Hello everyone,
I have been unable to read some of the handwriting from a baptism entry from 1864. I was hoping someone with a better eye would be able to decipher what parts that I couldn't, or correct what I translated. The translation and photo are here:
I'm not sure of two names--I think they are "Blaso" and "Reina", but am also interested to know what the text reads in full.
The baptism is for Jose Maria Gonzalez, born on 7/7/1864 in La Villita de San Jose (La Villita), near Jalpa.
Hola todos,
No pude traducir una acta completamente (de 1864), y espero que alguen puede leer la acta. No tengo confiansa con dos nombres (Blaso y Reina), pero tambien quiero saber que dice lo demas de la acta.
La acta de bautismo es de Jose Maria Gonzalez, nacido en la Villita de San Jose, cercas de Jalpa, en Julio 11, 1864.
Below is a transcription and translation of your document. I'm not sure
about the names Rufa and Urcina; the other names are easy to read. Rufa is
probably short for Rufina, a common name, but I never heard the name Urcina.
I don't think it says Reina.
Bautismos de Jalpa en tiempo que no había padre.
En la parroquia de esta Villa en Once de Julio de mil ochocientos sesenta y
cuatro. Yo el Presbítero D. Vicente Y. Gonzalez, Cura encargado de esta
feligresía, Bautise Solemnemente a José Ma. de cuatro dias, nacido en la
Villita, hijo legítimo de Lucas González y Rufa Durán. (Abuelos) Paternos
Jose María Gonzalez, y Julia Casillas. (Abuelos) Maternos Teodoro Durán y
Urcina (?) Figueroa. Padrinos Claro Gonzalez, y Apolonia Durán; a quienes
adventí su obligación y parentesco espiritual, y lo firmé.
Baptisms from Jalpa during a time when there wasn't a priest.
In the parochial church of this town on 11 July 1864. I, Vicente Y.
Gonzalez, Priest in charge of this Parish, solemny baptised Jose María, born
four days ago in La Villita, legitimate son of Lucas González and Rufa (?)
Durán. Paternal grandparents: Jose María González, and Julia Casillas.
Maternal grandparents: Teodoro Durán and Urcina (?) Figueroa. Godparents:
Claro González and Apolonia Durán, all of whom I advised of their obligation
and spiritual cognation, and signed it.
Bill Figueroa
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I would say that the names are Claro and Urcina.
Here's what I see:
En la Parroquia de esta Villa en Once de Julio de mil ochocien-tos sesenta y cuatro
Yo el Presto D. Vicente Y. Gonzalez, cura encargo de esta feliga Bautise solemnemte a Jose Ma de cuatro dias nacido en la Villita, hijo lego de Lucas Gonzalez y Rufa Duran, paternos Jose Ma Gonzalez y Julia Ca-sillas maternos Teodoro Duran y Urcina Figueroa padrinos Claro Gonzalez y Apolonia Duran a quienes adverti__ obligacion parentesco espiritual y lo firme.
I hope this helps.
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Thanks for this. I think you are right about the names and I think you got the translation dead-on. I'm just starting out and I'm only beginning to see how difficult it can be to read--not just locating--records.
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Help translating a baptism entry/ayuda con latraduccion de acta