when it was compounded it would carry onto the descendants for generations. Sometimes though people like to shorten it in records when they told the priest so maybe Manuel said MAnuel Díaz instead of Manuel Díaz Castellano. My parents did this similar thing when they joined both their names in their marriage they both took Méndez del Camino usually just the groom here in the USA. But also my father. Kinda different but my descendancy will also take Méndez del Camino. My father was Méndez y Cortés and my mother was López del Camino y García. I tthink i should end now it gets too complicated.
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So Daniel, you say Pedro Diaz could not have born in De Atotonilco El Alto, becasuse he does not show up on the Microfilm. Out of curiosity, why would IGI have him being born here in 1660 if he was not? How does that record get entered? Do you have a theory?


Daniel Mendez wrote:

Yes! This is the same family I descend from the Díaz Castellano. They had 4-5 known daughters most took the mothers last name not Díaz. One did take Díaz. The sons took Díaz. He could not have been born in Atot. because he dosent show on the microfilm. He either came from Spain or a nearby Alteño city. Although he is the first Díaz Castellano ever mentioned in Los Altos. Díaz Castellano is a compound surname! Their is a difference between "apellido compuesto familiar" and "apellido compuesto paternal y maternal" (eventhough they mean both mean the same thing in a way. The second example is when the usual father mother have a child he/she carries both names for only one generation. The first example is when two families (often important families or just whatever not sure what to say!) decide they want all their descendants to carry both their names forever until someone wants to compound it again or shortened. Our Spaniard families have very complicated naming systems in the
world in my opinion. Anyway Díaz Castellano somwtime when it was compounded it would carry onto the descendants for generations. Sometimes though people like to shorten it in records when they told the priest so maybe Manuel said MAnuel Díaz instead of Manuel Díaz Castellano. My parents did this similar thing when they joined both their names in their marriage they both took Méndez del Camino usually just the groom here in the USA. But also my father. Kinda different but my descendancy will also take Méndez del Camino. My father was Méndez y Cortés and my mother was López del Camino y García. I tthink i should end now it gets too complicated.
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IT was obiously a regular genealogist like us who thought Pedro might have been born in such year in such place. They could have add it to the IGI. I have many ancestors who are said to have been born in Nueva España on the IGI when really they were from Spain. I have no doubt Pedro was a penínsular, being a native of the Iberic Peninsula. Many of my ancestors were penínsulares because the only way you were able to be of the high class in México you had to be born in Europe. a lot of my ancestors (mother's side mostly) would actually take their pregnant wife or acutally empregnant their wives in Spain so their child could be born in Spain when they returned to New Spain, they would be in the highest class of society and get upper jobs. I believe this is all pointless if your Spanish your Spanish(I dont think you the place matters, but that was their beliefS!
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I have this but you should wait for the film!






30 MAY 1731
Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico




Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.

Source Information:

Batch No.:
Source Call No.:
Printout Call No.:

1699 - 1749

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Daniel--

Could you please send the rest of the information on
this person since you have it. I, too, have the film
#222,109 on indefinite loan but I am not at the Family
History Center until Wednesday.

Is there a wife and children for Joseph Manuel Dias?
Are there other siblings for him? Who are his
parents? Exactly where was Joseph Manuel Dias born,
in Atotonilco el Alto, or one of the surrounding
ranchos? Is the date of birth the same as the
baptismal date? Who were the godparents?

Thanking you in advance.

Patricia Burton
San Diego

--- Daniel Mendez wrote:

> I have this but you should wait for the film!
> Pedigree
> Male
> Event(s):
> Birth:
> Christening:
> 30 MAY 1731
> Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
> Death:
> Burial:
> Messages:
> Extracted birth or christening record for the
> locality listed in the record. The source records
> are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or
> christening date.
> Source Information:
> Batch No.:
> Dates:
> Source Call No.:
> Type:
> Printout Call No.:
> Type:
> C603001
> 1699 - 1749
> 0222109
> Film
> Sheet:
> Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> Windows Live Messenger.

Hello Patricia, in regards to Joseph Manuel Dias, Daniel was responding to my original query in which I was advising the Nuestro community that I'm currently awaiting film from the Family History Center regarding the marriage of a Joseph Manuel Dias to a Maria Anna
Peres in Tepatitlan De Morelos, Jalisco, Mexico. I have been able to
determine that they were both married on June 25, 1752 (Batch #M603726,
Source Call #0218517) and am hoping the actual film will show who the
parents are. While I'm waiting, I threw this event out there in case anyone already had this information as to who Jospeh Manuel Dias' parents were. As a result of this original query, Daniel was kind enough to let me know that there is a strong possibility that this Dias line comes from one of three lines, including the Diaz Castellano line. After telling me this, I looked into what I currently have already and was able to determine that Joseph's grandson Juan Jose Diaz is listed as Juan Jose Diaz Castellano and was married to a Cresencia Gomez in 1811. This same record shows that Juan Jose Diaz Castellano's father, who is the son of Joseph Manuel Dias, is a Nicolas Diaz Castellano (Married to a Teresa De Asebes in 1788). I then asked Daniel if this means the Joseph Manuel Dias I was asking about is part of the Diaz Castellano line Daniel was referring to. As you know, Daniel responded by telling me yes, that Jospeh Manuel Diaz should be the son of a Joseph Diaz
born in 1687 and that the film I'm awaiting should show everything. As you can imagine, I'm very excited right now. However, if you have access to the film now and look at it, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Reye Diaz

patricia burton wrote: Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Daniel--

Could you please send the rest of the information on
this person since you have it. I, too, have the film
#222,109 on indefinite loan but I am not at the Family
History Center until Wednesday.

Is there a wife and children for Joseph Manuel Dias?
Are there other siblings for him? Who are his
parents? Exactly where was Joseph Manuel Dias born,
in Atotonilco el Alto, or one of the surrounding
ranchos? Is the date of birth the same as the
baptismal date? Who were the godparents?

Thanking you in advance.

Patricia Burton
San Diego

--- Daniel Mendez wrote:

> I have this but you should wait for the film!
> Pedigree
> Male
> Event(s):
> Birth:
> Christening:
> 30 MAY 1731
> Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico
> Death:
> Burial:
> Messages:
> Extracted birth or christening record for the
> locality listed in the record. The source records
> are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or
> christening date.
> Source Information:
> Batch No.:
> Dates:
> Source Call No.:
> Type:
> Printout Call No.:
> Type:
> C603001
> 1699 - 1749
> 0222109
> Film
> Sheet:
> Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with
> Windows Live Messenger.

Hi Patricia, i actually dont have any other info on him, but I do know his family had to be Diaz Castellano, the Diaz
family of Atotonilco were Diaz Castellano.
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