GEDCOM Paula Gonzalez

Greetings from Lockhart. A question for Leticia Salazar. I have been looking over your info and it looks like our lines cross with Luiz Antonio Francisco Correa married to Juana Petra Carlos. Also with Bernardo Ignacio Gonzalez married to Juana Michaela del Muro. Do you have source references from that point back? Also when I get to Josepha Gonzalez you show two. One Josepha Gonzales married to unknown and mother of Juan Gonzalez and one Josepha Gonzales de Aro married to Manuel de la Torre and mother of Juana del Torre. Both Josephas are shown as daughters of Gabriel Gonzalez and Maria Anna de Quero. Were these two different daughters with the same name or only one who married twice. I am confused as there are no dates shown. Thanks for all the research you have done and shared. Anita