Juana Gallegos aka Juana Gutierrez aka Juana de Amador

While on the topic of the Gallegos family: I have this family, Bartolome Alonso de los Hinojos born ca. 1665 in Aguascalientes who married Juana Gallegos sometime ca. 1690. Juana Gallgos was from Santa Maria de los Lagos. She is sometimes seen as Juana Gallegos (her son ManuelAlonso de los Hinojos' marriage; my ancestor) then in the death of her son Francisco she lis listed as Juana de Amador, also in most of her children's baptism Amador is dominant.Then in her daughter Maria's death she is listed as Juana Gutierrez. All her kids were born in Lagos de Moreno. I know for a fact this is the same Juana! I have studied her kids. Bartolome is always listed as Bartolome Alonso de los Hinojos. I wonder if Juana is a relative of Gabriel Gallegos, she could be a daughter? I just dont know how she used many last names!
Juana Gutierez de Amador Juana Gutierrez Juana de Amador Juana Gallegos.
Any help?