Vera family research from Calvillo Aguascalientes

Looking for information and family from Vera family... Luis Vera y Francisca Jimenez, Julio Jimenez y Telesfora Esparza and Remualdo Vera y Tiburcia Paredes

I have info on Julio Jimenez and Telesfora as well on Romualdo Vera and Tiburcia PAredes,

what do you need exactly? Ancestors go back to at least mid 1700s. Kids? Grandkids?

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Hi Daniel.

I'm just learning about all this, and I have only the information on my grandmother's baptizm certificate. Her name was Maria Martina Vera, daughter of Luis Vera and Francisca Jimenez. Ramualdo and Tiburcia and Julio and Telesfora were her grandparents
Any information you can help me with would be greatly appreciated. I would like to know if there is family on the Vera side that we can learn about.

Thank you for responding.. you made my day !

Marina Shields