Our first Conference turned out to be a great success, thanks to Helyn
Sparkman's tireless efforts, as well as the cooperation of Alicia Carrillo,
Martin Perez, Kitty Cortez and the wonderful cast of speakers.
There were a number of people who were interested in attending, but for
various reasons were not able to. Many of those interested parties are from
the Los Angeles, CA area and have expressed an interest in having the next
conference there. We are more than willing to consider holding the 2011
Conference in the Los Angeles area, but to do so would require a resident of
that area to help us secure a location and help with the logistics. I want
to ask any of you living in the Los Angeles area if you would be willing to
undertake that responsibility? Please let me know ASAP because we'd like to
begin planning as early as possible. I would also like to get an idea of the
number of people interested in attending and/or being a Speaker. It will
most likely be held n April or May 2011.
En Español:
Nuestra primera Conferencia fué un gran exito, gracias a los esfuerzos
incansables de Hely Sparkman, y la cooperación de Alicia Carrillo, Martín
Pérez, Kitty Cortéz y los oradores excelentes.
Hubieron varias personas que estaban interesadas en atender, pero por algún
motivo u otro no pudieron. Muchos de ellos radican en el area de Los
Angeles, CA y han expresado interés en que la proxíma Conferencia se realize
en el area de Los Angeles. Para poder satisfacer esta petición
necesitariamos que algún residente de esa area nos ayudara encontrar el
lugar y con todas las logísticas necesarias para el evento. Hay alguien que
este dispuesto a hacerse cargo de esta responsabilidad? Por favor
comuniquense conmigo lo mas pronto posible. Tambien me gustaria saber a
cuantos de Ustedes les gustaria atender y/o ser oradores. Lo mas probable
es que el proximo año va a ser en Abril o Mayo de 2011.
Maria Cortez
How many people would be expected?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: mcortez
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:30:44
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference
Our first Conference turned out to be a great success, thanks to Helyn
Sparkman's tireless efforts, as well as the cooperation of Alicia Carrillo,
Martin Perez, Kitty Cortez and the wonderful cast of speakers.
There were a number of people who were interested in attending, but for
various reasons were not able to. Many of those interested parties are from
the Los Angeles, CA area and have expressed an interest in having the next
conference there. We are more than willing to consider holding the 2011
Conference in the Los Angeles area, but to do so would require a resident of
that area to help us secure a location and help with the logistics. I want
to ask any of you living in the Los Angeles area if you would be willing to
undertake that responsibility? Please let me know ASAP because we'd like to
begin planning as early as possible. I would also like to get an idea of the
number of people interested in attending and/or being a Speaker. It will
most likely be held n April or May 2011.
En Español:
Nuestra primera Conferencia fué un gran exito, gracias a los esfuerzos
incansables de Hely Sparkman, y la cooperación de Alicia Carrillo, Martín
Pérez, Kitty Cortéz y los oradores excelentes.
Hubieron varias personas que estaban interesadas en atender, pero por algún
motivo u otro no pudieron. Muchos de ellos radican en el area de Los
Angeles, CA y han expresado interés en que la proxíma Conferencia se realize
en el area de Los Angeles. Para poder satisfacer esta petición
necesitariamos que algún residente de esa area nos ayudara encontrar el
lugar y con todas las logísticas necesarias para el evento. Hay alguien que
este dispuesto a hacerse cargo de esta responsabilidad? Por favor
comuniquense conmigo lo mas pronto posible. Tambien me gustaria saber a
cuantos de Ustedes les gustaria atender y/o ser oradores. Lo mas probable
es que el proximo año va a ser en Abril o Mayo de 2011.
Maria Cortez
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
I would like to suggest the Ontario Area as a possible site for the 2011 Conference. This area is served by LA/Ontario International Airport, with frequent flights offered by South West Airlines. There are plenty of hotels, too. I live in nearby Rancho Cucamonga; therefore I could be responsible for some portions of Event Planning required for a conference.
Please let me know if Nuestros Ranchos is interested in this possibility .
Paul Gomez
909-238-6444 (Mobile)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: mygenes2000@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 23:33:26
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference
How many people would be expected?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: mcortez
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:30:44
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference
Our first Conference turned out to be a great success, thanks to Helyn
Sparkman's tireless efforts, as well as the cooperation of Alicia Carrillo,
Martin Perez, Kitty Cortez and the wonderful cast of speakers.
There were a number of people who were interested in attending, but for
various reasons were not able to. Many of those interested parties are from
the Los Angeles, CA area and have expressed an interest in having the next
conference there. We are more than willing to consider holding the 2011
Conference in the Los Angeles area, but to do so would require a resident of
that area to help us secure a location and help with the logistics. I want
to ask any of you living in the Los Angeles area if you would be willing to
undertake that responsibility? Please let me know ASAP because we'd like to
begin planning as early as possible. I would also like to get an idea of the
number of people interested in attending and/or being a Speaker. It will
most likely be held n April or May 2011.
En Español:
Nuestra primera Conferencia fué un gran exito, gracias a los esfuerzos
incansables de Hely Sparkman, y la cooperación de Alicia Carrillo, Martín
Pérez, Kitty Cortéz y los oradores excelentes.
Hubieron varias personas que estaban interesadas en atender, pero por algún
motivo u otro no pudieron. Muchos de ellos radican en el area de Los
Angeles, CA y han expresado interés en que la proxíma Conferencia se realize
en el area de Los Angeles. Para poder satisfacer esta petición
necesitariamos que algún residente de esa area nos ayudara encontrar el
lugar y con todas las logísticas necesarias para el evento. Hay alguien que
este dispuesto a hacerse cargo de esta responsabilidad? Por favor
comuniquense conmigo lo mas pronto posible. Tambien me gustaria saber a
cuantos de Ustedes les gustaria atender y/o ser oradores. Lo mas probable
es que el proximo año va a ser en Abril o Mayo de 2011.
Maria Cortez
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference