I have a marriage record for Cruz Chaves y Juana Gonzales dated 02 April 1856. It states that Cruz Chaves, single, 22 y/o native and resident of Hacienda de Plateado, legitimate son of Agustin Chaves y Guadalupe Gusman, who are alive... bride: Juana Gonzales, 18 y/o native and resident of the Rancho de la Savor (?) not sure of the spelling of the rancho. Juana is the legitimate daughter of Cesario Gonzales y Maria Demetria Aleman, (alive).
Any help is estabishing the correct name of the rancho, and where it is located would be greatly appreciated.
I have spent years trying to establish the linage of Juana Gonsalez, and I finally believe that her first marriage was to Cruz Chaves in 1856, and that her second marriage was to Juan Corvera/Corbera in 1865.
If I can establish the name of the Rancho, I may then beable to locate Juana's birth record, as well as the marriage record of her second marriage.
Thank You,
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
Should be "La Labor", a very common name for ranches-
Debe ser "La Labor", un nombre muy comun para los ranchos.
Miguel Beltran
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Thank you Miguel. The "L" and "S" letters in this document are difficult to read.
I appreicate your input.
Pat Silva Corbera
----- Original Message -----
From: migueltran@gmail.com
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2010 3:04:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Rancho de la Savor ? Not
Should be "La Labor", a very common name for ranches-
Debe ser "La Labor", un nombre muy comun para los ranchos.
Miguel Beltran
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Rancho de la Savor ? Not