Hello Everyone ,
I came across this site from another group it´s called Sologenealogia.com it´s from Venezuela . They have been extracting information for quite some time .
It shows List, Destinations, Fathers and what group they were in, Wives, Paper works and the years of the paper works.
Hope there is something there of use for you .
Welester G. Alvarado
As many of you probably already know there are XIV edited volumes of the "Pasajeros a indias" that deal with those who emigrated to "las Indias" between the years 1509 and 1701 these books are available for purchase from the "Archivo General de Indias". I looked up the cost of the last seven and they run about 135 Euros a peace. I found an excellent blog that tells how you can access the information in the books online. I have actually been using the website that is referred in the blog for quite some time. It is called, here is the URL: Pares.mcu.es and it is a tremendous treasure-trove of information.
the URL for the blog article is:
good luck with your searching!
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Thank you! I knew of the existence of the PARES website - but I hadn't had
any luck navigating the it. This link very clearly explains how it works.
Thank you!
Pares.mcu.es the URL for the blog article is:
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You are welcome, I am also going to be writing an article about some of the
other aspects of Pares that I have found useful for research. I will inform
you when and where I will publish the article.
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Angelina Markle
> Eduardo,
> Thank you! I knew of the existence of the PARES website - but I hadn't had
> any luck navigating the it. This link very clearly explains how it works.
> Thank you!
> -Angelina-
> Pares.mcu.es
> http://genealogiablog.blogspot.com/2008/06/pasajeros-indias-un-viaje-de…
> lla.html
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Pasajeros a Indias