I've just come across Casiyas as a form of Casillas (which is also treated
as a distinct surname by FamilySearch). I was wondering if those who
regularly research the Casillas surname frequently run across this variant.
Its an obvious variant but one that I hadn't considered. I've run into
Cacillas before. Are there other variants?
hace algunos años el programa de familysearch, antes del nombre ´pnes un
asterisco y salian todas las variantes, tambien se usaban otros para
encontra todas las variantes pero en la ultima actualizacion los quitaron
For several years the program familysearch, before the name 'pnes an
asterisk and leaving all the variants were also used for all other variants
but they removed the last update
2009/7/12 Raquel Ruiz
> I've just come across Casiyas as a form of Casillas (which is also treated
> as a distinct surname by FamilySearch). I was wondering if those who
> regularly research the Casillas surname frequently run across this variant.
> Its an obvious variant but one that I hadn't considered. I've run into
> Cacillas before. Are there other variants?
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Casillas, Casiyas