
Hi Anita--

I've been working on an extensive Banuelos family tree from Ranchos Las Bocas, located close to Huejucar (not too far from Tepetongo and Juanchorrey). I did not locate the names you mentioned in my tree, but I suspect that your Banuelos branch is related to mine.

I did find this:


Christening: 29 MAY 1851 Tepetongo, Zacatecas, Mexico


Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C600836 1850 - 1858 0445161

I do have some Tepetongo films, but not this one. If you look up the record, it may list the grandparents' names. If so, that may help me to see if your Banuelos family connects with mine. I have at a few Banuelos women marrying Gonzales men.

Let me know what you think.


-----Original Message-----
>From: anna1m
>Sent: Aug 27, 2008 12:56 PM
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bañuelos
>Greetings from Lockhart, Tx: I need help with backtracking my Bañuelos ancestors. Marcelo Gonzales Bañuelos b 7 Jan 1859 in Juanchorrey Zac, son of Juan Jose Jesus Gonzales and Maria de Jesus Bañuelos b abt 1837, daughter of Anacelso (Aka Cleto) Bañuelos and Clemencia Carlos. Any help is appreciated as the present dialogue is very interesting. Thanks - Anita

Dear Rosalinda: Yes, it appears that this one is my tree. On Marcelo Gonzalez Banuelos christening record, maternal grandparents are shown as Cleto Banuelos and Clemencia Carlos. Their only child I have found is Maria de Jesus Banuelos (her last name was misspelled as Barriento). So do our lines cross and if so, where? Thanks for answering. Anita

Well, the record I sent you apparently is for a son of Cleto and Clemencia, German. He may have died when he was young, and he appears to be the brother of Maria de Jesus. If you are able to look at Gemrna's baptismal record, it may identify Cleto's and Clemencia's parents's names. Then we can use those names to see how/if we are connected. I have a sneaky suspicion that our Banuelos lines do cross, but we will need Cleto's parents names to help us.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Anita Morales
>Sent: Aug 27, 2008 5:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bañuelos
>Dear Rosalinda: Yes, it appears that this one is my tree. On Marcelo Gonzalez Banuelos christening record, maternal grandparents are shown as Cleto Banuelos and Clemencia Carlos. Their only child I have found is Maria de Jesus Banuelos (her last name was misspelled as Barriento). So do our lines cross and if so, where? Thanks for answering. Anita

Dear Rosalinda:
A good friend was able to view the film and this is what she found:
--- German Banuelos 29 May 1851 Tepetongo
film #0445161 de dos dias de nacido en Juanchorrey hijo legitimo de
Cleto Banuelos y Clemencia Carlos abulos paternos Paulino Banuelos y Josefa Gonzales maternos Sostenes Carlos y Rafaela Sanchez padrinos Juan Gonzales y Rosa {Acuna.} not to sure on that surname.

So with this information, where do we stand? Anita

Hi Anita--

I apologize for the delay in my response--

I was unable to trace that Banuelos couple in my tree, but I still suspect they are connected to my family in some way-- the time and place of your family coincide with my family. By the way, I did poke around on for the other couple you mentioned, and it looks like you can trace your family back additional generations, especially in the Monte Escobedo area. I have completed extensive research on the Banuelos family in the Huejucar area, and while I have collected many Banuelos from the Tepetongo area, I still need to explore more. The problem is that Paulino and Josefa apparently did not have any other children that could be traced through the website, which means a thorough search of the Tepetongo and Jerez records is needed, which is time consuming.

I think we should keep in touch in case our ancestral paths cross, which I think they will.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anita Morales
Sent: Aug 28, 2008 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bañuelos

Dear Rosalinda:
A good friend was able to view the film and this is what she found:
--- German Banuelos 29 May 1851 Tepetongo
film #0445161 de dos dias de nacido en Juanchorrey hijo legitimo de
Cleto Banuelos y Clemencia Carlos abulos paternos Paulino Banuelos y Josefa Gonzales maternos Sostenes Carlos y Rafaela Sanchez padrinos Juan Gonzales y Rosa {Acuna.} not to sure on that surname.

So with this information, where do we stand? Anita

Dear Rosalinda. Tonight I found Anecleto Vanuelos, father Paulino Vanuelos, mother Maria Josefa Gonsales, spouse Clemencia Sanchez, married 22 Sep 1832 Monte Escobedo, husband age at marriage 25. Batch no M611173, 1799-1877, Source call no 1158237. Clemencia Sanchez, father Sosteros Carlos, mother Rafela Sanchez. Does this help any? Do you have access to the Monte Escobedo films?