Rancho de la Savor ? Not sure of correct spelling/name

I have a marriage record for Cruz Chaves y Juana Gonzales dated 02 April 1856. It states that Cruz Chaves, single, 22 y/o native and resident of Hacienda de Plateado, legitimate son of Agustin Chaves y Guadalupe Gusman, who are alive... bride: Juana Gonzales, 18 y/o native and resident of the Rancho de la Savor (?) not sure of the spelling of the rancho. Juana is the legitimate daughter of Cesario Gonzales y Maria Demetria Aleman, (alive).

Any help is estabishing the correct name of the rancho, and where it is located would be greatly appreciated.

I have spent years trying to establish the linage of Juana Gonsalez, and I finally believe that her first marriage was to Cruz Chaves in 1856, and that her second marriage was to Juan Corvera/Corbera in 1865.

If I can establish the name of the Rancho, I may then beable to locate Juana's birth record, as well as the marriage record of her second marriage.

Thank You,
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA

Thank you Miguel. The "L" and "S" letters in this document are difficult to read.

I appreicate your input.

Pat Silva Corbera

----- Original Message -----
From: migueltran@gmail.com
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2010 3:04:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Rancho de la Savor ? Not

Should be "La Labor", a very common name for ranches-

Debe ser "La Labor", un nombre muy comun para los ranchos.

Miguel Beltran