Does anyone have info on Josepha Hernandez Dominguez
who married Sebastian Macias Valadez on 5 Feb 1680
in Aguascalientes, the marriage record does not list their
Also Francisco Gutierrez de Hermosillo
and Tomasa Garcia who married 3 Dec 1714
in Jalostotitlan? Thanks.
Es posible que Sebastian Macias Valades es hermano de Juan Macias Valades, hijo de Joseph Macias Valades y Catalina de la Vega. Juan se caso con Juana (Hernandez) Dominguez, hija de Juan Hernandez y Ana Dominguez, en Aguascalientes el 12 junio 1683. Por lo tanto, Josepha Hernandez Dominguez seria hermana de Juana. Curiosamente, Juan MV y Juana D, tuvieron un hijo Sebastian Macias Valades.
Jaime Alvarado
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Si es posible, Hernandez Dominguez es obviamente HErnandez Gamino = Dominguez.
Pero necesitamos evidencia, porque hay varios. Si podiamos encontrar el bautismo
de Sebastian....Tambien la madre de Joseph MAcias Valadez era Josepha Alvarez
quien varios descendientes adoptaron el apellido Alvarez. Y Sebastiana tiene
una Josepha MAcias Valadez. Voy a ver con mas estudio.
Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
> Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 02:49:08 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
> Daniel,
> Es posible que Sebastian Macias Valades es hermano de Juan Macias Valades, hijo de Joseph Macias Valades y Catalina de la Vega. Juan se caso con Juana (Hernandez) Dominguez, hija de Juan Hernandez y Ana Dominguez, en Aguascalientes el 12 junio 1683. Por lo tanto, Josepha Hernandez Dominguez seria hermana de Juana. Curiosamente, Juan MV y Juana D, tuvieron un hijo Sebastian Macias Valades.
> Jaime Alvarado
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AUnque no encontre la informacion matrimonial ya que varios registros faltan o estan perdidos
Encontre 6 hijos de Sebastian Macias Valadez y JOsepha Dominguez Hernandez
4 de ellos son los mismos nombres de 4 antepasados, tuvieron PEdro, Ursula, Catalina, Antonio.
Quien serian los antepasados, Pedro ALonso de los Hinojos, Ursula Alvarez, Catalina Tavera de la Vega
y Antonio Ramirez de Tavera. Pienso que seria seguro que Sebastian es hijo de Joseph Macias Valadez
y Catalina Tavera de la Vega. Lo mismo que con Josepha, ya que sabesmos que es Hernandez Dominguez
(Hernandez Gamino=Dominguez). Josepha era hija de Juan Hernandez Gamino y Ana Dominguez. Otro
dato que ayuda con esto es que la hija de Sebastian MAcias y Josepha Dominguez (Hernandez)
que se llamo Getrudis era conocido como Gertrudis Dominguez y la vez su madre Josepha, esposa
de Sebastian, Josepha Dominguez. Ya sabemos que Dominguez era muy popular para las mujeres
de os Hernandez Gamino y Alonso de los Hinojos para adoptar ya que una antepasada Ana DOminguez
paso su apellido maternalmente para el proximo siglo. Voy a anadir los padres de Sebastian y Josepha.
Tuve estos en mi mente Joseph Macias y los restos como padres pero no era hasta este momente
que pense sobre los Dominguez que pasaron su apellidos bajo la genealogia. Gracias.
Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
> Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 02:49:08 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
> Daniel,
> Es posible que Sebastian Macias Valades es hermano de Juan Macias Valades, hijo de Joseph Macias Valades y Catalina de la Vega. Juan se caso con Juana (Hernandez) Dominguez, hija de Juan Hernandez y Ana Dominguez, en Aguascalientes el 12 junio 1683. Por lo tanto, Josepha Hernandez Dominguez seria hermana de Juana. Curiosamente, Juan MV y Juana D, tuvieron un hijo Sebastian Macias Valades.
> Jaime Alvarado
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Do you have the names of Catalina de la Vega and of Joseph Macias Valades. I've never been able to find their marriage information. You also attach Tavera to Catalina. I would be extremely interested in getting additional information on this couple.
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I'll have to see my sources but I believe it might have been through a will or a dispensa,
I found Catalina Tavera de la Vega was baptized 9 december 1635 in Lagos de Moreno,
I belive their marrage info will be in Lagos de Moreno records. She was daughter
of Antonio Ramirez de Tavera and Leonor Rubio. Joseph Macias Valadez was baptized
17 august 1623 in Aguascalientes, son of Alonso Macias valadez and Ursula Alvarez,
Ursula's last name was popular among several female descendants so you'll see them occasionally.
This is another reason why I know Joseph's parents are these, Alvarez was passed down
from Ursula to Joseph's and Catalina's daughter Josepha Alvarez who married Antonio de Cuellar
on 29 nov `1681 in Aguascalientes.
Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 04:03:28 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
> Daniel,
> Do you have the names of Catalina de la Vega and of Joseph Macias Valades. I've never been able to find their marriage information. You also attach Tavera to Catalina. I would be extremely interested in getting additional information on this couple.
> Jaime
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I seemed to have screwed up here, not on Joseph MAcias, I got his line down correctly
but on Catalina, some reason I have confused two Catalina de la Vega, in the death of
record of Joseph Macias' daughter, Ursula Alvarez, named after her grandmother another
who used Alvarez, the priest appears to have listed her parents as JOseph Alvarez Macias
and Catalina Duran Vega, their still might be a possibility that I might still have
Catalina;s parents right, Ive seen Duran somewhere else with this family but cant recall
at the moment. So now the right thing to do is question Catalina's ancestry. Ill have to
remove her parents in my paf for now, il just make a note "In research." I stil wonder
how I got her parents, there had to be a record pointing me to this direction, I dont
just link random people for no reason. Uh this is going to bother me for a while, but like it,
makesme work even hard to find this line.
Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 04:03:28 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
> Daniel,
> Do you have the names of Catalina de la Vega and of Joseph Macias Valades. I've never been able to find their marriage information. You also attach Tavera to Catalina. I would be extremely interested in getting additional information on this couple.
> Jaime
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One family of the duran sometimes showed up with a different last name then later because the parents did not marry until after the fifth child. They continued having many children after marrying.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 21:51:31
To: Patty Hoyos
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
I seemed to have screwed up here, not on Joseph MAcias, I got his line down correctly
but on Catalina, some reason I have confused two Catalina de la Vega, in the death of
record of Joseph Macias' daughter, Ursula Alvarez, named after her grandmother another
who used Alvarez, the priest appears to have listed her parents as JOseph Alvarez Macias
and Catalina Duran Vega, their still might be a possibility that I might still have
Catalina;s parents right, Ive seen Duran somewhere else with this family but cant recall
at the moment. So now the right thing to do is question Catalina's ancestry. Ill have to
remove her parents in my paf for now, il just make a note "In research." I stil wonder
how I got her parents, there had to be a record pointing me to this direction, I dont
just link random people for no reason. Uh this is going to bother me for a while, but like it,
makesme work even hard to find this line.
Daniel Mendez de Camino y Garcia de Leon
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 04:03:28 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Dead Ends
> Daniel,
> Do you have the names of Catalina de la Vega and of Joseph Macias Valades. I've never been able to find their marriage information. You also attach Tavera to Catalina. I would be extremely interested in getting additional information on this couple.
> Jaime
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Dead Ends