Looking for a Volunteer: 1 hour per week

The 1 hour per week is an average. Might be a little more some weeks a
little less others. The job is to create folders for me when new members
join the group. I will train and go over the process in detail.

Only prerequisite: You should be comfortable logging into and
maneuvering around the website.



Joseph Puentes
http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html (Vegan Environmental Solutions Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.com (Environmental Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.blogspot.com (Blog for above)
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
http://nuestrosranchos.org (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes